Except nobody asked it if was the other way around - that the mushroom is a tree farmer keeping in touch with all its trees nurturing and transporting stuff between them
So many different plants being genetically close (ish) makes it possible to do all kinds of fun experiments with grafting. Something like tomatoes and eggplants that have nicotine (though still mostly in the leaves) or potatoes that also make habanero peppers.
Sure, but most people can see a significant difference between grass, a maple tree, a pine tree, or a rose. Sometimes the only difference between certain death and a stir fry is the type of gills or colouration on a mushroom. Mushrooms have a huge variety within a relatively niche look.
I'm genuinely afraid of fungi. I think the only reason they allow us to exist is bc they can't move around and communicate with us. As such, I think it's truly foolish of scientists to provide them with the means of locomotion via my other true fear, robots
Fungi are just forest internet and package delivery service, they were not designed for us to chomp on their exposed private delicious bits that make me soft reset my brainhole.