So, fight fire with fire?
I'm in the Netherlands, so I'll have to make my own streaming service that offers the other seasons.
Maybe it's milk from six different mammals. Like, cow goat, sheep, bull, human and platypus
Will do, thanks, but not on Netflix apparently haha
Yeah I know, but talking about like it's a big secret is funny and it's good privacy hygiene. Like how I have this complete server setup in minecraft with automated downloading tools like radar and sonar.
I've recently been watching Ghosts on Netflix. It stops after the second season, but I just read that the fourth season is allready in production. Why doesn't Netflix show me the other seasons?
P.s. I will be fixing this, but I'm not allowed to discuss how I'll do that.
I feel like the last 2 frames are missing a subscript
As a quick remedy for acid reflux, I recommend Marie Biscuits or Rich Tea Biscuits. They kind of seem to absorb the acid reflux.... I don't know how it works, but I always used to have a pack of those Biscuits in my bag when I used to have regular acid reflux. They worked very well for me. Of course, changing my diet and lifestyle worked much better and now I haven't had acid reflux in years.
Because it came out of a chicken's but. Don't you wash your turds before you eat them? Jk, there's no good reason to do so.
That's how I ended up with a latex plugin for intellij
I get that, but a mustache usually doesn't disappear in the last panel, so it must be the mouth.
I think the algorithm comes from the Math.Random library.
That's what I love about small social media outlets like Lemmy. The big corporations just don't bother monitoring and influencing us, it's not worth it. We can speak freely here. You can just tell me your real name and where you live, without fear of someone abducting your family.
I need a kubernetes cluster with high availability, load balancing and horizontal pod autoscaling, because that is something I want to learn. I don't care that it's just for wife's home-made dog collars webshop.
.ml is not the tankie instance. It just has some tankies, maybe more than others. I do agree that .ml should not be advertised as the default
Let them eat cake. Or doesn't that count?
It's been a while since I've seen any updates. Is this app still being maintained? If not, what's a good alternative?
Hallo, Ik zit sinds kort in het bestuur van een vereniging. De oude bestuursleden willen er eind seizoen mee stoppen. Ze hebben mij (en iemand anders) gevraagd om het ook formeel over te nemen door het bij het kvk te laten registreren.
Ik vind dit in principe prima, maar ik heb nog nooit met het kvk te maken gehad. Zijn er nog voor- of nadelen waar ik rekening mee moet houden voordat ik dit toezeg?
De gemeente Rotterdam vindt dat er zonder politie te veel risico wordt genomen rond de wedstrijd die in de Maasstad zou plaatsvinden.

Like in this post that showed up on my all feed: (nsfw, of course)
There's an image in the post url (which blurs on my feed) and there's also an image in the post body (which does not blur on my feed)
Ik kreeg zojuist dit "burgerinitiatief" onder mijn neus. Ik wil het met liefde steunen, maar ze vragen om mijn naam, adres en email.
In deze tijden van privacy bewustwording en greenwashing, merk ik dat ik daar toch moeite mee heb. Ik beeld me in dat een datazuchtig bedrijf een campagne als deze kan inzetten om informatie te verzamelen van mensen die met passie, en misschien zelfs een beetje existentiele paniek, alle kansen willen aangrijpen om (passief) aan de verbetering van het klimaat bij te dragen. Om vervolgens die data door te verkopen of voor andere commerciele doeleinden te gebruiken. Ben ik paranoide of is het juist verstandig dat ik mijn adres gegevens niet zomaar online in wil vullen? En hoe zit dat met deze specifieke partij, is dit een betrouwbare partij?

I recieved this email today. I don't use twitch, only made an account once for some specific purpose. I don't know these people and I'm a 100% certain they don't know me. This is just toxic marketing to lure me back in.
Ja, ik wil... stemmen! Mélanie en Bram stappen vandaag in het huwelijksbootje, maar gingen vanochtend eerst even stemmen in Oostdijk.

[Update: It seems to have been fixed now]
I teach a course in java and springboot for beginners. I would like to walk my students through the code of a real world java or springboot application. Can anyone recommend a good example?
In this letter, Dijkstra talks about readability and maintainability in a time where those topics were rarely talked about (1968). This letter was one of the main causes why modern programmers don't have to trouble themselves with goto statements. Older languages like Java and C# still have a (discouraged) goto statement, because they (mindlessly) copied it from C, which (mindlessly) copied it from Assembly, but more modern languages like Swift and Kotlin don't even have a goto statement anymore.
It could be weeks or even months before crew members can leave, due to complications beyond their control. Here’s why they’re still stuck – and how they’re coping.

Update: the ship has been towed now