The 4B movement, which originated in South Korea, is described as a feminist movement against the patriarchy and has been gaining steam on social media in the U
I definitely support women’s rights and will always believe in their unfettered right to decide their own reproductive choices. I was worried when I first read this, however. If the only people having children are the fascists and their enablers, I fear the future will be even more bleak than the present. That said, this story does seem to indicate the movement is more based around not having children with Trump voters which I find completely reasonable.
That's totally erasing the born children's ability to think critically. Loads of children from that environment grow up to leave it for the left. Speaking from experience
Women don't want to subject their children to this world. My cousin teared up the other day because she feels so bad she had kids 10 years ago and the future is so bleak. You all do not understand us at all, do you? Climate change, anyone? Why would I birth a baby that will just drown to death in a flood?
I can understand that view, I just don’t agree with it. If we don’t believe in trying to working for a better future, no matter how bad it’s looking (holy shit is it bad rn), then I feel like we might as well line up like lemmings and walk the plank.
it's interesting to see the summaries become more inaccurate and incendiary as you change the "bias" from left to right.
left wing summary:
The 4B movement began in South Korea in 2019, advocating against heterosexual marriage, childbirth, dating, and sexual relationships with men.
Supporters aim to boycott a system they believe promotes gender inequity, seeking control over their lives.
The movement's potential expansion to the U.S. Is seen as a response to perceived threats to women's rights following an election.
right wing summary:
A group of American liberal women launched the "4B Movement" to boycott relationships with men who voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election.
The movement is a protest against perceived threats to women's rights, including concerns about abortion rights and gender equality.
The effectiveness of the "4B Movement" in causing political change is currently uncertain, as it primarily aims to make a statement.
notice how the left wing summary properly states that this is a movement that started years ago in korea, and that it's something that women in the US are adopting due to the recent election. meanwhile, the right wing summary falsely claims that the movement was created by "American liberal women". it also claims that the movement was created to "boycott relationships with men who voted for Donald Trump", which is just not true from the other things i've read. everything else seems to indicate that the 4B movement is about boycotting relationships with all men, not just trump supporters. but maybe i'm wrong about that last point.
See that's wild to me. If women ended relationships with Trump supporters that would be quite a statement.
However it's mostly left leaning women joining 4b. 52% of white women voted for Trump, even more when you include those who stayed home. That means more conservative relationships, marriages, families and fewer leftist ones. It's almost what conservatives want with all that pureblood talk that the non pure bloods stop reproducing.
Whatever at least it's bringing attention to the cause for now so that's worth something.
i can forgive people for not referencing an ancient comedy that would take an entire paragraph of preamble to explain its relevant before making a point about a fictional story from a long time ago.
The 4B movement could be considered a type of genocide actually, I'm surprised Rs aren't getting upset about that (and I 100% support our right to genocide them back by using our rights to our own bodies)
A “women are property” sign showed up in Texas, complete with a reference to old Jewish law via Romans.
In Sunday school I learned that when Jesus arrived it was now his way not the Old Testament way. And yet. Lewis Black has a whole stand up bit regarding his utter confusion at Christians wanting to tap into his god, who he describes as “a real son of a bitch”.
In the context of what is about to happen in America, it makes complete sense. It’s a cherry picked excuse to treat us as prized livestock.
Legacy is a commodity. I would argue it’s the ultimate commodity. And men don’t have choice there unless it’s given to them by a women. Or an abortion ban, wherein rapists now get to choose. Put the pieces together and legacy, in conjunction with traditional male roles attached to that will be sitting in the center.
I don't think that's what GP is doing. They're saying that misogynists are going to double-down. Hell, Vance has already said it should be a crime for women to not have children; all they'll do is codify it into law. Don't make a kid by 25, and it's jail time, or you become unemployable, or something. They'll find a way.
Everyone should have complete choice over their bodies: women, trans women, trans men, men, ungendered whomever. The fact is that, come January and very possibly essentially forever thereafter, whatever protest actions women take will be countered by conservatives by legislature that makes things worse for women, until we arrive at The Handmaid's Tale. Case in point: after Texas voted to remove a woman's choice and women started traveling to other states for abortions, what did Texas conservatives do? Sit back and let it happen?
By all means, protest, and support the protesters, but we need to start planning for the reaction, because it will come. I think legalizing rape, or maybe only allowing men to press charges in case some other man uses their property, is the least we can expect.
God damnit the dating scene is already brutal enough. Dating apps are crap. I'm seeing a ton of friends going 4b. And the worst thing (from a dating perspective) is that they are right.
Fuck you Republicans. I hope all your sex dolls pop.
The thing is, Republican women aren't interested in 4b. Abstinence can be a really effective means of protest, but only if a majority of women participate. 45% of women voted for Trump, and over 50% of white women voted for Trump. If the only women open to relationships are Republicans, a lot of men who don't care about politics will turn red.
First off, back when the majority of women available to date were leftwing, men didn't get more leftwing. It didn't happen. Women in the youngest voting demographic on exit polls were something like 61% voted for Kamala, whereas the men it was 45%. If your theory was right (and not just an excuse to blame women for men's abuse), those numbers would be equal.
Women in general are more prone to abstinence. This includes conservative women, many of whom believe sex without the intent of procreation is wrong. Many will not engage in premarital sex and will not cohabitate before marriage. Some don't believe in birth control. Many believe masturbation is wrong. Do you think they are having the same type of sex as nonconservatives? Lol. Also, these women don't believe in abortion. There are women who are lesbians, suppressing it for religious reasons, who will never enjoy sex with a man but will do it anyway. They have very extreme views I doubt you've considered. And then there's their fathers and family, some of whom will threaten you with a gun outright because that's considered a funny conservative trope.
So yeah, if that's your morals, go ahead and go. You were always the patriarchal piece of shit we knew you to be. Have fun with your weird ass handmaid.
Fuck you Republicans. I hope all your sex dolls pop.
Read Handmaid's Tale. They won't need dolls.
Margaret Atwood made sure that everything that happens in that story is something that has happened in real life at some point in history. It will now happen again.
Joking aside, I needed to be better at getting my friends to vote at all. They were abstaining out of protest and I just couldn't get through. It was tough and it's enraging to see them go "I told you so".
I only have this bit of unsolicited advice. Try to still form genuine connections with men who you consider to be decent human beings when possible. I'm not saying this for our sake either. This is not South Korea. This is potentially probably going to be worse. If our government goes all the way and removes women's rights in their entirety then you're going to want men in your life that you can trust.
I would say this really goes for everyone. Trump's revenge tour is going to be cruel and people need to form strong communities. This is a time where people need to find like minded individuals and band together if they want to make it through the hell that's approaching us.
Neither of my two kids wants kids (one is ace/aro), so it ends with me. And if I'd had been more tuned in politically in 2006 and had thought about it for half a tick, I don't know that I would have chosen to have kids in the first place.
You don’t need to pass it genetically, most behaviors are learned. Thats not to say that it’s deterministic, but statistically people are likely to have the same religious and political views as their parents.
Your 2nd option assumes that there is always a majority that should make room for minorities, otherwise minorities will not exist? Because minorities have existed throughout history.
Strange how this appears to be a very close carbon copy of MGTOW - don’t marry, don’t have kids, don’t cohabitate, focus on yourself over chasing skirts - and yet 4B is celebrated and MGTOW is vilified. Surprising how blatant the anti-male gender bigotry gets.
It gets even crazier when you realize that MGTOW is doing that one thing women have been begging men to do for generations - for men to leave them completely alone, to not approach them or flirt with them or bother them in any way - and yet MGTOW men are crucified for doing exactly that.
Hypocrisy, much?
I mean, 4B is a good thing. Humanity is already four times past the planet’s safe carrying capacity, so less humans are what we should be aiming for. Plus, if this 4B thing takes off and has a deep impact over decades, most women involved with it will exit out of their fertility window - from age 15 to 35 - without ever having had a child.
I’m an egalitarian. If MGTOW is a thing, why not 4B? Both should be able to exist.
What I have a problem with, however, is that any fair and equitable society cannot celebrate one and vilify the other. Otherwise, why call it “equality,” when it is anything but that?
Your response was, "Won't somebody think of the men!?"
False. I never said that. I never implored anyone to “think about the men”, or tried to leverage an intellectually bankrupt zero-sum argument like you did.
I said, “is no-one disturbed by the blatant hypocrisy?”
I don’t care about men being ignored. Society treats men as worthless unless they are providing something of value, so ignoring men is par for the course anyhow.
I just hate inequality and bigoted double standards.
most women involved with it will exit out of their fertility window - from age 15 to 35
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shut the fuck up permanently you goddamned weirdo.
Ah, let me guess - you know nothing about human reproduction and basic biology, no?
Helpful hint: look up the term “geriatric pregnancy”. And look at the statistics of female fertility - without the aid of modern medicine - after 35. Spoiler: it drops off a cliff, and most women are functionally sterile by 40-45.
Stuff like this is covered in post-secondary biology classes at most any university. And it’s not even in the advanced classes - if memory serves, it was a second-year class where I came across this info.
The 4B movement in South Korea is meant to oppose their patriarchal state because they don't want to be viewed as reproductive tools.
On the other hand the movement you're talking about is meant to "protect" against feminism and oppose a supposed bias against men in society, which is ludicrous when you consider that women are discriminated against much much more to the point it's not even comparable. It's just a misogynistic movement.
So no, this isn't hypocrisy, these are very different.
Now, if men made a movement to protest gendered expectations or real problems without jumping through a thousand hoops to blame feminism, and without its logic being based in misogyny, I think that would be better received.
Even if they don't think that, they sure seem to think that women are nothing but incubators whose wants and needs and rights are of no importance, only our uteri are.
Exactly like the other misogynists women are doing this to avoid!
But I bet they're the first to jump up and whine that not all men.. 🙄
I'm afraid of this backfiring due to newly re-entrenched & emboldened misogyny refusing to do anything against those raping women for refusing to have sex with them. The incels that have been stewing in their resentment for years are gonna explode, and many will get away with it.