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wholesome rule
  • Im sure Im already on the CIA’s/FBI’s list, might as well keep using the phone I already have

  • The land of the fee and the home of the bribe 🦅🇺🇸🫡
  • Oh im well aware of that, it’s just that I thought the extinction of the buffalo was more of an accident than literally a casualty of Amerikkka’s genocide

  • Priority Reforms Key for Sustaining Growth and Achieving China’s long-term goals - World Bank Report
  • Is there anything from Chinese officials themselves? this is just a report by the world bank, inshallah they know not to listen to these devils

  • What is the maximum number of active users on an instance before the financial burden gets too high for the admins?
  • wikipedia itself is more than fine, they just spend a ton of money on other projects thats what the donation drives are mostly funding (most of which suck tbh). Another org that does just fine funding itself through donation is the Organization for Transformative Works (i.e

    (if someone could repost this that's not on an instance blocked by sopuli that would be much appreciated)

  • Priority Reforms Key for Sustaining Growth and Achieving China’s long-term goals - World Bank Report
  • implementing market reforms to encourage private investment while putting the economy on a more efficient decarbonization path.

    I'm literally going to turn into the joker if China actually goes down that path

  • The land of the fee and the home of the bribe 🦅🇺🇸🫡
  • best case scenario they're clueless about Amerikkka's crimes (or at least the extent), normally it's just the good ole racism

  • The land of the fee and the home of the bribe 🦅🇺🇸🫡
  • good fucking god I had no clue the extinction of the buffalo was another thing purposefully pushed by the Amerikkkan state. Legitimately cartoon level villains of history

  • Twitter/X anonymous login and no Government censorship
  • one of the most insane things I've ever seen posted on any site ever

  • Taiwan just opened a memorial dedicated to "Formosan Youths who aided Japan in WWII".....
  • Dude wtf this is ruzzian propaganda psyop to make omega wholesome ruler of taiwan look like it’s directly descended from fascists and will turn back to that in the blink of an eye!?!?!

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • Absolutely insane, please elaborate why you think lemmygrad (which had fucking 300 active users over a period of 6 (six) months before the reddit logo fiasco, and was founded in 2019, 3(three) years before all the propganda wars truly started in earnest) is a psyop and not hexbear which is infinitely more active and posts more about Ukraine and the war than we do (and I want the minimum amount of sourcing like I put into my comment. Like, have you ever looked at their news megathread???

    Regardless, maybe you don’t understand my claim. I think you developed these opinions of hexbear after they started shitting on you, which my reasoning is that you shit on lemmygrad for something that should be equally if not more applied to hexbear if you did more than 5 minutes of looking around. My point of linking that comment is that you never displayed any disdain for hexbear on a public comment before their users started shitting on you

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • this you?k note carefully the at the top of the comm

    can you source a comment shitting on hexbear before they started dunking on you? the first comment I see you shitting on them is the one I already linked

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • I can't link directly to some because you and gaveup got comments removed which breaks the whole shit, but you respond to her comment with this shit: (why tell someone they're better off at a place that you now supposedly always knew was as bad as lemmygrad is beyond me)

    I think she responded to you with this comment:

    in which case you responded with this:

    she responds with this:

    which is where you respond with this, at which point you still haven't brought up hexbear's supposed shittiness

    then, hours later, you respond with this:

    quite easy to see why I think this actually

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • you told me to look at older comments, and I did? accuses me of cope, sends one of the worst coping comments I have ever seen. A headcanon isnt me spending about 30 seconds looking through your comment history

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • I did, you posted in their games comm, made that dumbass response in this thread, started getting shit on, then you started shitting on hexbear, pretty clear timeline of events for me

    capitalist coping

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • sure thing, you definitely made that comment knowing what hexbear was. If you thought hexbear was really that shitty, you wouldn't have said it's better to be on there than on lemmygrad??? They literally post more news about the conflict than lemmygrad does, absolutely baffling behavior to say that lemmygrad is the psyop and not hexbear (it's delusional to say it's a psyop either way)

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • I fucking love comments like this from people who have no clue that hexbear is mostly ideologically alligned with lemmygrad and then get dunked on for it. Here's a quote for you from a super scary man named Mao that you should learn to take to heart so you don't get dunked on like this (emphasis mine):


    Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn't that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful. How can a Communist keep his eyes shut and talk nonsense?

    It won't do!

    It won't do!

    You must investigate!

    You must not talk nonsense!

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • that's totally valid! I spend 95% of my time on lemmygrad (and now hexbear) comms anyways, so it doesn't really matter to me other than being annoying when I have to make sure I'm not wasting my time commenting something to a user of a defederated instance

  • Self reflection: I hate Reddit. So I really need to stop engaging with Lemmy users who still think they're on Reddit and then getting mad about it.
  • .world users won’t be able to see your posts or comments even ones made in instances that they’re federated with, it’s quite annoying I have to check and make sure Im not wasting my time if I try and comment outside of lemmygrad (or hexbear too now)

  • any fanfiction writers here on hexbear? Socialist FanFiction - Hexbear

    A community for discussing any socialist fanfiction you're reading or writing! Rules: 1) Please only post fanficiton that showcase socialist values and messages (Other kinds of fics belong in !) 2) Don't post work that glorifies bigotry, even if it fits otherwise (n...

    Hey everyone, fanfiction has been a hobby of mine since before even my teenage years, but honestly so much of it is complete liberalism, so I made a comm on lemmygrad a couple months ago to try and get a group of dedicated community for writers putting out content that's not complete liberalism. It never really got any traction (largely my fault, I don't really post any published writing and I haven't really come up with any good ideas on how to make it more popular). anyways, feel free to post basically anything even tangentially related.

    It's linked in the post, but here's another link !

    We've been out tankie'd by Hexbear has defederated from Hexbear, presumably because they're tankies or something. This is unacceptable comrades, we need to double our tankie posting powers, President Xi isn't paying us for this kind of lackluster performance!!!

    Edit: get a load of this shit lol

    There is a spectre haunting the lemmyverse

    It’s lemmygrad, we’re the spectre. I’d bet at least half of the other instances out there block us, there’s only like 300 dedicated users on this instance, and they still can’t stop complaining about lemmygrad/tankies

    great video on anime from FD Signifier!

    Mostly focuses on shounen and how it appeals to boys and young men, he links some other more femme centered vids in the description

    "leftists" who hate "tankies" once again showing their true colors

    Get a load of this user, supposedly this comm is supposed to be making fun of reactionaries doing the "vuvuzuelaiphone" thing but suspiciously is posting nothing but anti tankie memes, curious 🤔

    Edit: to be 100% accurate because I'm not a liberal, it appears that the comm name is misleading and it's just a general meme sub for "leftists", still quite funny that the only memes they're posting are anti tankie memes

    Another totally serious and not laughable community. Why do reactionaries like this think they're leftist?

    Beehaw admin is such a fucking liar wtf Beehaw - a news aggregator and a social media outlet

    Beehaw is a community of individuals and therefore does not have any specific political affiliation. At this point in time, we do not know what the political leanings of most of our users are. I would suspect that many of them would identify as progressive because we are explicitly a safe space for ...

    > Some of the instances that we have chosen to defederate with have explicit political stances and ideologies. Their political stance and ideology had nothing to do with the choice to defederate. The choice to defederate was based on the amount of hate speech present on the instance and/or explicitly endorsing it.

    What fucking hate speech, you weasly, lying shitlib. Your kind cheers on Russian deaths, calling them “orcs”, then you have the audacity to accuse us of hate speech? Go on, make more orientalist posts about China, and then come back and lecture us on hate speech.

    The only “hate speech” I have is the hate for your dogshit, genocidal politics.

    Our instance explicitly disallows and bans bigotry, and he’s going around posting this shit

    Edit: And thinking about it more, the admins are basically agreeing going "fuck the devs we would switch off if we could", after everything the devs did to placate them, offering to pay for server hosting, putting them and not us on the reccomended server list, explicitly pinning posts asking people to go else where, and they're still shitting on them for "muh evil tankies!!!". The devs should have never listened to these whining liberals, and I think should maybe defederate from beehaw themselves like holy fuck you can't trust liberals for anything

    Welcome to Socialist FanFiction!

    cross-posted from:

    > Hey everyone, I've created this community to hopefully help facilitate the spread of socialist fanfiction! > > I've been an avid reader of fanficiton since I was 13, but since becoming a socialist I've become more and more disappointed with how liberal the vast majority of fanfiction writing is (fiction in general, really). So, maybe by having a community dedicated to it here, we can combat some of that! > > I've never moderated anything before, so any suggestions on better rules or events to run to grow the community are very welcome! Also, I'd like help designing or finding an appropriate icon and banner.

    Sorry if this is a little spammy, I'd just like everyone to have the chance to see this!

    Admin appreciation post

    Thanks admins, for keeping the most deranged anticommunists and others out of here, it's made being here an awesome experience <3

    Western media and the DEA 🤢 claiming that Chinese capitalists are laundering money in Mexico to hide capital flight

    cross-posted from:

    > > > I’d like to hear thoughts from more informed comrades on this, is this real (and when will I get to see more billionaire executions if it is), or just more bullshit?

    Western media and the DEA 🤢 claiming that Chinese capitalists are laundering money in Mexico to hide capital flight

    I’d like to hear thoughts from more informed comrades on this, is this real (and when will I get to see more billionaire executions if it is), or just more bullshit?

    Heavenly delusion based?!?!?

    cross-posted from:

    > Watching heavenly delusion with my friends, one of the main characters is trans, transphobic "woke west is ruining Japan" weebs in shambles

    Heavenly delusion based?!?!?

    Watching heavenly delusion with my friends, one of the main characters is trans, transphobic "woke west is ruining Japan" weebs in shambles

    Hexbear's almost back to the rest of lemmy y'all!!!

    I really hope beehaw is slow to block them, those shitposters are feral

    edit: bad news, they say they're not even going to be federating at first and when they do it will probably just be with us :( I wanted to see the confusion from libs interacting with maniacs on that instance

    Other instances

    Kind of amazing how many instances are blocking lemmygrad as soon as they're created. I know that liberals really don't like dissenting opinions but goddamn

    Lemmy Support ImOnADiet [he/him]
    how do instance bans work?

    So I realized that lemmygrad must be banned in beehaw's instance list, but I can still see beehaw user comments in communities, if I respond to them can they see my comment?

    ImOnADiet ImOnADiet [he/him]

    he/him, 20's, like games, reading, anime

    Posts 19
    Comments 397