As someone whose bin receives unwanted poop, the issue is that it goes straight to the bottom of the bin and never leaves because they don't lift the cans up all the way. Then it gets smashed by my own trash, so now I have a permanently poopy-smelling trash bin that receives weekly deposits.
my dad found that putting a big, heavy rock on top of the bin was enough to stop this from happening to him. (he removes the rock before the crash gets collected.) from his perspective, the people who use other people’s trash cans to throw away their dog poop are doing it because it’s the most immediate and convenient option. if you find a way to make it slightly less convenient, they’ll look for something else.
This is a you problem not a them problem. As other poster notes, you need clean these out periodically anyway. Also, why do you care how a rubbish bin smells? Do you live with it in your house or something?
I agree with you half way. If a person asks then yeah, however you don’t know where the trash bin is being stored. It could make it extra smelly and they may not want that to be next to their house. If it’s on the curb about to be picked up, sure why the heck not.
My friend (who's an engineer) is so fed up with a neighbor doing this he's building an electric dog whistle that'll automatically go off. Seems a bit petty to me but 🤷
Even dog shit in a trash can is super polarizing. This was the first comment I saw even mentioning asking the person nicely to stop first. Like maybe put up a sign saying 'No dog poop please' before making a threat or a thing meant to bother the dog.
Oftentimes, these kinds of people don't bother to check if the bins have already been picked up or not, so you get a bin that smells like dog shit for the next week.
Your friend sounds very creative, I'd personally go for gluing a piece of velcro to the inside lip of the handle with razor blades on it. Of course, I'm also not an engineer, just somebody whose grandfather was friends with the #2 Hell's Angel for a state who would ask if he wanted him to "take care of" problems like that. The old razor blades and broken glass in the root ball trick worked wonders when somebody was repeatedly stealing the shrubs out of my grandfather's pots.
Maybe try asking them nicely first, or putting up a sign that doesn't have a threat in it? Like, I get it, someone slighted you so you got to make them think twice before crossing you again, but going straight to building a trap with razor blades is a bit extreme and will probably land you before a judge.
Assuming it's sealed in a plastic bag and the night before collection, who cares? The alternative is carrying around a warm poop bag in your coat pocket until you get home. Seems completely reasonable to take care of it this way on trash night.
If it's not meeting those above two criteria, then hell yeah, it's time for a new hood ornament.
If it's the night before collection, no one would notice or care. People who do that are not the people anyone complains about.
What happens is people dump their plastic bag of dog poop in the empty can. So it stays there.
Next pickup the resident's trash bags go on top of it. The trash men never manage to get the poop bag out. After a couple weeks of hoping it will disappear next time, the person whose can it is has to dump it out and put it in a bag with their trash.
People who dump their dog's poop bag in other people's cans should be force fed the bag.
Ehh, I'd prefer they bag it and put it in my trash bin, rather than just leaving a pile of shit in my yard. I'd honestly prefer neither, but using my bin to throw poop bags or even loose trash doesn't bother me too much
But my bin is also only on the curb when it's trash day. And they pick them up twice a week here, so a poop bag won't necessarily "marinate" in there for long. And I rinse the bin with a hose if it becomes gross, but that's rare because usually the rain will handle most of it
But that's just my particular situation, so it doesn't bother me as much. I could easily see how a multitude of different factors, might make the situation aggravating/infuriating
Never thought I'd feel lucky about my trash bin situation though. Sometimes it really is the little things I guess
I never used to understand the people that just left a poop bag alongside the road, but suddenly now I feel like I understand exactly what exchange led to that choice.
Trash collectors on my street don't empty the can into the truck, they just grab the bag I put in and throw that in. That dog shit bag would stay in my can until I moved it to the larger bag. I should not have to do that.
Cold weather. Dog that needs two hands on leash and no sidewalk so carrying a flashlight. Needs a dedicated pocket. Also, while these dog aliens have definitely enslaved us, I like the modicum of dignity provided by not visibly showcasing that I'm carrying a dangling bag of their poo I picked up.
When my dog poops I don't put the poop bag in my pocket, I just carry it home. If there is a public trash can I will use it. Never in the pockets though. It is poop.
I had some Karen type yell at me for doing this. So I pointed at the side of the can, which did not in fact say her name, but instead said Borough of Naugatuck, and reminded her that as a resident of Naugatuck I had as much of a right to its garbage bins as she did.
People downvoting this probably also get pissy if you park in the street in front of their house. ITS EVERYBODY'S STREET YOU SCHMUCK
Trash disposal isn't free, yea the dog poop is probably a negligent amount, but most people have to explicitly pay for trash disposal, and so filling up other people's trash cans can either cause an additional financial burden on them, or mean that they can't effectively dispose of all of their trash.
It looks like in your case, each unit gets a can assigned to it, and service fees and replacements cost the individual directly, additionally, there are fines for trash violations, so having other people put unknown trash in your bins can result in a direct financial burden. I think it's pretty reasonable to be relatively protective over your trash bin if you are the one that has to pay for service, replacements, and fees.
Trash pickup is paid for by regular local taxes in Naugatuck Connecticut. The town gives each household a trash bin and a recycling bin with instructions to fill them and leave them by the curb on a specific day. Nobody weighs them. The bins say 'Borough of Naugatuck' on them, because the town owns them, which makes them fair game.
I don't know how trash disposal works wherever Naugatuck is, but it is usually a paid service. It makes no difference whatsoever which party owns the container serving that household.
Must be a posh nimby, don't know why anyone would willing carry dogshit around with them, especially if there's no public bins available, just don't use the same one every time.
If someone did this in my neighborhood, every single dog walker in the area would go out of their way to deposit 100% of their poop babies (autocorrect but I'm leaving it) in this trash can only. If I was still in Texas, we'd open carry while doing it!
Seriously people. No one should tolerate elder abuse.
Idk I'd rather a passerby toss their poop or other trash in my can rather than throw it on the ground. Hell if you're really desperate and can't afford trash service I'd even tolerate a bag. But don't be filling up my can.
I used to like in a neighborhood where one lady would randomly throw her trash bags in someone's yard or behind my fence. City wouldn't do shit about her. I didn't like any of it and never did figure out where she lived but I was at that point of just telling her to put it in the fucking can because at least I wouldn't have to pick it up after the raccoons got into it and scattered it in the grass behind the fence.
Am I the only person that makes my dog carry her own poop bag? I just double knot it and attach it to where the leash attaches on her harness. All these people talking about putting bags in their coats or carrying them...I don't get it.
Speaking as someone with no skin in the game (I have no pets and I've never had weeks old bags of dog poop in my bin), does any dog poop keep the racoons away from your bins?
I also don't have racoons getting into my trash (I do not overfill my trash bin and it is always left closed) but I do see their little paw prints appear on my trash can sometimes.