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TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?
  • Valid criticisms. I don't watch LTT (Linux Tech Talk?), so do you have a link to a video?

    IMO, it probably needs more thought and he should work with a UX + UI designer to come up with something that fits his flow. After developing a good uh... UX language? design language? maybe others might find it intriguing enough to have a stab at implementing it.

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  • TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with? Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?

    Get the free Cybersecurity Mistakes ebook here:

    Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?

    > If you think about productivity, you can't help but think that having the default state of your computer being an image with a few icons on it is less than stellar. For opening files, it will never be tidy enough to give you access to all you need, you need a launcher or a folder structure, meaning the desktop is bad at this. For opening apps, having visual shortcuts on the desktop is a duplicate of whatever panel or launcher you have.

    dnscrypt-proxy2 routed through tor
  • sequenceDiagram
        Computer->>+Nameserver: Where's
        Computer->>+Wikipedia: GET /
        Wikipedia-->>-Computer: return /

    Here is the simplified sequence diagram

    As you can see the request to wikipedia itself does not go through a nameserver, only the DNS request does. It's the entire reason Firefox has the option to proxy DNS queries over the proxy: to avoid DNS leaks

    Right now, all that should be happening is DNS requests being proxied, not the rest of your traffic.

    There's a huge difference when I enter normally with "Use system proxy settings" in my browser and when I enter it with a "Manual proxy configuration" with the SOCKS Host set up and "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" checked on.

    To me that indicates the DNS proxy through TOR isn't actually working with your dnscrypt setup 🤔 However it's difficult to debug from here. It's possible the DNS query is slow, but because the actual HTTP request is going through your standard internet with no proxy it's fast, and when you do turn on the proxy for HTTP/S requests, you observe actually using TOR for everything and thus the latency.

    Could you run these commands please

    # Find which process is running the local DNS server
    sudo ss -plant | grep ":53 " # alternatively sudo netstat -plant | grep ":53 "
    # Check your DNS resolver config
    # You can share it or not, but MUST be in it, otherwise your DNS queries aren't being encrypted/proxied
    cat /etc/resolv.conf
    # Measure how long it takes to query a new domain name
    time dig
    time dig
    time dig

    If you feel comfortable with it, you share the logs of dnscrypt (I don't know what kind of information is in there, so you might have to clean it).

    journalctl -u dnscrypt-proxy2 or just systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy2. Either here or PMed. Here are encrypted pastebin alternatives.

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  • Is this the electron-alternative we've been waiting for? GitHub - DioxusLabs/dioxus: Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more.

    Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more. - DioxusLabs/dioxus

    GitHub - DioxusLabs/dioxus: Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more.

    Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more. In Rust using a HTML + CSS renderer built on top of Servo.

    PC gaming is mainstream. Now what?
  • I find the article bizarre. Nearly every single guy I know has or had a gaming PC. Some lucky bastards got them when they were 10 years old or younger, while I got mine way in my teens (poor family). As a comp-sci grad it was nigh 100% who had one, and working in tech there were definitely lots of them (and board games + DnD were quite popular).

    Either I lived in a bubble or the article is uniquely describing the North American experience. Nobody ever told me to my face they found it weird to leave a party to watch eSports or play a few rounds of whatever MMO was around at the time.

    Reading that it's now "mainstream" just doesn't fit my experience. It was already popular before my time.

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  • dnscrypt-proxy2 routed through tor
  • I don't think that's a correct assumption. DNS just resolves domain names to IPs. When you access a website, if the IP isn't in your dns cache, it will look it up and that's the only part that should be going through dnscrypt. The actual request to the site goes to the IP directly. To use TOR across your entire system, it should either be used as a VPN or as a system-wide proxy. Dunno how to set that up though...

    You should be able to at least activate logs for dnscrypt and see which DNS entries are being requested. To have a deeper look into your traffic, the only thing I know of is wireshark, which can sniff all your packets. You should be able to observe your DNS request going to dnscrypt, possibly through TOR (I doubt the packet tracing will work, sequence numbers or something should be disrupted by going through TOR), then a request going out to the IP it found over HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443).

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  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, U.S. lawsuit claims
  • Believe it or not, I can be concerned about both.

    Yes you can, most people aren't. In real life, by far the most common response I've gotten when talking about privacy is 😴 . My colleagues in tech will hotly debate China's surveillance, but happy use face ID on their iPhone, upload their entire life to Google or iCloud (including recordings of therapy sessions), send their blood into do a heritage check, nearly exclusively use Amazon for shopping, have an Amazon Ring camera at their door, and so much more.

    You are the minority.

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  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, U.S. lawsuit claims
  • More about the part about stealing information. Most people barely look at permissions.

    A flashlight app needs access to my calls, microphone, clipboard, filesystem, and network? Sure, I'll install it.


    Facebook needs access to all permissions? Oh is that what the popup said when I installed it?

    All Temu had to do was ask and people would grant it.

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  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, U.S. lawsuit claims
  • It's funny that every time someone points out the pot calling the kettle black the training kicks in to shout "whataboutism" and it must be "wumao". It's almost a meme. You don't think an article about Xi Ping's government warning about USAian surveillance would be mocked and ridiculed due to their Great Firewall? That wouldn't be "whataboutism" though, right? It would be a "critical opinion"?

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  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, U.S. lawsuit claims
  • So just like the majority of USAian apps out there? I think Temu fits right in. Why are people so concerned about what China is doing with their data, but not the very countries they live in or (more importantly) the dominant online surveillance presence: the USA?

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  • Derisking a project 1 year out

    Anakin Padme meme:

    Anakin: I will use agile to plan my project\ Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?\ Anakin:\ Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?

    Should jonringer just fork nixos? RingOS?

    And others like him that have been ostracized. His mere presence seems to bring out quite negative emotions in people.

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    Solved: How can containers be forced to use a VPN?

    I'd basically like to run some containers within a VPN and some outside of it. The containers running within the VPN should not be able to send or receive any traffic from outside the VPN (except localhost maybe).

    The container could be docker, podman, or even a qemu VM or some other solution if need be.

    Is that possible? Dunno if this is the right place to ask.


    Use folks.

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    Resolved: Is there something that can update /etc/hosts from feeds?

    Pi-Hole and similar DNS adblockers just seem like a hassle. I can't tell my parents to buy a raspi, flash it, install and configure pi-hole, configure their routers or devices to point to the raspi, and do all of that from another city. Also personally, there's no time for that in my house.

    Is there a program or systemd service I can run that pulls blocklists from somewhere (git, http, ...) and updates /etc/hosts? Before I go off and write a python script, systemd unit file, and shell script to install it on the linux systems of friends of family, does this exist?

    Resolution comment: Tblock

    10 New robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed

    A robotic gripper developed by Washington State University researchers is able to gently grab the majority of apples out of a tree without damaging the fruit.

    New robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed
    How could one implement a linux installer that runs on windows?

    From another comment I made

    > A linux installer for windows that works just like a normal installer on windows. You download the .exe, double click it, it opens a wizard you can walk though, and by the end of the process, after it reboots, you're in a linux distro.

    How could something like this be implemented?

    My idea:

    Best case scenario where multiple data partitions exist and can accommodate the user data stored on C:/ + there's a swap partition -->

    • download a linux iso
    • deactivate swap
    • replace swap partition with ISO contents
    • modify contents to auto install linux with settings from wizard
    • add boot entry to boot from old swap / modified ISO
    • reboot
    • install linux with a nice progress animation
      • move user data from C:/ to other partition
      • replace C:/ with linux
      • install alternatives to programs found on windows (firefox for edge, gimp for paint, inkscape for ..., libreoffice for MS office, etc.)
      • move user data to /home/$username
      • configure DE with theme (gnome for macos look, kde with theme for windows look)
      • other customisations
    • reboot into linux

    Dunno if this is feasible in the best case scenario.

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    Does anybody actually use trunk based development in their company?

    I've heard it thrown around in professional circles and how everybody's doing it wrong, so.. who actually does use it?

    For smaller teams\ !

    "scaled" trunk based development\ !

    Public personal dev accounts: opinions?

    I feel like there are many devs out there who expose a lot of personal details and opinions all over the web. Maybe it's just me, but when starting out with the internet I tried my best to separate my personal details (name, age, sex, country, ethnicity, family ties, relationship status,...) from usernames in public.

    Seeing devs do it willingly and voice opinions on divisive or sensitive topics kind of messes with me. Aren't y'all afraid of missing out on job opportunities if someone reads your opinions, code, or other stuff tied to your personal accounts? Or letting anybody (maybe family, friends, acquaintances, ...) in on your personal life, mindset, opinions and other personal information?

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    38 CID concept is broken

    Hello everyone! I really like the ideas behind IPFS and I want to share some feedback about the design of the IPFS. The core of the problem is that CID concept is wrong in it’s current implementation. I know it sounds blunt and harsh so let me clarify: IPFS at its core claims to be a content add...

    CID concept is broken

    TL;DR IPFS's "content addresses" don't actually address the content but a tree of the content stored in a protocol buffer, making it impossible to convert a hash to a content address.

    DHT of CIDs? More like a Distributed Table of Lies!

    Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

    It seems like every other week a game studio is massively laying off employees; sometimes after years of development. What I'm reading is that it's a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investors' pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower salaries.

    So, what's holding back gamedevs from banding together to either unionize or start their own companies with better conditions that the purely money-driven studios? Why aren't they trying to be better? Nobody willing to invest in them? Does starting a company together mean they will now be the bosses who have to answer to the investors, ensure returns, and fire employees? Is the world just an entire shit-cake?

    Does an anonymous git service exist on I2P?

    Some projects have been DMCA'ed and hosting them on I2P could be a viable alternative.

    How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? The Open Source Definition

    Introduction Open source doesn’t just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open source software must comply with the following criteria: 1. Free Redistribution The licens…

    There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also been targets of vitriol.

    So, let's say we wanted to make it possible for the majority of developers to work on software that strictly follows the definition of opensource, which models would be acceptable to make enough money to work on those projects full-time?

    TIL: FairCode is the software model Redis, ElasticSearch, etc. use

    Fair-code is not a software license. It describes a software model where software:

    • is generally free to use and can be distributed by anybody
    • has its source code openly available
    • can be extended by anybody in public and private communities
    • is commercially restricted by its authors
    How do you holistically document microservices in a multi-repo setup?

    Let's say I had a few microservices in different repositories and they communicated over HTTP using JSON. Some services are triggered directly by other microservices, but others can be triggered by events like a timer going off, a file being dropped into a bucket, a firewall rule blocking X amount of packets and hitting a threshold, etc.

    Is there a way to document the microservices together in one holistic view? Maybe, how do you visualise the data, its schema (fields, types, ...), and its flow between the microservices?


    Bonus (optional) question: Is there a way to handle schema updates? For example generate code from the documentation that triggers a CI build in affected repos to ensure it still works with the updates.

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    IBM nearing deal for cloud software provider HashiCorp, source says

    April 23 (Reuters) - International Business Machines (IBM.N), opens new tab is nearing a deal to buy cloud software provider HashiCorp (HCP.O) , opens new tab, according to a person familiar with the matter. Hashicorp's stock surged 24%, giving it a market value of $6.1 billion, after the Wall Street Journal first reported the talks.

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