"Because" is spelled wrong.
113 0 Replybut “bacause” is spelled correctly
106 0 ReplyThe ultimate bacon reason
15 0 Reply
you're blocked for doing something funny
As a funny person, this makes me sad. They should get a sense of humor.
92 0 ReplyAs my father always said: you may be a funny person, but looks don't count for everything.
49 0 ReplyI like that! I'm going to steal it.
5 0 Reply
Blocking someone from a hacking game because they tried to hack it is basically admitting defeat.
92 0 ReplyNah, hackthebox and many other red team simulation type sites have strict rules of engagement. You're there to solve a puzzle as defined by hackthebox, not get around the puzzle by hacking hackthebox.
121 0 ReplyOh no, just like if you were actually hired to do a red team simulation for a business! They would have strict rules of engagement and certain systems would potentially be defined as off-limits.
How terrible of Hackthebox to *checks notes... promote industry standard Red Team practices.
63 0 ReplyThat’s not very “Kobayashi Maru” of them.
36 0 Reply
If a real world pentester tries to hack something out of scope, they also get banned. From society. To a prison cell.
62 0 ReplyIt's called hackthebox not hackoutofthebox
23 0 ReplyIs this like getting banned from an escape room because you brought (and used) a live grenade to solve the puzzle
(I think they have a strict no-grenades-from-home policy, usually)
17 0 Reply
Getting caught means the hacker won? Are you a r?
6 0 Reply
So trying to hack hackthebox is not permitted? Confusion is the name of the game
61 0 Replyhackthebox is essentially a puzzle solving platform where the puzzles are designed to teach you hacking. You're not supposed to hack the platform.
21 0 ReplySo trying to hack hackthebox is not permitted? Confusion is the name of the game
7 0 Reply
I hope it leads you on a bit before this reveal.
16 0 ReplyThat's the honeypot
8 0 Reply
At first I thought this was a legit ban but it actually looks more like an error message similar to 404 lol
15 0 Reply