RuneScape originally replaced censored words with "cabbage" so a rude message may read "cabbage off newb!" And honestly I feel like that's the best way to implement a child friendly censor
Dark Souls' implementation is something special. Censors your name based on the language settings you have in place at the time, voice-over dialogue remains in English. So change your system language to either another language you know, or play it a few times so you know what things are, and then put the most offensive shit in as your character name you like.
Game I play sensors damn, so I have to remember to say dam. Forget constantly so I am getting into he habit of just typing shit fire instead. "Ah, shitfire"
Doesn't care to block that I guess
Chat censoring should be mostly on the user side with user controlled blacklists and whitelists, with moderator involvement mostly for circumventing the filters.
Don't want to see "penis"? Put it on your own blacklist.
True, could be a default list that you remove them from. What a s*** storm. *long click and select unsensor once, unsensor all, or review blacklist.
That way if people want to be sheltered they can never have to see it, and I can unblacklis> t them all at once, and the people afraid of the term moist can make sure they protect themselves via their list
My favorite is GTAO having a language filter thats impossible to turn off. The NPC's will literally yell fuck you when you drive by them but YOU cant say fuck.
animal crossing on ds censored town board messages client side so if you edited the word list in the rom to be blank you could use a flash cart, join someone else's town, put whatever profanity you wanted, and they would see it in their town but wouldnt be able to swear in their own game or anyone else's.