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Team Fortress 2's player count doubles after fan pressure sees Valve step in with a bot-demolishing banwave and a firm line on appeals: 'No'
  • Good. I didn't join up yet because I have a lot of shit to do, but TF2 is still an excellent game, especially in an age of even more aggressively monetised class-based shooters with worse balancing.

  • Ok, sleep well now.
  • Dog was working for the Prussian secret police, ACAB has always been true, smh fr fr

  • Ok, sleep well now.
  • My favourite German fairy tale has to be this one.

    The harrowing morality tale, teaching you that you better stay in your lane, peasant, especially if you are a Bratwurst!

  • Verschwörungstheorien zum Selbermachen
  • Na, da dachten alle, Corona wäre in China entstanden - dabei ist die Wahrheit, dass ich höchstpersönlich das Coronavirus war und bin.

  • ich😩👨‍🦳iel
  • Dumme Obsession und Hyperfokus auf das politische Geschehen, es gab keinen guten Grund, weder davor noch im Nachhinein.

  • ich😩👨‍🦳iel

    Boah, so groggy wie dieses Wochenende war ich schon lange nicht mehr, man wird selbst auch nicht jünger

    Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • That does indeed look right up my alley, thank you very much <3.

    I'd also recommend "The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth" to anyone interested, for probably a bit more polemic piece that, from what I see from “Climate Leviathan”'s description, probably roughly argues around similar dynamics.

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • I only recenlty learned I have had undiagnosed autism my whole life (in my thirties now), and being able to recontextualise that I literally did have an - on average - different way of experiencing reality, with some filters missing, some intuitive normalities just not developing, and my brain focusing in a different way, that's helping me a whole lot. Finally I don't have to gaslight myself into thinking I am just lacking will and strength of character to fit into this world, as that's what my socialisation had been instilling into me.

    With having been obsessed with history and philosophy from a young age, I am also often not able to understand that the vast majority of people actually lives in a world where those things are at best superficially engaged with. Personally, at least at this moment of time, I think that is genuinely dangerous, because, oh boy, looking at the current material situation of the world and taking historical situations to estimate the possible consequences, things are not looking good. I firmly believe we need a globalised, socialist/communist mode of production and more short term, an international political infrastructure to organise the challenges ahead, but I fear it will only come about after things will be getting worse for quite some time, still.

  • Wetterpost - Im Westen Gewitter?
  • Als hier heute gegen Mitternacht endlich ein bisschen Wind und Abkühlung kam hab ich mich erstmal auf den Balkon geparkt, aber ich denke das gilt auch als zuhause.

  • ich🔫🛩🛰iel
  • Hat auch eine eigene Tradition,, man will ja auch nicht alte Werte wie Korruption freundschaftliche Unterstützung in der Politik aufgeben.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • So, take this point of view as what it is: a view on the situation from an outsider, I am not American, I am a German communist. While I do probably look more closely at American politics than most likely the average American simply from being interested in politics to a pathological degree, I might not have the full picture of an American who is also as interested in politics.

    I think in this particular moment, as much as the Democrats do their best to antagonise you, as much as you are correct that someone like Biden will continue with the same status quo bullshit that created the situation to begin with, as much as he won't be helping the people suffering from (neo)-colonialism in a meaningful way overseas - I don't think that this particular election is the time to vote third party. The chance may come, and best then to do it not as individuals based on your personal conscience, but as an organised group, with concrete messaging communicated. And even in other elections and outside this vote, organising for a third party - while I personally don't have a lot of hope for electoral politics - is certainly better than investing energy into the Democratic party, whose supporters seem to have no problems spewing hatred towards you for not agreeing with their party line and view of reality.

    But I think underestimating Trump could be genuinely dangerous. Not because he will "ruin America" or anything like that. Simply, because he will be in a position to dial up repression, potentially leaving you with a situation in 2-4 years, where the party you voted for has to move underground, either having gotten outlawed or further marginalised and infiltrated. The situation looks critical enough to me, that under a Trump presidency, unions and leftist orgs will face open persecution much more than under someone like Biden - who is admittedly bad enough. Persecution up to outright criminalising them, to encouraging right-wing militias to kill their members with a slap on the wrist as a consequence or no legal repercussions at all. Yes, I do think that is unfortinately a realisitic possibility. And at this point, I don't think leftist orgs in the US have the resilience yet to efficiently organise in the underground.

    That being said, I won't tell you a vitriolic "you will be at fault" if you choose to vote and organise as you want to. I do also see advantages, like getting visibility for your issues and potentially by reaching certain threshholds getting public funding support and the likes (that exists in the US too, right?). But I'd still advise it in this election - as shitty and cynical as it is - to vote for the old fart that doesn't swing the whip of the state as hard on your back as the one that might outright strangle you with it. Getting a proper communist, grassroots organisation running in the United States is important for the whole world, and I fear it will be impossible, or at least much, much harder under Trump (mostly, again, because there are no proper structures in place to move into illegality and organising underground, from everything I can tell.)

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Outside of voting, you have options. I'm not American, but I'd advise any communists to vote Biden simply because the repression under Trump could get really ugly, hindering any proper organisation. Just view it as what I think it also actually is: A cynical, pragmatic move to save you and other working people from more open repression, nothing more.

    But before and after voting: Put your energy into unions like the IWW, into neighbourhood organisations for mutual aid, into community defense like the SRA or Redneck Revolt, into antifascist organisation, into refining your own position and presenting it to others. Create networks and connections. All preventing Trump is doing is buying time for now to do exactly that. Things will only get worse in the decades ahead, with no end in sight for the climate catastrophe and further decay of capitalism - and laying the groundwork of actually being able to do something is critically important right now, in my opinion.

    Of course everyone is in the end their own master when it comes to decisions like this. Just - remember that by not voting in this specific election you also aren't changing anything. And while I fully understand the desire to organise for a third party, they have been marginalised effectively, at least I personally don't think electoral politics will bring any relevant changes, one way or the other. They are just about who carries the whip used against you, and in this case if the are openly and harshly, or covertly and less efficiently using it.

    That all being said - I think a few people here overestimate the amount of tankies and communists that won't vote Biden. The group is marginal in the big scheme of things. If Biden loses, you can be certain, they were not responsible, they are most likely less than 1% of voters. Personally, I'd blame the corporate core of the Democratic party and middle class liberals for being out of touch with reality.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • True, thank you for pointing that point out, because this actually does show an important angle of messaging ahead. What makes the article itself cope in my opinion, is its misleading headline and overall presentation. It's tabloid-level of presenting the message, your interpretation is actually a lot better.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • It's a single focus group of specifically undecided Latino voters. Only more standardised and statistically significant polling will give a better estimation. Could there be an unexpected, seemingly paradoxical effect? Maybe, shit is complicated, yo. Politics are a chaotic system at times. I personally doubt it, but, hey, we will see.

    But this article in particular? To be blunt: It is cope.

  • ich🚿🍋🥵iel
  • Hey, warum duschen wenn ich so viel schwitze, dass es runterläuft als stünde ich unter der Dusche? Schachmatt, Stadtwerke!

  • Just $99?
  • Isn't this one really obvious? They are selling toupées for your butt and accidentally added a "W". Not confusing in the slightest, really.

  • ich📱⌚💭iel
  • Die Antwort wie viel Uhr wir haben ist eine Stunde später, weil ich vergessen habe, dass ich auf die Uhr schauen wollte und stattdessen Lemmy Lemming aufmache.

  • Man fined for squirting mixture of urine and flour onto woman's dress to try to chat her up
  • One thing I could imagine is him having some sort of neurodivergence and maybe even a learning disability, which may have lead to him reading about somethin about pheromones in urine or something. Not defending him, he'd still be responsible for his actions, and not claiming that is what happened, how would I know, but the bizzarre nature - including him then not being able to actually do the talking to her - leaves that open as at least a possible explanation of what happened in my gut reaction.

  • Unwetterwarnung : »Viele Ortschaften werden regelrecht absaufen«
  • Sag das denen, die in sie hineingeboren wurden, und denen, die ihr Leben dem Widerstand gegen diese Welt gewidmet haben.

    Ich verstehe den Punkt, aber leider, so sehr es - auch mit mir - resoniert, ändert es nichts daran, dass es dann eben um so mehr gegen diese Welt anzukämpfen gilt wo und wie immer möglich.

  • Ist es immer besser, eine Weiterbildung zu haben? Wenn ihr als case manager oder als study nurse arbeitet, seid ihr mit dem Job zufrieden?
  • Ich kann dir zwar leider nicht weiterhelfen - abr als Empfehlung um vll noch ein paar Antworten mehr zu bekommen: Am besten crossposten auf, dahin verlagert sich der Diskurs mehr und mehr. ! !

  • Tag ruleself

    I'm probably the lovechild of Cioran and Arendt (Oh holy hell, what a nightmare to imagine)

    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn
    [EP] Cult of Happiness

    Bin gespannt, wann/ob .org vor .de auftauchen wird

    4 year ruled Lemmy meme to put things into perspective

    It even comes already deepfried for free

    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn
    [FULL ALBUM] Chill Beats to prevent Apocalypses to
    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn
    [FULL ALBUM] AI Sub-Version
    Is down? I just wanted to check on the site out of curiosity for setting an instance up myself

    It seems to be down - does anyone know what is or could be the issue?

    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast How To Smile - Prototype Release Log - How to Smile - Now that you can(?) by AbNormalHumanBeing

    Ah, what should one do after finishing their second game and doing well at their first game jam ? That's right: Just join the next jam , start work on a completely overambitious project, fail to intro...

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. > > > > > > Still, I decided to release the result of my work so far as a prototype for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside part 1, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast How To Smile - Prototype Release Log - How to Smile - Now that you can(?) by AbNormalHumanBeing

    Ah, what should one do after finishing their second game and doing well at their first game jam ? That's right: Just join the next jam , start work on a completely overambitious project, fail to intro...

    cross-posted from:

    > Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. > > Still, I decided to release the result of my work so far as a prototype for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside part 1, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    Game Development Wxnzxn
    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast How To Smile - Prototype Release Log - How to Smile - Now that you can(?) by AbNormalHumanBeing

    Ah, what should one do after finishing their second game and doing well at their first game jam ? That's right: Just join the next jam , start work on a completely overambitious project, fail to intro...

    Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting.

    Still, I decided to release the result of my work so far as a prototype for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside part 1, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    Game Development Wxnzxn
    Placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    cross-posted from:

    > Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this. > > If you are curious and want to check it out: > > The games ranked by overall score > > The game itself > > A devlog looking back at my first jam experience

    Just placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this.

    If you are curious and want to check it out:

    The games ranked by overall score

    The game itself

    A devlog looking back at my first jam experience

    Just placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this.

    If you are curious and want to check it out:

    The games ranked by overall score

    The game itself

    A devlog looking back at my first jam experience

    Released my work building on a Godot tutorial as a short game - as it is my first, I'd appreciate any and all feedback :) Blaster Chief in: Base Infiltration on Tutorial Prime by AbNormalHumanBeing

    My first attempt at a game, small top-down shooter that grew out of a basic Godot tutorial on YouTube.

    A few weeks ago, I started on a basic tutorial for developing games in Godot: “Ultimate Instruction to Godot 4” on YouTube by Clear Code. My goal was to not just finish the tutorial, but to build on it and create a small game with semi-professional standards. Here is said game, my first attempt not only at developing in Godot, but also my first attempt at creating a game.

    If you know what you are doing, a playthrough is around 20-40 minutes, more on higher difficulties. On easy, it is possible to be reckless, while on higher difficulties, the game forces you to be quite considerate of your resources.

    As this is my first game ever, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I hope that, if you try it out, you will have as much fun with the game as I had making it!

    Released my work building on a Godot tutorial as a short game - as it is my first, I'd appreciate any and all feedback :) Blaster Chief in: Base Infiltration on Tutorial Prime by AbNormalHumanBeing

    My first attempt at a game, small top-down shooter that grew out of a basic Godot tutorial on YouTube.

    A few weeks ago, I started on a basic tutorial for developing games in Godot: "Ultimate Instruction to Godot 4" on YouTube by Clear Code. My goal was to not just finish the tutorial, but to build on it and create a small game with semi-professional standards. Here is said game, my first attempt not only at developing in Godot, but also my first attempt at creating a game.

    If you know what you are doing, a playthrough is around 20-40 minutes, more on higher difficulties. On easy, it is possible to be reckless, while on higher difficulties, the game forces you to be quite considerate of your resources.

    As this is my first game ever, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I hope that, if you try it out, you will have as much fun with the game as I had making it!

    Wxnzxn Wxnzxn

    Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.

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