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What a true genocidal program looks like: US concentration camps for Native American children
  • The Red Nation Podcast has a long episode that goes in depth about the boarding "schools" from their own Marxist indigenous perspective. Always good to listen straight from the affected people's mouth.

  • Pre-Order thoughts
  • Pre-order ❎

    Pirate before launch ✅

    On a serious note, you usually gain nothing of value when you pre-order (and if you do, that's a big red flag). It's usually best to just wait until the review embargo, and the inevitable leaked cracks if the game is popular, to see the public verdict if the game is worth it. With modern broadband it's rare for a game download to last a week like it used to back in the day, so you won't be missing out on much if you just buy the game on launch day, or more likely, on the following weekend when you can actually play it.

    Pre-ordering is usually just a corporate ploy to hike stock prices and hype, and that money often won't even be used in the actual development of the game. Specially considering the lay-offs (and burned out developers leaving) that happen right after launch.

  • I am getting real fucking tired of Eurocentrism in art
  • Even the byzantines hated their "fellow westerners" who came over, took their capital and declared themselves the "actual Roman empire" in Latin while the actual Romans resisted their occupation. On side note even studying the story of Math you get this fun phenomenon where a bunch of Mediterranean mathematicians develop a lot of cool stuff, then a 1000 years of silence (because Europe did nothing of value) and then suddenly after the Crusades they mysteriously "discover" a whole lot more math that sounds awfully similar to Arabic and Indian concepts. It usually goes Pytagoras -> Zeno -> Archymedes -> ?????? -> Euler

  • Just watched "In Time (2011)" and it was oddly refreshing for an English-language movie

    Of course, it still has a lot of the tired tropes of Yankee movies, Big Shooty Protagonist, Male/Female Leads falling in love at the first eye contact, random sex scenes to keep viewers awake, Robin Hood saves the day by himself, Cillian Murphy being anti-social in a leather trench-coat.

    But it's been a long time since I've seen a Yankee-ish movie (the director is Kiwi) that actually puts an effort to make a movie be about critiquing capitalism, without some plot twist where the people wanting change secretly eat babies. The time metaphor is so one to one that it becomes corny after a while, and I enjoyed every pun. The title in Portuguese is also better than the original, loosely translating to "The Cost of Tomorrow."

    Ironically the editing is very straight to the point with barely any filler and the budget looked very efficiently allocated, as if it valued your time (sorry). Wholeheartedly recommend.

    Vim creator Bram Moolenaar has passed away

    A sad day, but also a moment to be grateful for all his work. Ever since I've learned how to use Vim I have never looked back, electron-based editors be damned.

    0 John Bolton suggests US will leave Nato if ‘erratic’ Trump wins in 2024

    Ex-national security adviser calls former boss ‘irrational’ and criticizes Republicans who support him on foreign policy

    John Bolton suggests US will leave Nato if ‘erratic’ Trump wins in 2024

    Don't threaten me with a good time. It's obviously just dumb scaremongering, but Trump is known to flip on policy on a whim so maybe 🥺

    Washington's sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline makes the Trans-Saharan gas pipeline crucial for Europe which now faces uncertainty. EU concern over Niger's leadership now becomes evident.
  • This Christmas...

    "Oh it's so cold!"

    Every European...

    "Mommy I can't feel my toes"

    Becomes a snowman!

    "Tory MPs urge Sunak to launch campaign on cutting energy use"

    Gasless Gringoes, 21st of December in your freezing living room on Netflix.

  • Chinese Spies Are Watching Your Tik Toks

    Check out our Patreon for more us on Twitter:

    Chinese Spies Are Watching Your Tik Toks
    The Minneapolis Police: A Criminal Organization | Big Joel

    Joels of both sizes have been making pretty good videos lately.

    statement from dotworld admin on blocking the Hexbearianists

    Get a load of this guy. Apparently, putting forward "beliefs and ideology" are against their code of conduct.

    His comment about blocking lemmygrad don't seem that bad to me, it's getting a bit annoying seeing lost dotworlders thinking they're the first one to ever say "communism bad."

    President Maduro Confirms Venezuela's Interest in Joining BRICS
  • Wonderful news, but sorry, I had to make this.

    Welcome aboard, compadres, and teach us how to eat Capybaras!

  • low-effort but possibly very effective peaceful protest tactic

    Edit disclaimer: Obviously don't do protests such as these without proper consideration of the consequences. Some countries have facial recognition cameras and lots of them have laws against this. Even if I believe it's less risky than the usual headline grabbing stuff (XR gluing themselves) you are still in danger of both being tagged and arrested or being attacked by civilians. This should only be done as part of an organisation that supports this idea and can help you understand and deal with whatever consequences arise, and should not be taken as an endorsement of "lone wolf protesting". Change can only come through organised group effort.

    A lot of the car people I've talked to in car cities usually cite cars being "individually convenient" as a reason why they use them. I randomly thought of a way to turn that around with very little effort.

    Lots of car cities have these traffic sign buttons that operate on intervals of 30 to 60 seconds in their high traffic roads. It just so happens that some of those are where people are already waiting for the bus.

    Just doing a minor experiment by triggering that button every time the sign went green for some 10 minutes it clearly caused some disturbance on a low traffic hour as an individual action. I bet even a very small group doing something like that during rush hour could cause traffic jams that XR could only dream of without having to glue yourself or risk arrests too much.

    What do y'all think? It's very likely others have thought of this and I'm late to the party.

    I need to leave reddit for good
  • Also there's the little detail that the "WMDs" were a lie while the Nazification of Ukraine was so obvious even the western media were writing about it, and they are still forced to address it because every time they take a photo of Kiev regime soldiers - surprise, suprise! - there is some swastika, iron cross or SS badge that the western media need to twist themselves into knots to handwave away or justify.

    The gaslighting never ends. I have had people badgering me over this war and yet they couldn't even cite the official Russian reasons for the war, despite being incredibly "savvy" on all "secret" objectives.

    Reddit has been only getting worse since 2015 when r/politics became the dominant force. I gave up after the admins literally did a coup on even slightly leftwing subs like r/presidentialracememes.

  • The Desperate Game of the U.S. and Canada to Intervene in Haiti Today

    Given the complete failure in Ukraine, it might be interesting to try and look into what could be new targets for NATO. Due to the ongoing revolution in Haiti, they've been putting a lot of silent effort through the UN to sleepwalk into yet another intervention.

    Sarah Silverman and other authors are suing OpenAI and Meta for copyright infringement, alleging that they're training their LLMs on books via Library Genesis and Z-Library
  • I apologize for the inconvenience, but as an AI language model, I don't have direct access to books or copyrighted materials like "The Bedwetter" by Sarah Silverman.

    Pack it up, guys!

    On a serious note corporations abusing authors' copyrighted work is on an entire different level to civilian piracy and I hope they get seriously shafted over it. Same thing for Bing and Bard. All of chatGPT is built on dubious or outright illegal datasets and there is no reason huge multinationals shouldn't at least pay and inform the authors of those works. But in reality the blame will probably be shifted to the libraries.

  • Reading about free medical procedures in English is always an experience

    Was looking into the procedure of vasectomies (which are freely available in my country) and I always see some line like this in Wikipedia for most interesting medical procedures or other important services.

    > The U.S. Affordable Care Act (signed into law in 2010) does not cover vasectomies, although eight states require state-health insurance plans to cover the cost.

    Why the heck are Unitedstadians even patriotic at all if they live on the basis of "this basic thing is only ensured on a state-by-state basis".

    Greta Thunberg in Kyiv supporting Zelensky
  • Ah yes, war in Ukraine, very relevant to the climate crisis. I think she's gone the "Neil de Grasse Tyson way" of being famous for a thing and just hopping onto whatever is tangentially related and popular right now. Disappointing, but what would you expect from lib group that thinks they invented striking, and have no tangible demands? She's not relevant and the only reason libs think she is is because she's a white European who obeys the law. Go ask what they think of the (still very mild) Extinction Rebellion.

  • Brasil: un juez halló culpable a Jair Bolsonaro de abuso de poder | El juez instructor del caso pidió inhabilitar al expresidente por ocho años
  • Brazilian perspective here, I think this means very little. Bolsonaro himself has three sons that currently hold very prominent elected positions (Senator, city congressman and federal congressman) so we didn't even get rid of a "Bolsonaro candidate" for the next election. Besides that, parties that aligned with him made huge gains in the previous election in the legislative and local executives and they could prop up yet another just like him. It's worth noting that before the stabbening, Bolsonaro was mostly just considered an oddity with very little voting intention. He was never some great leader of his own fascist movement before, and there has been very little effort to actually curb the movement itself after the election. Considering that most people here have a level of distrust for the Brasilia institutions such as the Supreme Court regardless of political alignment, I don't even think this one will finally be the one that will discredit him in the eyes of his followers.

  • Please register here for the CPUSA International Conference 2023, which premieres Jul 29, 2023 at 11:00 AM EST (United States and Canada).
  • Nice one. A bit of a short notice for weekday event there, on the 3rd one you could post like a full day before.

    Edit: Oh I'm dumb, I read "June" rather than "July"! Sorry.

  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • Oh yeah, I don't think we should ever disregard the USSR and all the theory and practice from there, but right now they occupy a different space for me of "history" rather than "current events" and I think it'd be cool if we focused more on movements out there that may also be trying to put that theory and practice to use right now and we might not even be aware of.

  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • I'm a bit of a "baby Marxist" as some might call it and I wouldn't even dare to opine on African matters from my position of ignorance, but from my budding understanding there are some interesting struggles in the Caribbean happening right now that could use some attention. For instance, it has settled down a bit but the FRG9 in Haiti has some explicitly Marxist tendencies and advocates for a Haiti independent from foreign capitalist meddling and the expropriation of the bourgeois-owned land. Sadly it's hard to get info on them as the press pays little attention, many don't speak English, and them getting banned off of the popular social media like facebook or twitter. Also due to racism. So you often get a lot of "people talking about them" and no "them talking about themselves". Additionally Peru's Marxist-adjacent president is currently in jail after some really hard to parse political crisis. There are probably many more, and there may be many diverging opinions here about those, but those are the ones that came to mind. I'd say the Caribbean is really important geopolitically as uncontested US hegemony there could provide a even more hardship to Cuba.

    I'd also love it if more people replied with their pet revolutionary movements, local or worldwide, or elaborating on the ones I mentioned if they know more about them.

  • Positivity Post
  • Yeah, and it's very nice to know this place here is not at risk of getting banned by our corporate overlords or brigaded by libs and neonazis. But also to add to the post, I've been spending a lot of time just wandering around the neighbourhood and discovering lots of places (both man made and natural), and that has been a joyful experience. There's something fun about finding yet another spider species or fruit market you've never seen before.

  • Gente alguém conhece essa música/grupo?
  • Valeu! Era tanta gente diferente e pouca informação que eu achei que eram vários albums não relacionados com o mesmo nome. Esse Genaro Soalheiro em específico chamou minha atenção, mas não consigo nem achar se tá vivo.

  • Gente alguém conhece essa música/grupo?

    Encontrei essa aleatoriamente no youtube e me parece muito alguma coisa que minha familia tocava nos churrascos, mas não consigo achar muito sobre os artistas. Quando eu procuro aparece um monte de coisa de outros grupos maiores ou só as musicas. Queria saber mais sobre os artistas. Bola da vez deles também é bem legal.

    European Council of Foreign Relations openly talks about vassalisation of Europe by the US
  • The whole thing was in response to “Europe needs the US to be protected against Russia”. That’s the context. No, Ukraine could not stand against Russia without foreign help, at least not in the way it is now – we’d see a partisan war.

    There we have it. Thank you for finally stopping the assumption that I'm arguing some grander point than I was. Russia can match Ukraine. We can move on from this now. Only took some 10 replies.

    No, but this is war. Even if you’re not needed on the front lines you’re needed repairing infrastructure or baking bread. I don’t buy the “I need to protect my wife abroad” thing btw you’re moving to Poland or Germany, not Somalia.

    You do know that there are other reasons for people to not want to be in a warzone other than "protecting wife", don't you? Not going into the Somalia/Germany comparison there, but there are people, be they bakers, engineers or even soldiers, that have fled from Ukraine, but are legally barred to do so. What do you think of those men who only wish to leave Ukraine and the war but legally can't? I'd bet there are even some ethnic Russians and other minorities from Ukraine that'd rather not be part of it too. Not to protect some elusive wife, but to protect themselves.

    Even if we accept the “they only want those territories” idea: Noone has achieved any goals before the war is over. They also have to hold those territories – and probably also want to get rid of sanctions. War is the continuation of politics by different means (Clausewitz, read him), as long as Ukraine doesn’t cede to Russia’s claim, or is forced to, Russia’s political and thus war goals are not achieved.

    Then we're just arguing semantics. Russia currently controls most of the claimed regions and if God demanded an armistice they'd keep most of it. It is up to the Ukrainian forces to change that if they insist on war. They don't need to wait for some formal declaration of peace so long as they hold the regions. They have de facto achieved their goals. Both Korean countries claims jurisdiction over all Korea, but they don't have much authority in each other lands. It would be plainly ignorant for either to demand the other to unconditionally cede their domain. But it would also be nonsensical to claim then that either is trouncing the other given they can't push each other out of their respective domains. The ball is on Ukraine's court to take the lands back if they so wish, which means they're on the losing side right now. You're missing the forest for the trees on that one.

    Generally speaking if I hear “The US is defending Europe” it’s usually from Trumpists or, I guess this proves the horseshoe theory, Tankies.

    I'm confused. Where are the Tankies in this? Are we Trump? The USA? Europe? The Leopards? If you people are at war with each other and the USA helps out, what do we have to do with it? Are we asking the USA to defend or attack Europe? Very confusing.

    Or do you refer to the USA protecting European capitalist interests (which don't include the interests of the working class Europeans) by destabilising foreign powers that pose a threat to European imperialism? Well, if that is the case, I'm not sure how the wars on Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan, or the dozen interventions in America Proper helped the working class Europeans. If y'all really don't like the Unitedstadian support, please do ask for a referendum to leave or disband NATO. You'll find plenty of leftist support worldwide.

    No I’m saying that America is infiltrated by Russian assets and they’re being quite oblivious to how Russia operates in that regard. Russia has successfully had Americans at each other’s throats for a good 20 years now.

    Ah yes, Unitedstadians haven't been famously killing and oppressing their own before Putin got into power. The FBI is a KGB branch and all.

    But more to the point, as to banger national anthems, try the Tuvan one, complete with throat singing.

    sounds neat, reminds me of this monster hunter track

    As to European music, motherfucker. Probably 90% of the world’s metal output is written here and countries which are unable to produce metal (such as France) then rock when it comes to other things, in France’s case, Electronica. Case in point, have some minimal Techno. But to circle back to Ukraine, have some Heilung.

    I'm sorry, neither of those are really that popular out there. K-pop, Funk and hip-hop variants are really blooming though. Also why is the Ukrainian one German and singing in English? Either way, have yet another cultural wonder from far away.

  • Btw i have literally no idea what this is referring to man can you link to it so I can make fun of you again @m532
  • Get some sleep bro. You're burning all your sock puppet accounts.

  • European Council of Foreign Relations openly talks about vassalisation of Europe by the US
  • If you don’t want me to address points, maybe don’t bring them up?

    I actually only want you to address one specific point, but you keep bringing up completely irrelevant cultural or moral tangents and neglecting to keep the conversation on the very material subject on which I started this conversation. I am merely addressing those points and specifically how they don't matter to this discussion. If I may say so, it looks like you're intentionally avoiding the subject.

    If I need to repeat myself yet again, how come "Russia can't even match Ukraine" if, as you've implied multiple times, Ukraine is dependant on NATO support (a group they're no part of) to push back the current Russian occupation that has remained more or less in place for over an year? And how does this entire 1 year history of war not show that Russia has actually at least matched Ukraine? Possible future prospects or "what could've happened" don't matter when analysing the reality of the past 1 year of the war.

    It is completely okay to admit you were being hyperbolic there, but you insist in not even acknowledging those points, much less arguing against them, while trying to lecture me about some intrinsic characteristic of Slavic peoples.

    Random moral and ethnic tangents from somebody who can't stop.

    About 8.2 million, that’s like 20%, have fled. Numbers oscillate but many are going back to help the war effort, sometimes even with children.

    And yet, men aged over 18 are barred from leaving. According to the UN, 90% of those who left are women and children. I'm sure you don't actually think every single Ukrainian adult man wants to stay. Many are doing unconventional methods to bypass this ban, which are not accessible to all. Believe it or not, but some people don't want to fight. Keeping them there against their will does not save Ukrainian lives.

    If you get your information from European media, you’re not getting told those kinds of cultural and historical background because they don’t need to be said. If you get your news from the US it’s likely that it’s at least interspersed with Kremlin propaganda. They don’t understand why Europe is fighting, either, they just want to bonk some Russkis, don’t want to be seen not doing anything while the rest of NATO is up in arms, but also need to be dragged into doing things – because they don’t understand Russia.

    So what you're saying is that NATO news outlets that bend over backwards to support Ukraine are actually parroting propaganda from their enemy? Are the only reliable propaganda-less sources the Ukraine military and the youtubers you've mentioned at this point? Also I'm pretty sure not everybody is a Ukraine nerd in Europe, so the European news would still have to explain how Slavic peoples are so different and how that uniqueness impacts the war, which has had severe material impacts to all of Europe. I'm pretty sure not everybody in your neighbourhood is an expert in both the Scots, Portuguese and Libyans.

    First off, no because Ukraine will have won long before then. Secondly, no because if the war was going badly for Ukraine (it isn’t) Poles etc. would volunteer en masse. Speaking of Poland the only reason their military isn’t in Ukraine right now is because NATO also is a leash.

    Would've, could've, should've. This is all speculation that 1) Ukraine is going to win, or 2) Poland would go against NATO to participate in the war. Either way, it still demands more blood for the blood god which is a weird way of saying "yes, I think it's safe to assume that escalation will follow rather than cutting losses in case Ukraine doesn't win". I guess in order to save Ukraine every Eastern European should go die and kill there? Is this about saving Ukrainian lives or Ukrainian soil at this point?

    Yes. That’s why they have to be kicked out by force.

    Which goes directly in the face of your portrayal of them as being unrealistic in their demands. If in order to get your peace demand you need to completely shift the tide of the war, maybe your demand is the most tenuous one. "Realistic" demands for peace include only what is practical for both sides to achieve in the current moment, not ones that might be possible in some future that one side hopes for.

    And here I thought you said you wanted to learn more about Russia. That poem describes the Russian soul and its own exasperation with it.

    I guess I misspoke but I have no interest on Russian literature or poetry, but rather the material realities of the people, whatever their ethnicity and culture. No song is going to inform me about whether or not Russia currently controls Donetsk or Crimea, and insistence on such subjective media rather than the established facts brings nothing of use to the table. And again, summarising one entire diverse country by a single song seems awfully simplistic.

    As to the more general point of “Russia is losing”: I guess it’s useless to argue further, you’ve made up your mind. Ukraine and its people disagree with you.

    I don't think I need "Ukraine and its people" to agree with me on this seem I'm not talking to them right now and they're not a single hivemind with only one opinion. As you've said, 20% of them have even fled, though you also failed to provide a source. What I'm stating is a simple statement, "Russia has achieved its war goals and therefore has matched Ukraine", and instead of explaining why I'm wrong you keep deferring to songs, youtubers and some bizarrely reductionist notions of ethnicity. If you don't wish to talk about it, don't waste your typing fingers beating around the bush. You seem to be mixing your moral feelings about the war with your material analyses, and that's generally not helpful even if you end up correct in the end by a stroke of luck.

    But if you do want to actually explain to me how "Russia can't even match Ukraine" despite the course of the war so far, without resorting to hopes and dreams and speculation or including foreign factors like NATO support, I'm all ears actually.

    Promise me you’ll eat your shoes if Ukraine wins in under a year from now and I promise I will neither gloat nor insist you actually do it.

    I'll actually eat my food like any other day. I'll not even shed a tear or smile. Believe it or not, I don't spend much of my time thinking about this war amidst all other world issues. I don't have any stake in it and I don't care which side wins in the end, which is why I don't bother speculating on the future. I'm rather interested in this war ending whatever it takes with the least harm done to all peoples, and if it takes the Russian annexation of lands it currently controls, the human rights situations can be sorted in peacetime. Besides, this war is really annoying for global geopolitics even though nobody even knew where Ukraine was on the map 2 years ago. They're not that relevant out there to anybody but Eurocentrists.

    (complete banger, no, not Funk)

    lmao imagine thinking that some generic European anthem is a banger compared to Funk music or literally any genre from outside Europe. Can't wait to listen to the baroque choir on my Spotify. "Deutschland Deutschland über alles, über alles in die Welt" derivatives is definitely something the world loves listening to. Is there even good music coming from Europe since Daft Punk retired?

    But since you offered, I offer you back Guantanamera as an olive branch, because I've been listening to it the other day.

    Reminder: Russia has matched Ukraine militarily, and Ukraine is just now possibly getting to match it back. This is not a moral statement. Reply to that first, then you can proceed to tell me about your understanding the intricacies of Slavic culture.

  • Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • Sorry, I misunderstood your comment. Leaving it there in case somebody does think that though.

  • Should We Make Mosquitoes Extinct?
  • Mosquitoes are very common wherever I've lived, and I must say this sounds like a bad idea. Rather than investing in ways to reduce mosquito populations through well known social methods (garbage collection and regular inspections for instance), we're now asked to put our faith in a brand new science-y technique with unforeseeable future ecological consequences under the promise that this time it'll definitely make all mosquitoes extinct. Not only is this ecologically very short-sighted, but also tangential to the realities of the regions most affected by mosquitoes which are poor or rural areas with limited access to health services or waste disposal. I have a hard time believing that every mosquito from Europe to inner Brazil would be affected by this gene edit in such a short timeline, and I'd wait until such extinction is reproduced in some form in a closed lab setting before putting any hopes on it. But if the go-ahead is inevitable, I'd recommend starting by the Aedes agypti before going for all of them.

  • What is your favourite underrated FBI weirdness?

    My favourite is 83 year old Leo Burt being in the list of most wanted to this day. Dude did an anti-war stunt in 1970, accidentally killed one completely unrelated physicist (and also millions of dollars in damages). Now his possibly buried corpse is still listed as "armed and dangerous" in the FBI "Most Wanted" page.

    Second favourite was Dr. Rafiq Sabir still being in jail to this day after getting entrapped by Ali Soufan (yet another "I could've stopped 9/11 if not for those laws guys!" FBI Agent turned independent contractor), who asked him to treat fictional Iraq war combatants from a fictional branch of Al-Qaeda. You can actually go check his name in the US Prisonhub inmate locator.


    A couple lib conclusions, but a good exploration of yet another instance of enshitification of the internet monopolies. Also it mentions adNauseam and I like to remind people that Google banned adNauseam directly in Chromium.

    AlbigensianGhoul albigu

    Read before you write.

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