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Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • I'm interpreting that as clickbait - just something they added to the title to drive traffic.

  • Play stupid games, win stupid prize
  • hackthebox is essentially a puzzle solving platform where the puzzles are designed to teach you hacking. You're not supposed to hack the platform.

  • Is this the electron-alternative we've been waiting for?
  • It's not just about learning a language. Given two equivalent languages, writing a project using one or the other is always going to be less work and less of a maintenance burden than writing it using both. A competent manager will take that into account when deciding what tools to use. On top of that, learning a new language has a cost. Of course Rust and JavaScript are not equivalent, but which one is 'better' is highly subjective and dependent on how you measure 'better'. So a manager needs to take that into account. But my fundamental point is that using two languages for a project adds overhead, and learning a language adds overhead, so unless cost (including time) is irrelevant, there must be a compelling reason to choose a dual-language solution* over a single-language solution, and to chose a solution that requires your devs to learn a new language over one that does not. Not to mention switching platforms has a massive cost if your project is already mature. Even if you're creating a new project, if your team already knows JavaScript and doesn't have any particular objection to Electron, there's no compelling reason.

    If there is a good reason to learn a language then people will.

    Sure. Except in my experience interviewing candidates and from what I've seen online, there are a lot of developers out there who aren't very good. I am not optimistic that the average developer will have an easy time learning a new language. If the "we" in "Is this the electron alternative we've been waiting for" is you and I, that's not a problem. But if OP meant to suggest there will be a large-scale shift away from Electron, then the average developer is quite relevant.

    *As someone else pointed out, Dioxus is designed with the intent that you'll right the frontend in Rust, so it's not exactly dual-language like I thought.

  • Is this the electron-alternative we've been waiting for?
  • Ah, well that’s great for folks who already know or want to learn Rust

  • Is this the electron-alternative we've been waiting for?
  • I seriously doubt that a dual-language platform is ever going to supplant Electron. Electron has the major advantage that the entire app is written in one language. And according to Stack Overflow's 2023 developer survey, 66% of devs use JavaScript, 45% use Python, 43% use TypeScript, and 12% use Rust. More devs use Java, C#, C++, PHP, and C than Rust. So 2/3 of developers wouldn't have to learn a new language to use Electron, and only a small fraction of the remainder knows Rust.

  • JavaScript
  • I was trying to make a point without starting a flamewar that was beside the point. Personally I’d never choose a dynamically typed language for a production system. That being said, Python and Ruby complain if you try to add an array, dict/hashmap, string, or number to another (of a different type) so they’re certainly more sane than JavaScript.

  • JavaScript
  • Sure. But in a sane language doing something totally nonsensical like that is an error, and in a statically typed language it’s a compiler error. It doesn’t just silently do weird shit.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You mention AI Again
  • I used GitLab’s version of Copilot when it was free and that was net helpful. It predicted for loops and stuff and was close enough, enough of the time that it was net positive. Not enough that I’d actually pay for it…

  • Let me pull this out of my ass
  • If I designed the schema it is most certainly going to be structured. Unstructured databases are awful.

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Sure, there are worse languages and environments to get stuck with. But I can avoid those jobs. And if I get hired as a SomeLang developer and they force me to work in Java or whatever, it’s time to dust off the resume.

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • I am aware of that, but Java is the most popular language that runs on the JVM. I don’t specifically dislike other JVM languages, though one of my issues is type erasure and that’s partially a limitation of the JVM.

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Obviously OpenJDK is superior to dealing with Oracle's bull. But even more superior (IMO) is simply not using Java. My life has been noticeably more pleasant since I started refusing to touch Java.

  • Why is `crypto.subtle.digest` async?
  • You consider calculating the hash of a few bytes to be heavy lifting?

  • Why is `crypto.subtle.digest` async?
  • just use await in an async function.

    Sure, I'll just put await and async everywhere. Oh wait, I can't. A constructor can't be async so now I need to restructure my code to use async factories instead of constructors. Wonderful...

  • Why is `crypto.subtle.digest` async?
  • async/await infecting all of my code, being unable to create a get myField() method that involves a hash calculation. It may be standard to do heavy lifting concurrently, but async hash functions are certainly not standard in any of the languages I've used (which is quite a few).

  • Why is `crypto.subtle.digest` async?

    Why is crypto.subtle.digest designed to return a promise?

    Every other system I've ever worked with has the signature hash(bytes) => bytes, yet whatever committee designed the Subtle Crypto API decided that the browser version should return a promise. Why? I've looked around but I've never found any discussion on the motivation behind that.

    Switching to OCaml bois
  • So you’re arguing that “Object oriented” shouldn’t apply to languages that are oriented around objects?

  • Switching to OCaml bois
  • Of course, but OOP is typically about putting methods on classes, inheritance of behaviour etc.

    You’re referring to one subtype of OOP. That may be what most people mean when they say OOP, but that doesn’t make it correct. Object-oriented programming is programming with objects, which does not require inheritance or classes.

  • Not really sure whether S-expressions or Python indentation-based scoping get more hate...
  • It’s hard to distinguish whether a line is wrongly indented or not.

    That’s very much not my experience. I use YAML regularly and while I’ve had copy paste indentation errors when I look at the offending line it’s always obvious to me how to fix the indentation. The only indentation thing that’s ever given me trouble is embedding YAML as a string within a file that uses tabs.

  • What search engine do you use?

    Not sure if this is the right community, but I didn't see a general one. What search engine do you use? Besides Google increasingly spying on its users, the quality of its search results seems to have gotten significantly worse over the last decade. What search engine(s) do you use?

  • If you have a solid idea of your competence, GitLab uses a calculator for salary and they make it public. If you don’t have a solid idea, ask someone who’s worked with you and who will be honest.

    BTW someone said mid-level in SF is $200k, so my number may be way out of date.

  • ???
  • A competent mid-level developer in San Francisco should be making in the ballpark of $120k salary. There are approximately 50 work weeks in a year (2 weeks of vacation) so 40 hours a week means 2000 hours a year or $60 an hour (for a full time employee). 2x for being a contractor and adjust appropriately for your level of competence/expertise and cost of living.

  • What scientific journals do you recommend?

    I have a subscription to Nature but most of the articles are totally beyond me. I’m thinking of switching to a comp-sci specific journal. I’m mainly interested in compiler design and implementation of JIT compilers and VMs like JVM and .NET.

    What languages are well suited for testing SDKs written in multiple other languages?

    I am working on an application that has SDKs in multiple languages. Currently Java, JavaScript, Dart, and Go, but ultimately we'd like to have an SDK for every major language. Our primary test suites are written in Go, which means our other SDKs are not well tested. I do not want to write or maintain test suites in four or ten different languages.

    What I would like to do is choose a language to write the tests in, define a test harness interface, implement that test harness for each SDK, and write the tests using that harness. Of course I could do this with RPC/HTTP/etc but that would add significant complexity. I'd prefer to write the tests in a language that has a meaningful degree of interop/FFI with most of the major languages. Lua comes to mind, since it seems like someone has built a Lua interpreter for basically every language in existence, but I have very little Lua experience and I have no idea how painful it might be to do this in Lua. I am open to other suggestions besides interop/FFI and RPC, though I don't want to take the approach of creating test templates and generating the tests in each language. I've done things like that and they're a pain to maintain.

    Why should I use rust (as a Go enthusiast)?

    I am not hating on Rust. I am honestly looking for reasons why I should learn and use Rust. Currently, I am a Go developer. I haven’t touched any other language for years, except JavaScript for occasional front end work and other languages for OSS contributions.

    After working with almost every mainstream language over the years and flitting between them on a whim, I have fallen in love with Go. It feels like ‘home’ to me - it’s comfortable and I enjoy working with it and I have little motivation to use anything else. I rage every time I get stuck working with JavaScript because dependency management is pure hell when dealing with the intersection of packages and browsers - by contrast, dependency management is a breeze with Go modules. I’ll grant that it can suck when using private packages, but I everything I work on is open.

    Rust is intriguing. Controlling the lifecycle of variables in detail appeals to me. I don’t mind garbage collectors but Rust’s approach seems far more elegant. The main issue for me is the syntax, specifically generic types, traits, and lifetimes. It looks just about as bad as C++'s template system, minus the latter’s awful compiler errors. After working almost exclusively with Go for years, reading it seems unnecessarily demanding. And IMO the only thing more important than readability is whether it works.

    Why should I learn and use rust?

    P.S.: I don’t care about political stuff like “Because Google sucks”. I see no evidence that Google is controlling the project. And I’m not interested in “Because Go sucks” opinions - it should be obvious that I disagree.

    How often does branchless programming actually matter?

    I've started noticing articles and YouTube videos touting the benefits of branchless programming, making it sound like this is a hot new technique (or maybe a hot old technique) that everyone should be using. But it seems like it's only really applicable to data processing applications (as opposed to general programming) and there are very few times in my career where I've needed to use, much less optimize, data processing code. And when I do, I use someone else's library.

    How often does branchless programming actually matter in the day to day life of an average developer?

    firelizzard Ethan

    Principal Engineer for Accumulate

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