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wholesome rule
  • If you dislike the stock OS, or find it too bloated, you can flash LineageOS anytime. Most of the OnePluses are supported. It's a way better experience than any stock Android imho.

  • Crapitalism am I right folks?
  • The amount of times I've heard this rhetoric coupled with "the animals are better than us! We should let them govern the planet instead! They're vastly superior to us murderous beings" is baffling

  • You know what grinds my gears? Technology.
  • Xfce is nice! I used it myself for a while, though I came back to tiling, I found it too inefficient. With a twm I can use my computer at the speed I like. I run myself a Gemini capsule and Gopherhole for quite a while now, I could give you more information if you wish!

    Speaking of small web communities, check out: You probably know them, but they recently shut down and put out an amazing manifesto of how to grow a community, you should definitely read it. The admins were also Marxists.

    I’m glad that you are also an analog technology enjoyer, there’s just something else to these devices that smartphones and computers cannot really provide. It’s quite an amazing feeling I like to share with the people I meet, not many people have seen, not even typed, on a typewriter. Sharing the magic is the least I could do. I sadly haven't tried a typewrtier.. yet. I'll see if I can get my hands on one, though the simple editing that you do digitally when writing is unbeatable.

    Yeah 4chan’s /g/ is exactly like that, they were the guys that got me to read the Unabomber Manifesto. And even back in my worse days I knew Kaczyński was batshit insane, couldn’t really believe people would unironically try and spread his idiotic message. Look at Luke Smith and how he praises the Unabomber and other such figures, even has a video saying imagination is demonic, lol. Same with DistroTube, both are far-righters.

    And correctly so! My TV is a CRT and it works just fine. And also is a reason why I don’t really care for 4k Ultra HD torrents and just settle for 720p (Remember when 720p was called HD? I sure do). Bruh even standard resolution, known as 480p, is prefect enough for me lmao. Yeah there's a constant competition of "MORE PIXELS! MORE QUALITY!" but it's barely distinguishable on an average screen. It's just the techbro conception of "progress"

    Look around, they are making your software! Not fanboying about it on reactionary internet forums or shilling shitcoins B) Haha, fair

    Edit: Thanks for linking me to Dillo! I'll check it out. I have experience hosting things, so I could help you, if you want to make something like a community or whatever, if you want.

  • How do you apply DiaMat in your daily life?
  • Yep, but the elements in the superstructure can have contradictions inherent in them, right? In any case, I heard of people applying it in their daily lives and so on, so I was curious

  • How do you apply DiaMat in your daily life?

    Hi comrades, how do you go about applying Dialectical Materialism in your daily life? What tasks have you successfully solved using it?

    I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of it right now by reading literature on it, right now I'm at Anti-Duhring (excerpts of it). I find it sometimes hard to apply what I've learned in personal cases, such as a discussion with someone, and so on.

    I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • There definitely went many millions in the advertising of both. The generated hype will probably die down in one or two months, I suppose.

  • Can anyone recommend any Soviet cartoons?
  • Ah ha, well both really. It has a dark atmosphere visually and the storyline is about getting lost, some existential questions iirc, etc.

  • Lib makes death threats
  • Nevermind, I looked from Lemmygrad and he was banned from here. He is not banned on lemmee.

  • Lib makes death threats
  • I didn't have a debate with them. No idea from where they found me. Probably got annoyed at one of my comments.

  • Lib makes death threats
  • He did get banned! Surprising but props to the admins

  • Libs making death threats for critical support to Russia
  • Horseshoe theory strikes yet again. I doubt he understands what Communism or Fascism are.

  • Lib makes death threats
  • Someone did downvote all the comments here, lol

  • Can anyone recommend any Soviet cartoons?
  • I remember someone from a post-soviet country showing me Hedgehog in the Fog and being like "That's what a Soviet childhood looked like! We only had depressive entertainment! Traumatic!" (they were born many years after the USSR collapsed lol) I personally think it's interesting, albeit dark in some places, though the artistic medium is definitely worth a shot, as it had many interesting effects such as the segment with the tree.

  • Do you think there is a clear separation between progress and growth for the sake of growth?
  • Everyone hates targeted ads and marketing bullshit besides people who make money in marketing and advertisement.

    More recently, I've witnessed many people that don't skip ads, watch ads on TV, and actually got annoyed when I told them I can help them use an adblocker. Most gave the reason that they're "entertaining". What can I say.

  • List of Hexbear Comms
  • Thank you comrade, this was very useful! Not having to switch between Hexbear and Lemmygrad makes it a great experience now.

  • You know what grinds my gears? Technology.
  • I try to be as minimalist as possible about the digital software I use and to only use it as a tool, not as endless entertainment. I run a custom dwm, along with CLI only software, my only GUI software is Firefox. I don't use social media whatsoever, aside from Lemmygrad.

    For a while I was on the Gemini protocol, liking the simple aspect of it. Though, it's become way too reactionary, it's filled with conservatives debating white genocide and so on. I did find Carl Newport's Digital Minimalism book of help, though in some aspects it was too bland in my opinion.

    Like you said, at the moment we should change how we approach technology itself, and we shouldn't do it as everything devices. I can hardly focus when I'm not reading on my eBook reader, I don't even use addictive services. I can use just fine an early 2010s laptop as my main computer, though I can't come here because the browser lags too much. Everything else is quite good in my case, and it fits my writing needs nicely.

    Speaking of analog devices that were replaced by phones, I very much enjoy analog watches. Not the fancy, shiny ones, but normal watches. They're much more practical than any phone for checking the clock in my opinion. I also own a calculator that's solar powered, and it's a great experience.

    Yeah I definitely saw what you mean, much of the Linux, Small Web, etc. is very anti-technology and goes reactionary most of the time. Partly cause it's full of conservatives. I criticise new useless technology such as Smart TVs because it's capitalism's way of "innovation" that is predatory, not because new = bad. Too bad there aren't more leftists in the FOSS communities, though.

  • Literally is a handful of trolls
  • We should have a thread where we post any troll accounts we encounter on the Fediverse so we can block them. Kind of a masterpost.

  • We can win if we kill everybody.
  • There's a risk [...] that Zelenskiy will be forced into negotiations

    Oh well, quite mask off

  • NSFW
    if you want to have some quick laughs, check out this liberal crying about us lol CW: comm linked has sinophobic depiction of Xi Jinping (you know the one)
  • Nooo not my hololodomor lol, also of course the Uyghur thing is on there. Lib couldn't keep himself from using the racist Xi image too

    Thanks for sharing, good one

  • Anniversary Thanks
  • Awesome!

  • PSA: Just want to give a heads up on what is about to come in the way of Lemmy users, a huge WARNING
  • Yeah I checked and there are already threads where they trash on "tankies" and that the US security state cannot get into iPhones, sure.

  • Expansion of Lemmygrad, future services & more

    Hello comrades!

    I want to outline a few potential projects the Lemmygrad community could benefit from and expand its reach. I think they could foster real growth and be not only of help, but actively create counter-spaces to the Right in various domains.

    FOSS in this case means free and open source. For more information, check out this.

    Privacy Guide

    I'm personally interested in tech privacy. The biggest places around are r/privacy, and PrivacyGuides, the de facto flagship website for privacy and security advice.

    The sub-Reddit is known to be overtly against China and non-western FOSS communities. It's mostly a circlejerk of Westerners screaming "We don't want to be like 1984 China!" without any kind of material analysis. Besides, Reddit is Reddit and we know how that goes.

    Now, PrivacyGuides. It is definitely a helpful resource, but there are a few issues with it. First off, the administrators frequently promote Apple products on their forum, one of them, Jonathan, even being an Apple fanboy. Apple products are non-FOSS and shouldn't be trusted, especially since they're in PRISM and collaborate with the NSA. This leaves out all the drama they've been through since they split with, the latter claiming PrivacyGuides stole thousands of euros from them.

    What I'm saying is that I think there's a need for a more community-based approach, with a strong Marxist tendency to counter liberals and conservatives (and sometimes ancaps) in the privacy field. This has the potential to educate people, even radicalize perhaps. This is related to the second project.

    edit: We could also add an Internet etiquette guide for Lemmygrad members. This could include safety procedures while posting, general privacy advice and more, in order to not get targeted by the US.

    Hosted Services

    Lemmygrad can expand itself and offer hosted services for its members. They can include a Git forge, e-mail (although this one is debatable if it's worth it because of security practices), PeerTube, and any other service that is deemed useful by the community. I think the format outlined below could be useful.

    I'm tying up my idea here with the concept of public access unix systems, or short for "pubnixes". They've recently had a revival, the tradition dating back to the '80s. In a nutshell, someone provides a Linux/BSD server and gives user accounts to people who request them. It has a strong focus on using the shell, and anti-corporate service alternatives. Sadly, it's dominated by either conservatives or anarcho-capitalists, rarely seeing a ML on there. I think this can be improved a lot upon, because Marxists have missed this opportunity to radicalize people in the "Small Web" communities. We need a healthier and better overall version of the Web, and I think it can provide a useful outlet for not only radicalizing new comrades, but educating everyone on technology and how to use it safely and in a healthy manner. If you're interested in checking out the Small Web movement, check out this manifesto. Gopher and Gemini, being the two most popular non-WWW protocols, are completely dominated by conservatives and such. A ML presence there could help turn the tide in the small/sustainable computing sphere.

    I'm also thinking of setting up a mechanism of democratically run services, trying to destroy the "benevolent dictator" mechanism the software administrators have. I'm only aware of one attempt so far at this, here.

    Healthy Computing

    Speaking of healthy, this could be a potential third project, a mental wellness guide for technology. Of course, with a strong focus on FOSS projects. I think we need better structured resources for people to access, more "polished", in order to garner attention as viable alternatives to what liberals and conservatives are pushing online. There is a lot of pseudo-science regarding mental health in general, and especially regarding computing, so it could be a fully featured guide to say the least.

    This could tie in with other resources written from a ML standpoint for people, perhaps countering the whole "self improvement" movement with diverse explanations and such.


    I think Lemmygrad could publish a Zine. ML-themed findings from the Web, personal essays, stories, and anything fitting. Then it can be easily printed. Monthly releases would be neat. Could also include the news of that month, and so on. Could make a fitting alternative for paid Leftist monthly newspapers and such.


    I want this to be up for public debate so everyone can contribute with ideas! I'm personally versed in hosting things, but additional help is very much needed. If you want to contribute with an idea, or are skilled in contributing directly to any of these projects, let's get in touch. Perhaps we could get the Revolutionary Technical Committee involved in this if they're willing to contribute to a Marxist technological "front".

    What do you think of what I've outlined above? Let's discuss.

    RARBG has shut down

    RARBG has shut down today. If you go to their website, you will be presented with the following message:

    > Hello guys, We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all.

    > Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare. Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it.

    > We are sorry :( > Bye

    Expressions of affection & emotions today

    Hi comrades! This is my first time on Lemmygrad, so I apologise for the abrupt introduction. I saw there's an introduction community, although it seems abandoned. I'll consider making a post later today perhaps in this community, if you have better ideas for where it should fit, please let me know!

    How do you deal personally with expressing affection towards family, lovers etc.? Capitalism has definitely commodified affection/love/relationships in every aspect (e.g. Valentine's day), so it's hard to not fall in for "consumerist love". Obviously, a type of affection and compassion I'd argue are integral for the wellbeing of any society, although invidiualism as we know hardly promotes this.

    The culture also creates expectations of how affection and any type of relationship should be "performed". Corporations such as Disney which have a near monopoly on all expressions of late-capitalist culture often set stereotypes through the media they present to us, a good example being the Aladdin animated movie which is very racist, or Tarzan which was not popular until Disney animated it and made a friendlier version of its story. Thus this gives birth to lots of unrealistic expectations and pressures, because we feel we have to "perform" to our friends, family and lovers like we're on a stage. This ties in and is reflected in the usage of social media, we can see unrealistic body expectations, although mostly in the cishet space as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's a combination of factors, first off the culture sets everyone up regarding expectations then they're exacerbated on mainstream social media such as Instagram.

    Now regarding a more personal aspect, I find that I have a hard time showing affection, even to family. Some people naturally express their emotions well, while I find myself not even going for hugs, and so on. I mostly internally justify it as "oh the other person would think it's awkward," perhaps it's a lack of communication on my side. More often than not, this resulted in people thinking that I'm uninterested in them (as in friendship or a relationship), or even in an extreme case someone thought I hated them which was definitely not the case. I'm more of an introvert, although when I get to know the person better I become rather extroverted with them, so I think I'm ambiverted. I want to learn to express my emotions better through creating mostly, although I have yet to find a good creative process to suit me other than writing, which I enjoy. I think social anxiety plays a role in this, also the fact that I overthink most social encounters and exaggerate to myself how the other person understands my actions.

    I'd love to hear your experiences and opinions regarding the subject!

    chay Chay ☭


    Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Berlin


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