I am the baseline for opinions and this is objectively correct.
Anyone who disagrees i will refer to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXArovLJ60A
Largest prison population SO FAR.
Those numbers are gonna go waay up soon.
Also if you count the nazi concentration camps then those were probably bigger but idk the number of US prisoners so enlighten me.
€/kWh gehen dauerhaft runter
Lebensdauer geht dauerhaft hoch
War nur ne frage der zeit bis irgend ne energie firma mal den profit ausrechnet und sagt, jop da steig ich fett ein. So langsam kippt es, leider 20 jahre zu spät.
Nah the state doesnt make money. The state pays the prison with taxes and then the privately owned prison loans out its slaves for to get even more profit
Its a rack mounted rack without the server.
Thats not even an insult tho. Its just an unfriendly expression of her dislike of musk. But yeah i agree, people need to start treating musk like the criminal piece of shit that he is.
Isnt the west and ukraine using chinese drones for lethal use too? Whats the confusion about?
There are plent of cheap chinese phones supported by lineage os tho.
Sniff thinks moomin is fuckin ded. So he will be double surprised.
Its just one server dude, its very easy to block them all.
Oh forcing physically works very well with a gun to your head, but yeah not legal ofc.
Also any phone that has been out of your vision in the hands of police, border agencies or TSA is electronic waste.
It wasnt specified what was meant by childhood. The further back you go the less you remember. I remember a lot more about 6-10 grade than 1-6 grade.
This person being bad, doesnt mean nobody is good.
I spent years building a following on Twitter.
Bro is gonna be real disappointed when BlueSky goes rogue.
And then there is this https://youtu.be/q_ZhgOlxX_A?t=167
Dude is just a masochist looking for a dom
Könnte man vermuten aber mit dieser Formulierung hat das recht viel Interpretationsspielraum.
Wie groß ist die Hürde um diese Überwachung zu starten? Wenn es in einzelnen Ländern deutlich einfacher ist, könnte es dann zu so einer Art Rechtstourismus kommen, bei dem das Land mit den schwächsten Gesetzen genutzt wird um die Verfolgung zu iniziieren woraufhin man sie dann in der ganzen EU verfolgen kann.
Diese Taktik wird international nämlich leider öfters angewendet um die Gesetze im eigenen Land zu umgehen.
Ah yes reading is a thing that i could do :D Thanks i just kinda skipped to the "Why" section.
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/21948138
> (Not that it requires a justification either way. It's a personal choice.)
Dillon McCormick, an air force veteran, had been supporting himself by pushing carts in Louisiana’s triple-digit temperatures
Took this some time ago in northern Spain on the Mediterranean coast. I also really liked the contrast of sunlit to shadowed landscape.
Saw this cool wall art people were doing in an abandoned house a while ago and never posted it anywhere. So this will be my first lemmy post :)