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Lemmygrad Vent Post!

It looks like people are having a really rough time lately, in the aims of improving the mental well-being of our comrades please consider this post an open forum to vent frustrations about whatever is bothering you.

If you're currently having a hard go of it, remember that we here at the 'grad care about you.

Purity Tests
  • "China isn't real Socialism because they have billionaires and corporations"

    "Nordic Socialism is a better form of Socialism than Marxism-Leninism, because it's democratic and happiness is high in those countries"

    Meanwhile, China has democratic elections and scores high on citizen happiness, and the Nordic countries also have billionaires and corporations. China has a ML government, while the Nordic countries are capitalist. Make it make sense.

  • The gun in the banner looks like it's from a Metro game
  • I think I found this image on Reddit when I still used that horrid site. I believe it was in a post where someone was showing off their Metro-inspired airsoft RPK.

    I should change the banner image at some point, but I don't know what would fit best

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • It's like this specific type of person thinks their 2-hour Wikipedia dive and their high school required reading of 1984 makes them more knowledgeable than comrades who've spent large blocks of their lives reading obscure tomes they found while crypt-diving on

    These total losers will come into any community that'll have them, then spout the most milquetoast, regurgitated takes on subjects they've never honestly researched. Then lose their pants in rage when their benign tomfoolery is returned to them by people who actually know the history or theory in question. Their only political education is on par with The History Channel, virtually a kindergartener trying to correct someone with a doctorate. This is the intellectual equivalent to street fighters, who think they're big and tough because they never actually train in a specific martial art and happen to win against fellow losers, then who step into a real martial arts academy thinking they'll easily challenge the instructor and win, then get their asses handed to them.

    I think most people who read this will agree, these people are the greatest laughingstocks on the left. Funnier than most anarchists, a bigger hoot than any shitlib. The only value these people have is the crux of a joke. Otherwise, they're a waste of bandwidth.

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • This time on 'left-liberal thinks they'll get approved to access a controlled forum by admitting to being a bad faith actor who wants to start unproductive debates'

  • Question about "memes" of Chinese government officials
  • I know the Winnie the Poo one was racism mixed with "communism is when government bans things" propaganda.

    Winnie the Poo is not banned in China, nor was it ever (to my knowledge). The entire meme of it came from people (mostly white racists) claiming that Xi Jinping looked like the character on sites like Reddit and 4Chan, then on the same sites they claimed the meme was banned in China and was being suppressed by Reddit's moderation (it wasn't). Thus creating an urban myth that not only was the meme of Xi photoshopped next to Winnie banned, but Winnie the Poo as a character was also banned.

    This whole thing comes down to Sinophobia, and the racist desire to believe anything that's being said about China.

  • Admin appreciation post
  • honestly, our account application requests keep most of them out. Also, the community's reporting of rule breakers does a lot.

    The true heroes here are y'all.

  • Black Panther Party community post

    Though I've read and watched a lot about the BPP, I realize there's a lot that has never crossed my path. I assume this is true for a lot of comrades here as well. So, please use this post to share sources and theory surrounding the Panthers and ask questions about them.

    the most oppressed minority Summertime Soviet
    Lemmygrad Gaming Advertisement

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello G*mer! > > If you're looking to join a community of communist gamers, you've found it. You can join us on our Steam page or on our Discord! > > And you're welcome to spread this post around to your comrades to help the community grow. > > We hope to see you there!

    Something something the Empire will cannibalize it's vassals.
  • and while the dollars of the vassals diminish in value, favours in exchange for the emperor's dollars becomes more attractive.

    The more they tank their kin, the more power they wield.

  • The Development of the AK-47; The Revolutionary Rifle

    Previously, I talked about the US army rapidly replacing the M14 with the M16, to quickly sum up that decision; It was not the function of t...

    The Development of the AK-47; The Revolutionary Rifle
    Firearms Open Chat

    Hello gun havers.

    This post is intended as an open forum for discussions on firearms, questions, and general communication within the community.

    Feel free to post pictures of guns you might own or hope to own, memes, etc.

    Firearms is looking for new moderators!

    If you wish to become a moderator of the Firearms community, please let me know.

    0 How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges

    A look into how undercover police in Colorado Springs attempted to go after left-wing organizers on weapons and conspiracy charges. For background, read this piece from the Colorado Springs Independent. ​Thanks to reporting from Colorado Springs Independent, it is now public knowledge that Colorado ...

    How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges

    cross-posted from:

    > >Officer April Rodgers and the CSPD put on an elaborate sting operation to bust several groups of leftists for a crime they manufactured. April was attempting to get me to participate in a straw purchase and god knows what else. Based off some other people I’ve talked to, I was not the only one who the CSPD targeted. It appears the goal was the create a firearms trafficking group from Colorado Springs to Denver in order to bust every leftist with firearm ties in both cities. Either that, or it was an attempt to pressure me into becoming an informant. > > > >I believe it is very important to document and publicly share these types of COINTELPRO tactics whenever they pop up. I work a boring desk job and shoot guns with friends once every two weeks, yet I was specifically sought out and targeted. Be careful y’all, and remember if the vibes are off, leave. Last but not least, fuck CSPD. Over a third of the city of Colorado Springs’ budget goes to them so they can carry out failed political vendettas against anyone who dares not be a conservative christian.

    the most oppressed minority Summertime Soviet
    Does anyone play Enlisted?

    Enlisted is a WWII shooter, if you're unaware. I highly recommend it for people who like this sort of game. it's FTP, and lets you play out your great patriotic war fantasies. It's honestly one of my favourite games, I'm obsessed with it.

    I'm curious if other lemmy(grad) users play it, I haven't found anyone else I can talk to about it.

    Eugene Stoner and Mikhail Kalashnikov meet, 1990. A four part series of videos.

    Part 1: Eugene Stoner talks about the AR platform

    Part 2: Mikhail Kalashnikov talks about the AK platform

    Part 3: The two men shoot their rifles together

    Part 4: Stoner teaches Kalashnikov how to skeet shoot

    Sorry I didn't include mirror links, if someone else wants to do that they're more than welcome to.

    If you haven't already, you should join the Socialist RA

    Here's a link to their about page.

    The more members they have, the easier it will be for them to cause real change in your area.

    Comrades in Austin, Texas Summertime Soviet
    With 700 dead and ERCOT failing again, will Texas change course on utilities? With 700 dead and ERCOT failing again, will Texas change course on utilities? - Liberation News

    The state of Texas is now facing record heat waves just months after a record winter storm left most

    Lemmygrad Gun Talk (AMA) April 2021

    Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

    The 2nd Firearms Lemmygrad AMA. 8/20/20-8/22/20

    Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

    the most oppressed minority Summertime Soviet
    People ask why I love Farming Simulator. This is it. This is the reason.
    the most oppressed minority Summertime Soviet
    I found the first game review I wrote for a now-dead publication: "Freeman; Guerilla Warfare" Circa June 2018

    Freeman: Guerilla warfare 0.171

    I’ve been watching this game since it was first announced, filled with anticipation for the wonderland of a game the devs described. What’s been released, however, is questionable. Although most of its issues are with it being early access, such as glitches, placeholder sounds and graphics, very few settings options, non-working features, random lag, and so on and so on.


    The influences are obvious with this game. In the world view and the inventory screen, it’s quite obviously a Mount and Blade clone. However when in combat it’s hard to tell if it’s Total War, or Arma III.

    The gameplay reminds me of games from the early 2000s, with the random lack of polish and extremely angular looking animations. Your objective as a revolutionary commander is to dominate the world against 4 factions, meanwhile, you grow your military might by recruitment or propaganda. The game really provides a feeling that victories are mine. With third-person real-time strategy controlling my army in battle against my foes and through first-person shooting, putting myself right in the action. The potential this game brings is thicc, however, there’s still plenty of gameplay issues. Doors and stairs just don’t exist, all of the sights are impossible to use, there’s only one audio clip that hardly counts as music, and the UI isn’t intuitive whatsoever. I needed to look up a tutorial and use cheats just to get far enough in the game to write a review, and by the gods this game’s textures are garbage. As well, at the moment, there’s absolutely no story to be gotten from playing the game. I absolutely love games that let me fill in the blanks, as that allows for really fun roleplay, however, Freeman gives the player zero story reason to be doing as they are expected to. Mount and Blade can take hours out of my day and have me entirely enthralled thinking about what I’m going to do next, because the story is laid out fairly but vague enough for the player to put their own reasoning forwards. The player could invade all of Calradia and feel a sense of reason, whereas Freeman’s world is unnamed, none of the enemy leaders exist, there’s not really any real quests, diplomacy is pointless, I really felt as though my motivation to rule the world was one of chaos rather than revolution. I do find the RPG system to be very refreshing in a market filled with milestone levelling shooters and “everything’s the same because IRL levelling isn’t real” military sims. However, the levelling system could use some work, namely being quicker to use, and it could be a little more weighty on the overall experience. It’s completely possible to only put points into Constitution, and feel the same as if you put points into everything but Constitution.


    I give the game four Lenins out of a possible ten, the game’s shortcomings cripple it. KK Studios needs to do kilometres of polish before the game is anywhere near where the potential would lend it. I will definitely be playing more, and might review again after the full release. All in all, however, did get to liberate the world for communist powers 4 times.

    To find the rest of the pictures I took while reviewing this game, click this link


    It would be very helpful if y’all would suggest games for me to review, I’m wanting to play every single game in existence with communists in the plot, even if the commie is vague or only implied. Look forwards to more of these.

    Thank you, I've been Heck

    TIL Sabaton made a song celebrating the heroism of the Soviet Army in the battle of Kursk ☭
  • one of the things I love so much about European bands with military vibes, is that so often their western fans assume they're far-right, but in interviews and in their music they provide arguments for the far-left. Like for instance, most Americans will assume Rammstein are a Nazi-esque band, but they have a song called "links" based on the DDR party song, and have said in an interview that their hearts "belong to the left".

  • Three Gun. Let's Discuss!

    I'm very interested to know what this community would say they'd carry for their three gun, should a revolution or a bugout happen. What people choose on his topic is always incredibly interesting to me. If you are unaware of what three gun is, I have a post on this community already all about it.

    For the Pistol, I'd like to carry a m1911, or any copy of it. It's a fuckin wonderful sidearm, what else do I really have to say about it? It entered into military service with the U.S. Army about 100 years ago, and was only replaced due to modernization efforts. In fact, many government organizations continued to use it long after it left service, and some still carry it to this day.

    I am a big fan of the idea of using a single barrel break-action shotgun for my shotgun choice. In my possession is a, honestly, garbage break-action manufactured for some company that only made a few thousand guns before going out of business, the name of the company isn't even on the gun, I had to find that via researching the model number. But, even though it's shitty and rarely strikes the primer with enough force, I would be willing to stake my meals on the thing. Because the only logical thing I could need a shotgun for is hunting. And even if it fails to go off 9 out of 10 times, I'll still be able to score myself a racoon every other blue moon.

    Then to close out, I'm very obviously biased towards Soviet arms. It's a tough call to be perfectly honest. I've owned many AK variants, I've owned a plethora of Mosins, I've shot stores worth of SKS's, it's pretty hard to choose one. I have, ultimately, narrowed it down to a coin toss. Allow me to explain my reasoning. The AK platform is wonderful, but I've carried it in combat in the form of an RPK, I know first hand that even with an optic I wouldn't want to hunt deer with it. The Mosin is a phenomenal rifle and the calibre is well worth the investment. But, it's a bit slow and if I run low on rounds, I'll be out of a rifle for a while. Then the SKS gives me all of the benefits the Mosin gave me, and all of the benefits of the AK platform. But, the limit on rounds is a major drawback. I have to ultimately go with the SKS, and fortunately, the coin landed on heads.

    Please feel free to tell me what you would pick and why.

    Western Leftism is idealistic and racist in nature
  • "Western Leftism" is more or less the leftism of the US, the UK, and of Bourgeois countries in general. Generally, it leans into libertarian ideals, the majority of Anarchist and Libertarian ideologies come from Western countries, and the majority of them refuse to accept Marxist-Leninist or non-western ideologies. The vaaaaaaaaaast majority of WL idealize anti-communist propaganda and blindly trust in authors like Orwell. They strongly fought against "Soviet Socialism", as well they're currently joining in the charge against the PRC.

  • tankies are kinda annoying
  • There are people who think of papa joe as a god (or otherwise as a flawless creature) but they're primarily Nazbols, edgy teens, people who are new to leftism and still have the liberal "my political hero is without fault because they're my hero" mentality, or are mostly joking and just kinda doubled down on it after arguing with Anarchists.

    They're many steps away from the vast majority of Marxists, Marxist-Leninists, Maoists, and other such folk who get called "tankie" when the Anarchos want to deflect instead of discussing. "tankie" is honestly just a slur, and only just shows how little Anarchists understand about the world.

  • Mods with either left-leaning or non-anti-communist historical accuracy?
  • it seems like a loooooooooooot of hoi4 mods are made by right-wing assholes who think communism is when the government kills people for no reason and steals all the grain for themselves, and that gets real fuckin annoying.

  • Farmer_Heck Summertime Soviet

    One of Lemmygrad's original admins



    May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

    Posts 25
    Comments 12