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Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Reddit hasn't felt the same for me since around 2021/22.

    At some point it stopped being a platform for niche communities to come together and became a cesspool of corporate/government astroturfing and karma farm bots with a side of real people.

  • Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
  • If you like the older Pokemon games and can get the ROMs on your phone, PokeMMO is really cool. It's an emulator that turns the first 5 generations of games into an MMO where you can take the same character across each region.

    There's a handful of changes to the base game, but most are small: Berry farming is changed, there's an Exp Share for EVs now, Sweet Scent is used to summon a 1v5 against wild Pokemon... There's character customization... There's some QoL stuff like shiny encounters having a sound effect and adding a confirmation box so you don't accidentally flee, and the stats page for your Pokemon is way more detailed.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • If you actually cared about genocide you'd get your thumb out of your ass and vote to reduce harm.

    Yet you're sitting here shitting yourself over people voting for the lesser of two evils to feel morally superior, as if that's going to help Palestinians. Good job.

  • Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web
  • I got the math the wrong way around but read the bottom of the bot's post. The bot's job is to cut the fluff out of articles, and it copy/pastes the remaining text for us to read here.

    So my comment should have said 40%, but the point was if we're comparing what the bot did with your coworkers talking about a game, it'd be more akin to them reciting the commentator verbatim.

  • Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web
  • This the the problem for the LLM, it can be used for many things, and if it has no filter or limit

    I agree with pretty much everything before this but that particular comment was just talking about summaries, which imo is a lot more cut and dry. (SparkNotes, for example)

    An LLM by itself is unlimited and unfiltered, but it's not impossible to limit one and sell it. For all the shit OpenAI deserves to get, I have to give them one thing, their copyright restriction system seems to be on par with YouTube. I paid for a month of it when GPT4 came out and tried my hardest to bypass it, but it won't even give me copyrighted texts when the words are all replaced with synonyms or jumbled around.

    I think if someone's offering their LLM as a service and has a system like that in place, they aren't stealing any more than YouTube is stealing. Otherwise I agree that there's a strong argument for copyright infringement.

  • Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web
  • !Arthur Dent has his home demolished while humans simultaneously have Earth demolished by an alien race called Vogons, but him and Ford Prefect escape by hitchhiking onto the Vogon ship. They're discovered and thrown into space, but miraculously saved by Ford's relative (can't remember how they're related) and his ship The Heart of Gold, which is powerful but unpredictable. They wind up on a mythical planet due to that unpredictability, and learn that Earth was a designer planet created to calculate the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. (The famous "42" thing). The whole crew escapes the planet and decides to go to The Restaurant at the End of The Universe to eat and watch the universe end.!<

    Have I just stolen The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and given it to you?

  • Helldivers 2 director weighs in on Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree's difficulty: 'A game for everyone is a game for no one'
  • Games are about entertainment. They're not a career.

    They're all skills that you have to develop, and things people do because they like doing them. And if you're not willing to learn to develop those skills, you won't be able to participate.

    Zelda games aren't gatekeeping me when I die a lot and they don't give me more health. Portal 2 isn't gatekeeping me when I can't solve the puzzles and they won't give me the answers. Undertale isn't gatekeeping me because I'm bad at bullet hells and they won't slow down time for me. The whole point of the game is to develop a skill and overcome a challenge.

    I already named several mechanics Elden Ring gives you to deal with the difficulty, and engaging with them is what the game is about. It can be as easy or as hard as you make it. If you choose not to utilize those options, that's your prerogative.

  • Are there any sites dedicated exclusively to unghosted/undimmed anime?

    I just want somewhere that won't even show me new episodes until an unghosted version is released. I primarily watch anime for the animation, so blurred and darkened frames really ruin it for me.

    Is it weird that I enjoy imagining being a witness/victim of various tragedies?

    (TL;DR): I love being terrified, and this has led me to a fascination with imagining being a witness to / a victim of various tragedies. Is that weird?


    The earliest example I can remember of wanting to know what it was like to be a victim of a tragedy was when I first learned what happened on 9/11. We were visiting my grandma, and she was watching a documentary about it. That's the first time I had seen the footage and heard an explanation of it all, and I was still a child (like way too young to be processing what I was seeing), but I was fascinated by it. Even after everyone had left the room to hang out on the porch, I stayed in the living room to watch more. I wanted to know everything, but most of all I wanted to know what it was like to be there. Both as a witness and a victim.

    To this day, I would pay good money to get hooked up to something like Roy from Rick and Morty so I could safely experience it without knowing I was safe. And I'd like to choose as many perspectives as I want. From the hijackers, to the people on the directly impacted floors, the people on floors adjacent to the impact, the people who jumped, the people who were outside and witnessed the crashes and collapses, the people who were trapped on the upper floors and remained inside during the collapse...

    Besides 9/11, others at the top of the list are things like mass shootings, earthquakes and other natural disasters, catastrophic workplace accidents (mostly explosions), the sinking of the Titanic, Hiroshima/nuclear testing sites, other war related events, various atrocities committed by/against mankind (like the torture committed by the CIA against people suspected of being involved in the 9/11 attacks), the Heaven's Gate mass suicide, a significant portion of Charles Manson's life... It's a mix of wanting the experience and curiosity about the stories/information that never made it into public knowledge.

    I don't have a death wish or anything, it's just for some reason I have a fascination with terror. I love getting sleep paralysis and having nightmares, and I feel a weird sense of catharsis when I wake up and realize I'm safe. My favorite ones are when I'm utterly convinced I'm going to die. Even as a kid I loved terrifying shows (like Courage the Cowardly Dog and Mr.Meaty), and as a teenager it evolved into broader consumption of surrealist art, and then I started watching Live Leak videos where I got a more realistic sense of terror. I watched all of the Bjork stalker's tapes, which, if you aren't familiar, they end with him shooting himself after mailing a letter bomb to her. Knowing he filmed his suicide was what piqued my interest, but I also wanted to get into his head so I started from tape #1.

    How weird is all of this? Any psychological explanations/speculations about why I'm like this? (And are there any other subs I should ask this in?)

    My customers keep getting offended by my shirt

    Unusual kind of post but still religious cringe:

    After I finished helping someone I said "have a good day" and walked away, but then she said "you see no god?" Which was confusing before I realized what she was talking about lol. After a second I said "oh yeah haha, I thought it was cute." And she responds with "well I have a good god."

    I just said "okay" and walked away again. But I wish I would've asked her if she seriously thought I worshiped a dog with a cone on its head lol.

    This is the third time I've gotten a negative comment on my shirt at work. I'm not even anti-religion, I just thought a dog that had to get a cone juxtaposed with him saying he's a god was funny.

    AmITheAsshole A_Very_Big_Fan
    AITA for pretending I don't remember an annoying regular's order?

    >TL;DR: Some people who buy cigs from me expect me to remember their orders when I don't, and when they do it repeatedly I remember them because they're an asshole but I pretend that I don't. AITA?

    I work at a gas station kiosk, and obviously I have a LOT of "regulars"... I remember a lot of them, but some people just walk up to my window and say something like "it's me again" and stare at me, as if I know who they are or what they want. A lot of them will do this repeatedly, and I end up remembering their order anyways because of how much of an asshole they are. That's when I pretend not to remember, even if it's the 100th time.

    The newest one doesn't speak English, but this is the third time where this exact sequence played out:

    He walks up to my window and says "one cigarette", to which I reply "which ones?" He says "lucky" so I grab regular Lucky Strikes, and he says "nonono" and points as if I can accurately judge what he's pointing to from that far away. After that doesn't work, he says "gold", so obviously I grab gold Lucky Strikes, and then he goes "no. no." again. He starts pointing again, and I still don't know what he's pointing at, so he makes a motion to indicate "the one to the right of that one." ...

    He wants Lucky gold 100's, and at this point the only reason I remember his order is because he can't be fucked to remember how to say "hundreds". He'll say "lucky golds" after a lot of prying, so I don't think he should get a pass because of the language barrier.

    This is the third time he's come up to my window and done this. I remember his cigarettes now, but next time I'm probably going to do the whole song and dance again. Me having your order before you get to the window is for people I remember, not for people who I remember because they can't be fucked to tell me what they want. AITA?

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