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oh no! think of the stock market!
  • Producing electricity when it isn’t needed is only a problem when someone is looking to make money off of it.

    I never said it should be. There are plenty of ways to regulate electricity production, storage, and even usage, they just aren't considered "profitable" so are dismissed, overlooked, and or deliberately smeared and destroyed because they threaten those whose profits they would hurt.

  • oh no! think of the stock market!
  • Corporate greed aside none sane would like their tax money either to be spent on producing electricity when it’s not needed.

    You need to set the corporate greed aside in your own mind, too (not saying you're greedy, saying you've been indoctrinated to only see life in capitalist terms). Stop thinking in "cost" or "profit", start thinking in "benefit" and "use". Producing electricity when it isn't needed is only a problem when someone is looking to make money off of it.

  • don't hate the player, hate the game?
  • I don't disagree, but I do think the anarchist idea of a government (which is what I personally had in mind) is so far removed from what most people today can envisage when they hear that word, that it's still worth differentiating.

  • Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed
  • I've never used Plex before, that's a huge turn off. Though tbf I've still not watched the episodes I already have, so I'm in no rush to put myself through that annoyance lol

    It's good to know they're there though, for now anyway, and that at least someone has them and is making them available.

  • Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed
  • So I was going to say thanks for the reminder to go check if more episodes of the Drew Carey Show had been uploaded to since the last time I checked, only to find that those that were already on there (first 2 or 3 seasons I think?) are now all gone (apart from the Improv-A-Ganza episodes, which I will be downloading before they disappear too). Nowhere is safe.

  • Jamali Maddix's documentaries Hate Thy Neighbour, and Follow the Leader

    In general I'm really liking Jamali style, though I do think that at times he makes the people he's interviewing feel a little too comfortable. I understand that they need to be, so that they open up (and don't turn on him), but also there's a level of comfort and chumminess that Nazis and the likes don't deserve, and I feel like he crossed that line a couple of times (not accusing him of supporting or agreeing with them or anything, to be clear, but I'd much rather he didn't have to do that).

    Either way, they're definitely worth watching.

    Hate Thy Neighbour

    Follow the Leader

    Britain already socialist, Liz Truss announces
  • It starts off funny, and they you remember that these are the out of touch arseholes running the fucking country (she seems to be refusing to fuck off, but also even if she did, she's far from the only right winged wanker who genuinely believes this shit).

  • Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price
  • But Twitter is a real fuckup for him

    Except it clearly fucking isn't, it's doing exactly what he bought it for, including convincing people like you to feel sympathy for him and his "loss", which is equal parts hilarious and really fucking sad. You're looking at his life from the point of view of a poor person, something he never was and never will be, yet he's still so easily manipulated you in to feeling bad for him (and the billions he's lost, leaving him... still the motherfucking richest person on the planet), and even fucking (think you) relate to him and the idea that he can "fail" just like you can, using you as a living breathing mouthpiece to make his life easier. Not yours.

    perfect boy genius mystique

    I just threw up a little in my mouth, thanks.

  • don't hate the player, hate the game?
  • I think I would swap the word government for collective, but otherwise I completely agree, and yeah, we're a long way away unfortunately. But we can hope, and inform others, and join/invest in projects that are working towards that end!

  • Be the change you want to see in the world...
  • To add:

    “Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.” -Assata Shakur

    Nonviolence declares that the American Indians could have fought off Columbus, George Washington, and all the other genocidal butchers with sit-ins; that Crazy Horse, by using violent resistance, became part of the cycle of violence, and was “as bad as” Custer. Nonviolence declares that Africans could have stopped the slave trade with hunger strikes and petitions, and that those who mutinied were as bad as their captors; that mutiny, a form of violence, led to more violence, and, thus, resistance led to more enslavement. Nonviolence refuses to recognize that it can only work for privileged people, who have a status protected by violence, as the perpetrators and beneficiaries of a violent hierarchy. -Peter Gelderloos

    I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." -MLK

    I just don't believe that when people are being unjustly oppressed that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they can come out from under that oppression. -Malcolm X

  • Hungrule hungrule Moo Deng

    ID: photos of pygmy hippopotamus Moo Deng superimposed on a hungry hungry hippo board

    I'm beginning to notice a pattern
  • Pretending something that was never stateless, classless, and moneyless but rather quite the fucking opposite (E: and was never going to end up there, either) was communism, shows you need to hit the books on how communism is actually intended to function.

  • Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price
  • And yet, he's still one of the what, 5 richest people on the planet?

    He doesn't give a shit, and neither should you (as nice as the schadenfreude might feel). He got something worth more to him than plain old money - an established propaganda platform, which he is using as he intended - to war monger and otherwise interfere in politics to ensure fascism progresses as fast as he can help it. The "dent" (more like a surface scratch) it put in his finances is completely invisible and irrelevant to him.

    And it should be to you, too.

    He is NEVER going to end up without means or power, not even fucking close, unless we take them from him, and abolish the system that encouraged and enabled him to amass them in the first place.

  • I'm beginning to notice a pattern
  • Lol, you mean the state capitalists? You're not making the (weak, "whatabout") point you think you are, but hey, your confidence in your wilful ignorance in defence of those exploiting you for profit* is almost impressive! (but not really) 🙄😂

    *E: and guess what, I don't even need to know where you live to say this, because every working class person on the planet is currently being exploited for profit through both labour and war, but don't let that get in the way of the bootlicking you've come here to do in self-destructive defence of your beloved capitalism (I threw up in my mouth a little)...

  • TIL miniblinds with pull cords to raise and lower them are now illegal to sell in the United States
  • When my cat was a baby she got tangled by the neck in a blinds cord, thankfully I was right there, but it scared the shit out of me. I rent, and still (and everywhere else I've lived) have corded blinds, but the cords are now rolled up and tied to the top so they're out of the way. This kind of regulation is a good thing.

  • Wonderule

    ID: woman yelling at cat "you said you would stop singing Wonderwall!" . Cat replies "I said maybe"

    10 Labour adopts hated Tory bank surveillance and DWP search and seize powers

    Get the benefits you're entitled to: help with personal independence payment (PIP), universal credit (UC), employment and support allowance (ESA),disability living allowance (DLA). Claims, assessments, reviews, appeals.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Labour is to revive the hated Tory plan to force banks to carry out surveillance on claimants’ accounts and give the DWP police type power to search premises and seize possessions. > > > > The Tory provisions were contained in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, but this failed to be passed into law before the general election and was therefore scrapped. > > > > Now, however, Labour have announced that they are to include what appear to be very similar provisions in a new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill. > > > > According to the DWP, the new law will give the DWP powers to: > > > > - Better investigate suspected fraud and new powers of search and seizure so DWP can take greater control investigations into criminal gangs defrauding the taxpayer. > > > > - Allow DWP to recover debts from individuals who can pay money back but have avoided doing so, bringing greater fairness to debt recoveries. > > > > - Require banks and financial institutions to share data that may show indications of potential benefit overpayments > > > > The Tory bank surveillance provisions would have forced banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account went over the capital limit or was used abroad for more than four weeks. > > > > In late 2023, it was estimated that almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the Tory surveillance net, including: > > > > - 8 million universal credit claimants > > > > - 6 million employment and support allowance claimants > > > > - 4 million pension credit claimants > > > > That number is likely to have increased by now, especially with the push to get more people to sign-up for pension credit. > > > > Labour’s new bill will also give the DWP the power to search premises and seize evidence, such as documents, laptops and phones. > > > > The Tory Bill contained similar powers. > > > > It would have allowed designated DWP staff to arrest claimants, search premises and seize any evidence they found without needing to use the police. The DWP said this would put them on a par with HMRC and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA). > > > > In an attempt to reassure claimants, the DWP today claimed that: > > > > “The Bill will also include safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable customers. Staff will be trained to the highest standards on the appropriate use of any new powers, and we will introduce new oversight and reporting mechanisms, to monitor these new powers. DWP will not have access to people’s bank accounts and will not share their personal information with third parties.” > > > > Labour claim that these powers will only be used against criminal gangs. But, until we see the text of the bill, we will have no way of knowing whether the law will actually prevent the DWP using their new powers against individual claimants if they so choose. > > > > The outline of the new bill was published today by the DWP to coincide with Kier Starmer’s first speech as prime minister to a Labour party conference. > > > > In his speech, Starmer made only a brief reference to the new bill, saying, “If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud and do everything we can to tackle worklessness.” > > > > Back in April of this year the then prime minister, Rishi Sunak, outlined his plan to give the DWP police powers. He did this whilst setting out his five point plan for welfare reform in a speech at the right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social justice, founded by Iain Duncan-Smith. > > > > Just five months later, Keir Starmer has announced similar measures, this time in a speech to the Labour party conference. > > > > The other four Sunak points were: > > > > - The WCA to be made harder to pass > > > > - GPs no longer to issue fit notes > > > > - Legacy benefits claimants to move to UC sooner and work requirements to be increased > > > > - PIP no longer always a cash benefit and fewer people to be eligible > > > > We will now have to wait for Labour’s welfare reform white paper to see whether any of the four remaining points will also be adopted as Labour policy.

    2 Labour adopts hated Tory bank surveillance and DWP search and seize powers

    Get the benefits you're entitled to: help with personal independence payment (PIP), universal credit (UC), employment and support allowance (ESA),disability living allowance (DLA). Claims, assessments, reviews, appeals.

    cross-posted from:

    > Labour is to revive the hated Tory plan to force banks to carry out surveillance on claimants’ accounts and give the DWP police type power to search premises and seize possessions. > > The Tory provisions were contained in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, but this failed to be passed into law before the general election and was therefore scrapped. > > Now, however, Labour have announced that they are to include what appear to be very similar provisions in a new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill. > > According to the DWP, the new law will give the DWP powers to: > > - Better investigate suspected fraud and new powers of search and seizure so DWP can take greater control investigations into criminal gangs defrauding the taxpayer. > > - Allow DWP to recover debts from individuals who can pay money back but have avoided doing so, bringing greater fairness to debt recoveries. > > - Require banks and financial institutions to share data that may show indications of potential benefit overpayments > > The Tory bank surveillance provisions would have forced banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account went over the capital limit or was used abroad for more than four weeks. > > In late 2023, it was estimated that almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the Tory surveillance net, including: > > - 8 million universal credit claimants > > - 6 million employment and support allowance claimants > > - 4 million pension credit claimants > > That number is likely to have increased by now, especially with the push to get more people to sign-up for pension credit. > > Labour’s new bill will also give the DWP the power to search premises and seize evidence, such as documents, laptops and phones. > > The Tory Bill contained similar powers. > > It would have allowed designated DWP staff to arrest claimants, search premises and seize any evidence they found without needing to use the police. The DWP said this would put them on a par with HMRC and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA). > > In an attempt to reassure claimants, the DWP today claimed that: > > “The Bill will also include safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable customers. Staff will be trained to the highest standards on the appropriate use of any new powers, and we will introduce new oversight and reporting mechanisms, to monitor these new powers. DWP will not have access to people’s bank accounts and will not share their personal information with third parties.” > > Labour claim that these powers will only be used against criminal gangs. But, until we see the text of the bill, we will have no way of knowing whether the law will actually prevent the DWP using their new powers against individual claimants if they so choose. > > The outline of the new bill was published today by the DWP to coincide with Kier Starmer’s first speech as prime minister to a Labour party conference. > > In his speech, Starmer made only a brief reference to the new bill, saying, “If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud and do everything we can to tackle worklessness.” > > Back in April of this year the then prime minister, Rishi Sunak, outlined his plan to give the DWP police powers. He did this whilst setting out his five point plan for welfare reform in a speech at the right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social justice, founded by Iain Duncan-Smith. > > Just five months later, Keir Starmer has announced similar measures, this time in a speech to the Labour party conference. > > The other four Sunak points were: > > - The WCA to be made harder to pass > > - GPs no longer to issue fit notes > > - Legacy benefits claimants to move to UC sooner and work requirements to be increased > > - PIP no longer always a cash benefit and fewer people to be eligible > > We will now have to wait for Labour’s welfare reform white paper to see whether any of the four remaining points will also be adopted as Labour policy.

    0 Labour adopts hated Tory bank surveillance and DWP search and seize powers

    Get the benefits you're entitled to: help with personal independence payment (PIP), universal credit (UC), employment and support allowance (ESA),disability living allowance (DLA). Claims, assessments, reviews, appeals.

    Labour is to revive the hated Tory plan to force banks to carry out surveillance on claimants’ accounts and give the DWP police type power to search premises and seize possessions.

    The Tory provisions were contained in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, but this failed to be passed into law before the general election and was therefore scrapped.

    Now, however, Labour have announced that they are to include what appear to be very similar provisions in a new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill.

    According to the DWP, the new law will give the DWP powers to:

    • Better investigate suspected fraud and new powers of search and seizure so DWP can take greater control investigations into criminal gangs defrauding the taxpayer.

    • Allow DWP to recover debts from individuals who can pay money back but have avoided doing so, bringing greater fairness to debt recoveries.

    • Require banks and financial institutions to share data that may show indications of potential benefit overpayments

    The Tory bank surveillance provisions would have forced banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account went over the capital limit or was used abroad for more than four weeks.

    In late 2023, it was estimated that almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the Tory surveillance net, including:

    • 8 million universal credit claimants

    • 6 million employment and support allowance claimants

    • 4 million pension credit claimants

    That number is likely to have increased by now, especially with the push to get more people to sign-up for pension credit.

    Labour’s new bill will also give the DWP the power to search premises and seize evidence, such as documents, laptops and phones.

    The Tory Bill contained similar powers.

    It would have allowed designated DWP staff to arrest claimants, search premises and seize any evidence they found without needing to use the police. The DWP said this would put them on a par with HMRC and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA).

    In an attempt to reassure claimants, the DWP today claimed that:

    “The Bill will also include safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable customers. Staff will be trained to the highest standards on the appropriate use of any new powers, and we will introduce new oversight and reporting mechanisms, to monitor these new powers. DWP will not have access to people’s bank accounts and will not share their personal information with third parties.”

    Labour claim that these powers will only be used against criminal gangs. But, until we see the text of the bill, we will have no way of knowing whether the law will actually prevent the DWP using their new powers against individual claimants if they so choose.

    The outline of the new bill was published today by the DWP to coincide with Kier Starmer’s first speech as prime minister to a Labour party conference.

    In his speech, Starmer made only a brief reference to the new bill, saying, “If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud and do everything we can to tackle worklessness.”

    Back in April of this year the then prime minister, Rishi Sunak, outlined his plan to give the DWP police powers. He did this whilst setting out his five point plan for welfare reform in a speech at the right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social justice, founded by Iain Duncan-Smith.

    Just five months later, Keir Starmer has announced similar measures, this time in a speech to the Labour party conference.

    The other four Sunak points were:

    • The WCA to be made harder to pass

    • GPs no longer to issue fit notes

    • Legacy benefits claimants to move to UC sooner and work requirements to be increased

    • PIP no longer always a cash benefit and fewer people to be eligible

    We will now have to wait for Labour’s welfare reform white paper to see whether any of the four remaining points will also be adopted as Labour policy.

    Sharing the memes of production

    ID: puns about communism aren't funny unless everyone gets them

    me_irl ShareMySims

    ID: a person on the phone looking serious, a text bubble beneath says: "I have hidden a single raisin in every single chocolate chip cookie and muffin in the united states. here's my list of demands"

    Does this count? 😂

    ID: Jamie Lee Curtis is facing the camera smiling, behind her is a tree, and peeking out from behind it is Mariah Carey dressed in a Santa dress. Jamie turns around to look, but no one is there, she turns back to the camera and looks worried.

    Extra WL in Isle of Dawn after update?

    I am 100% confident that I had collected all of the WL on the map after doing Eden this week (apart from trials), and was at 149 buffs knowing I just need todays shard to get to 150, but as part of my daily run I've just flown through Isle, and to my surprise, there was a WL waiting for me at the top of the hill/steps heading to the temple.

    I collected it and am now at 150, definitely hadn't lost any in the last few days, so what's going on?

    There has been a bugged WL on the map at Isle for absolute ages, I wonder if it has anything to do with an attempted fix? (E: just checked the nearest map shrine, and the WL indicator for Isle is gone, so this might be it!)

    Either way, worth having a look, in case it isn't just me!

    I feel so silly to only now realise that the anniversary disco ball and shell aren't like instruments or other props, and can only be seen or heard by others if they activate them themselves! 😂

    I was so excited to buy the disco ball specifically to use as a beacon to call attention and get help (with 4 player doors, yeti race, to mark for others where the turtle darkness bloom ended up, to give focus to good musicians, but most importantly the 4 player assembly quest), and was finding it surprisingly effective (I only had to wait like 15 minutes before 3 players showed up to do the quest!), it was really the main reason I was willing to spend so many hearts, only to now find out none of the other players could actually see its glowing lights, and it was all just a lucky coincidence 😂😂

    I think having these little parties happen (not too clear in the image, but we were all dancing lol) must have given me the wrong impression 😳

    For the record, I can completely understand why it is this way, with the disco ball especially, with photosensitivity and all that, but I figured at least the shell would work like an instrument (which can be muted separately already).

    Oh well, live and learn. Won't stop me throwing impromptu discos though, or wishing I could carry both these props at the same time! 🎉😂

    Tournament grouping controversy, my personal theory

    Let me start by saying I'm not competitive and don't care about who wins or how many points anyone has scored, I just participate for the in game currency and if the mini game is fun, then for that.

    Now to my observation - I know there has been a lot of speculation about the groupings of the teams and that blues just have more people so they're getting more points. I generally barely register the overall results or those of a race and just wait for the pop up to go away so I can go get the medal.

    But today I noticed something - there were two different shapes of blue cape in the end result. I didn't manage to get a screenshot of course, and the few times I tried to replicate this it didn't happen again (and all the capes, even if duplicate colour were the same shape), but I'm wondering, especially since we often only see greyed out capes in the results so maybe this has somehow gone under the radar, if they had intended to have 5 teams, to go with 5 Olympic rings (and the 5th realm most people run - vault), but for whatever reason the 5th team go absorbed in to blue, which is why there are so many more people in it.

    Has anyone else seen anything like this? I know this isn't the biggest pool of players to ask, but I'm don't really use any of the other platforms where people talk abut Sky (beyond lurking some on reddit).

    Anyway, just an observation and my personal conspiracy to go with it lol

    Just visited the office for the first time because anniversary. The place is horrible, why anyone would PAY to be able to spend time in a corporate environment like that really is beyond me lol

    Do people really spend money on a cape to access this place???

    It was giving me anxiety from the second I walked through the door, but then I accidentally clicked a thing that started a video on all the screens, and it was like something out of a nightmare, I had to get out of there 😂😂

    Cabinet quest won't complete?

    I've completed the cabinet quest from Season of Assembly at least 4 times in the past 2 days (I tried it ages ago but got frustrated then too and moved on to complete other seasons), I'll get the prompt saying I'm done and asking if I want to return the cabinet and I click yes, I'll get teleported back to the starting point (where the prayer circle was but then isn't anymore) then nothing happens. I'll go back to the treehouse via the tunnel and the guide will have a red dot and behave as if I've still got to go and complete the cabinet!

    Any ideas what I might be missing/doing wrong? 😭

    PS really glad to have found this community on lemmy, not sure why I didn't think to look sooner!

    What does your sims inventory look like?

    I hate my sim carrying loads of stuff for all sorts of reasons (I think it creates lag, I hate having to scroll through a load of items to find what I want, there are bugs where the whole inventory disappears when you do certain things and that seems to happens less when they carry less stuff), so I try to keep the bare minimum on my sim:

    • Hikon QX40di Gladiator camera
    • Collection Helper
    • Potent Invigorating Elixirs (means you never need to sleep)
    • Vials of Potent Bliss (cures loneliness and stress)
    • Wish Enhancing Serums (doubles all wish points, including lifetime wish for 24hr)
    • Jars of Potent Friendship (make almost any sim a good friend, except some NPCs like paparazzi)
    • Showers in a can (quick clean)
    • Pemmican (quick meal + special moodlet)
    • Death flower
    • Flame fruit (gives positive moodlet)

    But I do like to keep things just in case (as you do), so in their house I have different treasure chests for different things like seeds, gems, metals, inventions, relics, etc where I store most things (this allows for keeping much more junk which also potentially creates lag, but then, so do most things in the game lol and this way it isn't cluttering my space), and then my family inventory in buy mode is mostly free gifts my sim gets from being a celebrity, which I used to keep but now mostly sell.

    So, does anyone else have these kinds of systems, or do other people generally not give it much thought at all? 😂

    ‘The Sims’ Movie in the Works with Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap, Vertigo and ‘Loki’ Director Kate Herron ‘The Sims’ Movie in the Works With Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap, Vertigo and ‘Loki’ Director Kate Herron

    Roy Lee is among the producers of the feature project based on the beloved 2000s computer game.

    ‘The Sims’ Movie in the Works With Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap, Vertigo and ‘Loki’ Director Kate Herron

    Full length trailer for Sims 5?

    Or last ditch attempt to make Sims 4 look more appealing?

    I don't see them going back further, and as someone who never moved past Sims 3 (and who generally hates this lazy genre of movie, but especially when it's based on a game that has such open and individually adaptable play), this has very little appeal to me personally.

    Thoughts from fellow simmers?

    Do you plan your builds? If so, how and to what detail?

    I used to at most do a basic floor plan in ms paint on a 64x64 grid I had saved lol but the more I play around with constrainfloorelevation and the endless design options it opens up, the more I find I need to plan, and the harder it is to get my head around what I should do first, because it becomes so much harder to add and change things later on.

    I just completely scrapped a lot I'd been trying to figure out for ages because I realised I'd screwed something up it would take starting almost from scratch to fix, I do want to start again, and to avoid this happening again I've tried laying it out in sketches and diagrams but with having both the terrain and the levels of the build shifted and sometimes overlapping (or, in the case of basement and terrain - not allowed to overlap, which is mostly what's messing me up lol), it gets so confusing and my brain just fries 😂

    Probably just going to have to jump in and try to figure it out in practice.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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