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  • Lemmygrad Vent Post!

    It looks like people are having a really rough time lately, in the aims of improving the mental well-being of our comrades please consider this post an open forum to vent frustrations about whatever is bothering you.

    If you're currently having a hard go of it, remember that we here at the 'grad care about you.

  • Anyone else dealing with unjustified anxiety?

    So, I'm dealing with lots of anxiety lately. About money, the future, hitting rock bottom, whatever. But the thing is, I'm not in a position to be anxious about these things. I have a decent paying job with an unlimited contract. I have an appartment, a loving gf, I'm healthy and even if shit hits the fan, my family would happily help me.

    Still, I get like panic attacks when I think about some stuff. The fear of my car breaking down, for example, makes me feel like dying, despite being able to buy a new one without problems.

    My anxiety feels misplaced. When I walk to my job (because even that's a luxury I have), I walk past homeless people sleeping on porches, I walk past addicts shooting up etc. and I think ti myself: 'they are so much worse off, What do I worry about?'.

    Years ago I was trapped in a life of crime with very little perspective, and even then I didn't feel anxious. Now that I have monumentally changed my life around, I worry. It makes no sense to me.

    Has anyone else felt this way before? Or ar you still having issues like this? How did/do you deal with it?

  • Imperium of Despair character art (+ thoughts and roadmap) Imperium of Despair character banner

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like commiespammer.

    Imperium of Despair character banner

    I'm getting a bit better at drawing, I hope. Anyways, for today I'd like to talk a bit more about my future plans. Also, the yellow makes the art a bit hard to see unless you zoom in.

    I might be taking a small break from writing. I doubt it would affect any of you, but I just wanted to get that out of the way. Rest assured I'll still be working, just at a slower pace. And I'll try to close the floodgates on the lore posts, given that I've probably written more here than in the actual story.

    I'd still like to write the second one, but I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. If I can't I'll just take a break from it temporarily and go work on the Miku fic.

    So... Yeah. And enjoy the art.

  • How do you apply DiaMat in your daily life?

    Hi comrades, how do you go about applying Dialectical Materialism in your daily life? What tasks have you successfully solved using it?

    I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of it right now by reading literature on it, right now I'm at Anti-Duhring (excerpts of it). I find it sometimes hard to apply what I've learned in personal cases, such as a discussion with someone, and so on.

  • I am getting real fucking tired of Eurocentrism in art

    I just need to do some venting because i have been trying to get more educated lately about various forms of art throughout history and the more i read the more angry i get with the way the entire subject is treated from such a Eurocentric and frankly often outright racist perspective.

    And this is not just a problem in the West, throughout the world somehow Europeans have managed to brainwash the entire rest of the world into idolizing their art, their music, their culture and putting it on some kind of pedestal as this sort of gold standard. Why the fuck do parents in Asia for instance so often send their kids to learn to play European classical music instead of the music of their own countries? Why is it that when you read about the "greatest composers of all time" they are all some pasty Euro fuckers, most of them making art primarily for the consumption of wealthy aristocrat patrons?

    As if other cultures weren't also making various forms of art for thousands of years - and many of them were no less sophisticated. (And mind you even in Europe the representation exludes the art of the lower classes, who certainly had their own music and culture that was distinct from that of the upper classes.) For once i'd like to see an African, Middle Eastern or Asian painter, writer, or composer of music traditional to their own regions get praised and elevated to the same level of respect, admiration and universal recognition as the European "classics". Why do we constantly have to put up with this big circlejerk about how "great" some toffs in wigs were for writing music that in large part only the rich could afford to have played for them because it required an entire orchestra with an absurd amount of performers?

    Of course i know the answer to these rhetorical questions, it's because the dominant culture in any society tends to be the culture of the ruling class. I understand this but it still pisses me off how inescapable European upper class culture is. One of the tasks ahead of us when the revolution comes will have to be the dismantling of the centuries of accumulated cultural hegemony of the Euro bourgeoisie. The Soviets were right to encourage socialist realism as a radical departure with the bourgeois culture of the capitalist system. We need a global cultural revolution.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything


    As the title says; I watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie back to back with my friends today, so if you’re interested in what the experience was like or what happened in each movie or any questions really please ask away!


  • I think that I sillily hurt two kids feelings 🙁

    Two adorable kids were talking holding their mom’s hand. And they unexpectedly said hi to me. I said hi back but I ended up laughing because it was so unexpectedly adorable and synchronized. I think I hurt their feelings by laughing 😅. I am just not used to people that I don't know say hi to me on the streets, let alone kids 🥲

  • Can someone help me find this video?

    I saw a comedy video one time, about how the hegemonic media is resistance to use the term fascist. the video is in spanish, were a reporter covers a nazi protest, she resists so much, even calling then anti-anti-fascists, that the nazis get pissed off.

  • Looking for the article showing the xinjiang re-education camp photo (see image) is from a 2017 meeting of reformed drug addicts.

    I've learned of this claim on friday everyday (yt), here. I've done some searching, both on their website and the wider internet, but I cant seem to find it. Has anyone of y'all seen it and can give a link? This explanation does seem to make sense, but I would prefer to see the article, especially any sources given by Nury.

  • Self reflection: I hate Reddit. So I really need to stop engaging with Lemmy users who still think they're on Reddit and then getting mad about it.

    This post is as much for me as it is for all of you. I'm doing some live self reflection and criticism here.

    I've been growing more and more frustrated with "Lemmy is becoming Reddit!" or more accurately, "the people from Reddit are bringing their bad habits and toxicity over to Lemmy." But upon closer inspection, it's mostly one instance that has by far the biggest problem with this and act by far the most like Reddit. Think you all know which instance I'm talking about. I've been finding myself writing paragraph or even multi paragraph responses to random people's hot takes which they probably spent two seconds thinking through before posting, and I have been deleting them because I realized that I don't fucking care and it's not worth my own time, energy, or mental health. And I'm the kind of person where if they respond with some sarcastic meme comment or a further bad take, I literally cannot stop myself from engaging further, writing walls of text addressing in detail every one of their points that they probably won't read before closing with "ok Tankie" or something.

    At some point I had to ask myself, why are you doing this? You've just ruined your free time on Lemmy because of someone else's shit take or toxicity. Fennekin, don't fucking engage the next time you see something that pisses you off, because you could write a book, complete with links to scientific papers (which I have done in the past), it's not going to resolve your being pissed off and who the hell do you think you're trying to actually convince with a detailed response when there is clearly a hive mind that's the genetic clone of the one from Reddit? If I think I actually have a good chance of convincing them or others that might see my comment, then yeah I will still totally write a wall of text to that effort. But in the vast majority of times this is far from the case, and I can more effectively spend my time elsewhere, like maybe actually engaging in discussions with more rational people where they could potentially be convinced by me and I could also potentially be convinced by them. To say that every single non-socialist is like the average Reddit lib would be totally wrong of course, as would be saying there is nothing we can learn from non-socialists, but I actually need to go out and look for those more rational and open minded people, which there are plenty of. Even if I'm not in a debate those people are generally more pleasant to interact with.

    If you can go in and debate those people and maintain your own sanity and baseline mood, I applaud you. But I can't. So I'm just not going to engage at all. That does not actually mean I'm going to start removing my access to lib content by blocking it or anything, I still think it's important as a socialist to at least be aware of the takes of the opposition. And like I said in a comment just an hour or so ago, I'm confident enough in my beliefs and ideologies that I'm by no means threatened by these people, quite the opposite in fact, which is why I compulsively try to correct them and respond to them. No more of that, I need to keep myself happy first, or if not happy then at least not pissed off whenever I go on Lemmy.

  • List of Hexbear Comms




























































































  • Thoughts on having a blog?

    Any tips for hosting a blog? i recently read this speech by deng about the pen being a major tool for exercising leadership and i want to start writing my thoughts to practice and get better.

  • Can anyone recommend any Soviet cartoons?

    Been on a nostalgic cartoon kick lately re-watching some of the old both Chinese and Western ones I enjoyed. But I never watched any Soviet cartoons having not grown up in the USSR, but I want to! Can anyone make any recommendations? Especially if it has animal characters because that's kind of my jam.

  • Are there any motivational podcasts/speeches that aren't made by reactionaries?

    I think I could benefit from some motivation in the morning to help a bit with getting out of bed. The only podcasts I can find are either made by people like Jocko Willink shudders or just promote grind/hussle culture.

    Is there anything motivational that isn't made by reactionaries?

  • RANT fuck food waste so much

    I have this app called Too Good To Go and it lets you buy shit from grocery stores that they would otherwise throw away for a cheap price (think like 15 euro worth of stuff for 3-4 euro). Today I went for it and got sort of disappointed, as a got like two cheeses, plant based butter, a box of eclairs, 15 little desserts and a steak. Sort of decent catch, not very nutritious. We gave the steak away as meat is not eaten in our house.

    The app is a hit or miss. You can sometimes end up with a big box of veggies you can eat for a whole week. Just not today.

    Anyway, it always makes me think how fucking much food is thrown away. Like, the app is so full in just my City. According to the app, 124kg of food is throw out every SECOND in this country. How anyone has to get hungry because they can't contribute to the profit is just insane. I hope we can one day look back at this time in disgust.

  • For the love of god please stop praising Lula

    I get his (mild) attacks on Bolsonaro make him look better, but he's not done any actual fucking reforms. At all. All he did during his first government was create some means tested welfare programs and keep public funding going, all while not combatting the bourgeoisie's interests. Which in turn, left ample time for fascism to grow, he even funded some of the exponents of it like Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (evangelical cult that is much like US prosperity gospel). Not to mention shooting incarceration rates sky high by kicking off the war on drugs by law in 2006 and invading Haiti on behalf of the UN in 2004

    His ministries are all commanded by neolibs, and even far right União Brasil in communications and tourism.

    His main deed as of this year has been pushing new fiscal policy for the government which will deepen the already horrible one that was put in by Temer. It even has penalties for "overspending" like forbidding the government from creating new public jobs and such!

    Fucking interest in loans is the actual highest in the world at 13.25%! (~9% per year accounting for inflation)

    Just because a government doesn't outright support the public sanctions on Cuba, China and the DPRK it doesn't make it a fucking ally, hell, many European countries do the same and I don't see y'all praising it.

    Lula is not moving Brazil any, and I mean any, closer to liberation. This job is up for the communists, nominally the Brazilian Communist Party (which is at the moment undergoing a split due to a complacent and persecutory petit-bourgeois central committee that doesn't want to oppose Lula but that's beside the point)

    Every time I see Lula praise here one of my neurons explodes with anger

    Edit FYI: I am actually organized in the youth of the Brazilian Communist Party. If y'all want any more info just ask (ofc nothing confidential)

  • You know what grinds my gears? Technology.

    I know, the post tile is rather bait like, however I wanted to stir discussion amongst you.

    As you know I'm a mod of the Linux for Leftists community so it might be quite counter-intuitive that someone knowledgeable on computers and Linux would have an anti-technological position. The thing is, I do not have such a position, that would be anti-Marxist and most importantly: idiotic.

    The problems I have with technology stem from capitalism, however that doesn't change the fact I enjoy using more "outdated" technological solutions to my problems in life and "kkkrapital$m sukkks" is not the discussion I'd like to foster today. I believe as individuals and society we are over reliant on unnecessarily advanced technology and should seek alternatives to distance ourselves from this.

    Let me ask you: "How reliant in your day to day life are you on your smartphone?"

    The question is more in the likes of, how many of your previous devices or items have been replaced by it? For example a watch, a timer, an alarm, a calculator, a payment method, a music player, a news reader, a video device and more.

    It's an everything machine, and when it fails you that's when you essentially lose access to everything. Even if I buy a ticket online, you bet I'm printing it out just for that added feeling of security. I've always been the type of person that likes my devices to be very redundant, so that when one fails me I can either easily replace or repair it. I also like for my devices to be reliant and durable as well as well made for the purpose they are meant to serve.

    I have what I would like to call a functionally minimalist mindset. That's why I have problems with computers and smartphones as they are not only everything machines for most, they are slowly getting worse for the mainstream and a revolution isn't coming soon.

    So what do I do? Lifestylism lmao

    Something that helps me not only enforce a reliability in my life, but also ground it in the real world as with every future year we are more and more pushed into the digital. Unfortunately capitalism has made the digital not a liberating power, but a force of alienation and control. Thus I try to distance myself very much from social media, and I've been doing it quite well. Since 2013 or 2014 as quite a young idiot I made a smart decision. "Social media sucks", and I've never managed to get into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and the like.

    Only recently have I've gotten into any kind of social media, like Reddit or now Lemmygrad. But that is because of you my lovely comrades. You made the places worth registering to. Thank you.

    But returning, I also have a certain love for the material. Something I can touch, inspect, smell and admire for it's craftsmanship. I own several purely mechanical machines that have been well replaced by the digital. I also have old digital machines that are also what I like to call fictionally minimalist. Like a Casio F-91W watch or a TI-82 graphic calculator. (Solid things, they don't make now 'em like they used to.) An addiator, a mechanical wind-up watch (I still prefer my Casio F-91W) and get this. Six typewriters. I have somewhat of addiction to them.

    I have to say, all of these have made my life not just more cluttered. But more "real". I can't describe it, but interacting with them feels more authentic than interacting with a smartphone or even a laptop. There is just something about them that allows me not just distraction free work, but a focused mindset on task I've set in front of me. They make my life weirdly enough, easier.

    I've found myself gravitating more and more to these low tech solutions, not just because of interest of curiosity. But real genuine desire to actually use them on a day to day basis.

    Do you find yourself having similar experiences when it comes to technology? That it has been more of a hindrance than a help to whatever you are trying to do?

    (Excuse me if the post lacks structure or sense. I've yet to get good at proper writing, and not just streams of thoughts.)

    EDIT: It seems this post garnered a few downvotes. Please, leave a comment! Let the struggle session begin!

  • Recommend leftist podcast episodes about Oppenheimer/Manhattan Project?

    Obviously I'm going to see the movie this week. I know a lot about the subject already, but I thought it would be nice to hype myself with a Marxist perspective of the events in the meantime. I recently listened to an episode of the Socialist Program with Brian Becker on this subject, and I'm hoping y'all can recommend some more content like that to refresh my memory on the topic and keep me grounded in the right state of mind. (I should clarify, I'm ok with documentaries, but I need mostly audio based content because- being a single parent -I am limited to consuming education mostly while I'm at work)

  • Just watched "In Time (2011)" and it was oddly refreshing for an English-language movie

    Of course, it still has a lot of the tired tropes of Yankee movies, Big Shooty Protagonist, Male/Female Leads falling in love at the first eye contact, random sex scenes to keep viewers awake, Robin Hood saves the day by himself, Cillian Murphy being anti-social in a leather trench-coat.

    But it's been a long time since I've seen a Yankee-ish movie (the director is Kiwi) that actually puts an effort to make a movie be about critiquing capitalism, without some plot twist where the people wanting change secretly eat babies. The time metaphor is so one to one that it becomes corny after a while, and I enjoyed every pun. The title in Portuguese is also better than the original, loosely translating to "The Cost of Tomorrow."

    Ironically the editing is very straight to the point with barely any filler and the budget looked very efficiently allocated, as if it valued your time (sorry). Wholeheartedly recommend.

  • I had a thought

    I don’t think it’s unique but I’ve had it for a while and figured it’d be good to share.

    I’ve been thinking about the Bolshevik revolution and the subsequent communist revolutions that followed and it baffled me how demonized they are. Yes, I know it’s due to rampant anticommunism but taking away that aspect it feels no different from the French Revolution that is way less hated.

    Don’t get me wrong, there is a weird small uptick in people defending the French monarchy, Marie Antoinette specifically, but for the most part people seem way less opposed to the French lobbing off heads with a guillotine versus the Bolsheviks gunning down the Romanovs. Is it because there were children killed? But children were killed by the French revolutionaries too, so what gives? Not for nothing but getting shot to death seems a little less brutal than getting your head cut off. I’m not judging the French for this decision either, I understand why it needed to happen and so does history, at least the history I learned in school.

    Is this hypocrisy because the Bolshevik revolution happened in more recent history? Again, I know anticommunism is the major factor it’s just hard to rationalize the hatred outside of red scare propaganda.

    It’s just so wild to me that nobody really cares about the French monarchy dying via guillotine but weep real tears for the Tsar. I mean, my mom watches history shows (those dramatized ones, mostly) and she came to me about how sad their deaths were and how good of a dad Nicholas II was, how he seemed like such a nice man. It was, and still is, jarring as hell but I didn’t know what to say at the time considering I was less educated and a high schooler. I know that damn Anastasia movie did major damage as well. Sucks that the songs are bangers.

    Anyway I think that’s my whole thought on this subject. Please share any insights any of you have on this as I’d love to hear it and perhaps learn more!

  • My brother, who's a social democrat, claims that social democracy is not capitalism

    This dude has a political science major... I tried telling him that in social democracy the workers don't own the means of production so it's still capitalism, but he doesn't listen. I remember went he stopped supporting my country's (Netherlands) neoliberal party (D66) and started supporting PvdA, our socialdemocratic party. I was hopeful that he was slowly turning to the left, but nothing's changed. What are some arguments against socialdemocracy that a social democrat might listen to?

  • Deleted mastodon Just Now

    I used the webapp version to browse, never registered. I find seeing photos of others, makes me jealous and self conscious, not saying bad about myself, just that I feel jealous of what features others have. Not healthy mindset for sure. I like it, more conversation focused, not "look what I have". Congrats to mastodon for being better community wise over fb or twitter.

  • I recently tried to book a numerology session and it felt like a total scam :/

    I had met this lady a few weeks ago who did numerology sessions on the side of her regular job. She had offered me a session at the time and I had refused. I ended up finding her number a few weeks later and had arranged to book a session.

    I had been seeing all these numbers repeating, and thought, why not have some fun, right? I don't really believe in that kinda stuff, but it would be interesting to see what values people ascribe to things as random as numbers, and see what I think about it. An hour session was gonna come out to upwards of 200+ dollars 💀 .

    I apologised saying I should've asked for a quote beforehand, but she tries to call me (I didn't pick up) and she then texts me that "people usually call me when they're in need and I recommend the session", but it's like...of course you would, you're making 200+ dollars off of me lol.

    No disrespect to her, but I hate that everyday interactions are warped by profit 😓. I get everyone has to eat, but damn, wtf?

  • Do upvotes matter here?

    I am used to the Reddit model in which you need karma to pretty much do anything. Is that the case here? Does anything happen if you end up with just negative points?

  • Is "Prolet" becoming an insult?

    I live in Austria and noticed recently, due to my boss and colleagues using it, that the word "Prolet" is being used as a swear word for basically uncultured people in german. Before reading theory, I wasn't aware of the link to marxism.

    Now, I wanted to ask if any of you have heard the word being used in the same way in your languages. I'm wondering if it's used that way only in german. Do you think this might be a way to make people instinctively steer away from communism? Feels like a way to degrade the working class.

  • Opinions on Marijuana Legalization or on Cannabis in general?

    I can definitely understand peoples’ issues with it being consumed, especially in a political context, but how do yall feel about “weed”? I won’t hide my feelings, I am very much pro-weed, it’s not great that I started in my mid-teens but in my area it’s FAR from uncommon. I don’t smoke daily or anything, I’m not addicted to it (people say it’s non-habit forming but any drug can be addictive with enough frequent usage) but I do smoke and dab w/ friends often. That’s not why I believe in legalization tho, my main thing is you shouldn’t make a naturally occurring plant an illegal substance. I’d point to the DEA’s destructive (legal) burning of thousands of naturally occurring marijuana plants found in nature; This seems eco-fascist to me and to deny the uses of hemp as a production material seems dogmatic to me. The USSR used hemp for industrial purposes during the war and it helped in a major way. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the badge given for Hemp growers. If you have any criticisms, I’m more than open to it, but I feel that marijuana won’t be easy to get rid of in future society and would probably be put to use in different more productive ways.

  • The Role of Snark

    I want to float what's perhaps a controversial opinion to see what everybody's thoughts on the matter are. The general consensus is to try and be polite at all times. However, I will argue that there are necessary limits to politeness and that it can be counterproductive at times.

    When somebody makes a comment in good faith, I think it's important to engage with it in good faith. If there is a disagreement then it can be articulated in a clear and polite manner. The hope is that the discussion will be productive and everyone will learn something in the process.

    On the other hand, when comments are made with the intention of trolling then trying to engage them as if they were made in good faith only plays into the hands of the troll. Addressing the points that the troll makes as if they had merit implicitly validates these points as if they need to be debated.

    In my view, the proper response to trolls is ridicule. They have to be called out for what they are and we should not take the bait to attempt starting a debate with them. Instead, it's better to simply make it clear that the opinion is garbage and not worth discussing.

    The argument against being snarky is that it can drive people away, but I don't know that there is much weight to that in practice. Anybody who's read Lenin can see that his writing is full of snark, and he often ridiculed opportunists and revisionists. Clearly that didn't hinder the Bolshevik movement all that much.

    I think it's important for us to express confidence in our views, and to be assertive about our positions. The facts are on our side, and we don't need to act as if our position is the one that needs defending.

  • Just happy to be here

    Hey folks. My name is Tymon Brown - up until March of last year, I was the director of video production for The Gravel Institute, which was a lefty thinktank making educational videos on YouTube.

    I got suddenly laid off in March of 2022, and since then GI has stopped making content, which I'm pretty in the dark about. But I'm working on building a new channel with some other former colleagues from GI, and we'll be going into production soon.

    I'll share our first video when it's ready. Anyone have a good recommendation on the most appropriate community here to share that kind of thing?

    Hope y'all have a nice day.

  • Expanding long reply chains is hella buggy

    I'm trying to look at a long reply chain, but it's impossible due to how buggy it is. Maybe don't collapse them?

  • [rant] Too many liberals these days.

    When I first joined Lemmygrad, I had the peace of knowing that everyone here is participating in good faith, unlike on reddit, which is full of liberals who will comment on everything just to get a reaction or a chauvinistic boner. The good faith here was a very welcoming thing, that even when I made a mistake users corrected me and gave me a second chance to rethink what I said, because they knew I wasn't here to troll and perhaps I was misguided or uneducated on a subject.

    After the reddit refugee thing, you'd usually see them on communities that used to be popular on reddit that exist on Lemmygrad's instance (latestagecapitalism) or posts that got too popular, but now they shove themselves on every community here, even if its name was "LENINFANGIRLSCLUB1917" and had a picture of Lenin on every inch of it.

    But now, since there's so many clueless liberals that came from reddit and don't know how to act, devaluate constructive discussions on for example if a theocratic force like Hamas should be supported against the Zionist entity or not, into arguments about whether the Zionist entity is a colony or not. nowadays if someone comments some shit like "communism doesn't work because of human nature." I legit wouldn't know if it's sarcastic or actual believers of that.

    I feel this has a major negative impact on us and the community, it is harder for anyone old or new to participate here without being downvoted (idgaf about downvotes) or argue on whether Jeff Bezos eats children or not, and any new participants is instantly greeted with a death stare if they can't recite Das Kapital backwards in Hausi.

    Anyhow, that was my rant, I personally believe that what we're seeing right now is just a wave caused by reddit, and liberals will either learn how to use Lemmy properly, or leave the site all together because they can't give comments gold awards. With all that I've said, I'm looking forward to the Hexbear federation horizon where we'll hopefully be dunking on losers together. <3

  • How would you deal with your dream job having really shitty pay?

    Title says it all. Basically I am at a point where I can choose between 2 jobs.

    One would leave me incredibly busy, completely stressed for the next 3-4 years and wouldn't leave me with a lot of free time in general (it also has a very high burn out quote) and a lot of young people who enter the job leave shortly after. The pay would be good, the job is incredible secure, it would make me a civil servant and it's a job I would mostly enjoy. I find it incredibly fulfilling and it is a lot of fun. But my job would be pretty much everything I do from then with no real time for other hobbies.

    The other job is much more relaxed, it is even more fun and I would work with one of my hobbies. But the pay is dogshit I would make the least of any of my friends, it is less secure and the working hours are funky but regular. It might become very challenging to afford a family on this salary (not impossible though).

    I feel like I am fucked either way. Any thoughts?

  • Would be interesting to have a Large Language Model fine-tuned on leftist sources

    It would be interesting to have a Large Language Model (LLM) fine-tuned on the ProleWiki and leftist books, as it could be very useful for debunking arguments related to leftist ideology. However, local models are not yet doing search and cited sources, which makes it difficult to trust them. With citations, it is possible to check if the model is referencing what it is citing or just making things up. The inclusion of citations would enable users to verify the references and ensure the model is accurately representing the sources it cites. In the future, when a local platform with search capabilities for LLMs becomes available, it would be interesting to prioritize leftist sources in the search results. Collaboratively curating a list of reliable leftist sources could facilitate this process. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Online Party Discipline?

    Hello comrades, I read a comment on a post either on lemmygrad or hexbear talking about how most discourse happening was of poor quality and indicative of a lack of genuine leftist groups in the imperial core. Basically if there were patty's with some teeth they would enforce party discipline and education and that would lead to higher quality discourse online.

    I also read some of Lenins2ndcat's comments which were very patient when they were interacting with users from other communities.

    Is there anyway to work on like, an online party discipline? Or like having users who are very good at discussing with libs have a more concerted approach to their interactions? It really seems that much of us are often too aggressive and meme-y and as fun as that is it really isn't productive.

    I get that this isn't how praxis or anything happens, it seems more like the way we engage could be more productive and fruitful in the long term and considerations like this might go a long way.

    TL;DR Planned economy but for memeposting

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