I love how such a really, really simple phrase causes this person to think "it's goofy nonsense" - "there clearly has to be a hidden meaning!". It's not that complicated, dude, basic reading comprehension helps.
But how based would it be, if Kamala was a Marxist sleeper agent just bid[en]ing her time?
Clearly an instance of trans-historical materio-futurism - I recognise some of the pairings by their Luciferian mirror runes from evil gay Sunday school
“Kamala Harris washes her hands every day just like the notorious Pontius Pilate who famously washed his hands just before MURDERING our lord and savior Jesus!
I, on the other hand, righteously NEVER wash my hands to avoid ever being compared to such a sinner.
Is Kamala really a good leader for our country if she so blatantly supports the murder of Jesus Christ?”
"Now those liberals are using these things they call 'letters' to form these things called 'words' and putting those together to form 'sentences'. I won't be fooled. Those are them evil Satan runes. No place for them in a Christian household."
It's pretty telling that they are trying to portray Marxists, Hermeticists, Luciferians, and Gnostics as united -- or possibly even as the same group. Those circles of the Venn diagram might share some overlap, but (in my experience) their goals and principles aren't very similar.
"Esoteric" means something only understood by a small number of people with specific knowledge. The only definition they get right is "People who know, know."
I'm not saying this post is right but her dad is known for his Marxist views. so If it is a Marxist statement that would make sense and if anyone was a Marxist sleeper agent it be her lmao
All you need is the ability to write at a high school level, and as long as you're confirming their biases, you can convince these people of literally anything.
A group of hundreds spent weeks (months?) hanging around Dealey Plaza because they were certain that JFK was going to appear and, I dunno, rescue them from communism or whatever.