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RANT fuck food waste so much
  • I’ve had 2 brothers and the majority of my friends work in the food business in different aspects, sometimes it was a restaurant, some do food prep for buffets, etc. they all overwhelmingly say that the companies spend way too much on food, quantity over quality, it’s shit food that will give you colon cancer after a decade or 2 and they buy a lot, and inevitably they waste a lot too. It never came into these people’s minds to do employee surveys about serving sizes or food preferences, it would realistically save them money and make people happier, if there’s an explanation for why they don’t I’d be happy to hear it, it sounds extremely short-sighted

  • How do you apply DiaMat in your daily life?
  • To be vague, I use Dialectal Materialism daily in work in small ways. I know that certain days of work will be busier because of material conditions, whether that be a football game that is happening or heavy rainfall. That affects how busy I will be and I take it into consideration. I also take time with people when talking politics because I know that there is no Yes/No switch in people’s minds. I span Political conversations over time and sense the right time to bring it up. One conversation won’t change a liberal to a principled Marxist, and that’s because learning is a fundamental part of Marxism, critique and self-criticism along with research.

  • The land of the fee and the home of the bribe 🦅🇺🇸🫡
  • Smh so disappointing they’re like “well we have agricultural safety concerns and we aren’t sure that the policy would work as intended…so let them starve instead nothing we can do so sad”

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Did you like Oppenheimer? I saw it and while I won’t spoil the movie, I’ll just say I didn’t enjoy it. Like I was literally surprised at how much I didn’t enjoy it, I didn’t outright DISLIKE it, but it’s a no from me, dawg

  • Get fucked vicky
  • Send her to WALLa WALLa Washington🥁

  • Get fucked vicky
  • This Scumbag needs to stop worrying about Niger and start worrying about them ugly-fuckin eyebrows she got, shits look like a knock-off Nike logo with her angry-lookin ass

  • Found out
  • I used to love watching fight vids on Reddit before I got banned :( it was a blessing and a curse, mostly a blessing bc life without reddit is better

  • Y’know people like to point to this and be like “oh so you guys refuse to debate? You must be afraid that your echo-chamber is not as secure as you think, I have some points that will really make you re-evaluate your stances” and yea at first glance any normal person will be like, ok let’s hear them out… now skip ahead like 3 years… those Mastur-debators were proven wrong and given book recommendations to help better define terms, better help understand key aspects of theory and class struggle/ societal structuring of class antagonisms, and history. You would think the Mastur-debators would be like “huh, I don’t actually know as much about Marxism-Leninism or Dial-Mat, etc. as much as I thought” but no! New ones pop up and ask the same questions, BEST CASE SCENARIO, they bring up a new point to be corrected. Worst case scenario: aka the most common one, they just parrot back the same talking points as the last one did, and we have to shut down debate and be like “bruh we already covered this please read this, I’m not typing out a whole 4 paragraphs, this is on you to do your research next time” and all of a sudden we’re tankies that don’t wanna debate because we’re afraid of it.

  • WTF is this?
  • Vanilla? Yea that checks out

  • WTF is this?
  • Kinda embarrassing to admit, but idk what that trident symbol means, I know it’s Ukrainian, but that’s about it, what are the origins of the symbol? Edit: I’m still confused lol

  • Nikki Haley tosses an alley-oop to Chen Weihua.

    Don’t pass this man the rock when he’s hot🔥🏀🔥🥵HE WILL COOK! Edit: For context, she was saying “China is killing Americans” through opioids and saying Biden is helping China to kill more.

    Opinions on Marijuana Legalization or on Cannabis in general?

    I can definitely understand peoples’ issues with it being consumed, especially in a political context, but how do yall feel about “weed”? I won’t hide my feelings, I am very much pro-weed, it’s not great that I started in my mid-teens but in my area it’s FAR from uncommon. I don’t smoke daily or anything, I’m not addicted to it (people say it’s non-habit forming but any drug can be addictive with enough frequent usage) but I do smoke and dab w/ friends often. That’s not why I believe in legalization tho, my main thing is you shouldn’t make a naturally occurring plant an illegal substance. I’d point to the DEA’s destructive (legal) burning of thousands of naturally occurring marijuana plants found in nature; This seems eco-fascist to me and to deny the uses of hemp as a production material seems dogmatic to me. The USSR used hemp for industrial purposes during the war and it helped in a major way. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the badge given for Hemp growers. If you have any criticisms, I’m more than open to it, but I feel that marijuana won’t be easy to get rid of in future society and would probably be put to use in different more productive ways.

    Batman the “superhero”
  • I didn’t watch Black Panther but wasn’t that a similar thing where the “bad guy” is right but like he kills innocents to cement himself as the bad guy of the film?

  • My view on why anti China propaganda is so effective in the west
  • tbh rn the mainsteam coverage on China in the US is WAAAAYY less about what goes in in Mainland China, a lot more about their potential as a global threat and sabre-rattling to drum up anti-China sentiment. Think about the balloon, they didn’t give 2 shits as to whether it was actually a Chinese balloon, one of them was an Illinois Amateur Weather Balloon troupe’s device. They shot it down to drum up China hate, same with whenever they mentioned the war in Ukraine, they don’t talk about the internal debates within the CPC as to how they wanna deal with this diplomatically, they paint China as 100% pro Russia to scare Americans. They’re getting lazier and less creative. They barely even mention Xinjiang anymore because they’re quickly fucking off with the “Human Rights” narrative. Possibly because the US and allies are becoming less democratic and more brutal or possibly because human rights talk doesn’t whip up hatred like an active global threat does. Regardless of why, we can see a slight but significant change in US foreign policy (the way they sell it, the foreign policy itself isn’t changing)

  • Based Quora response???

    ! usually Quora is garbage but damn this is pretty good. Wish they went a bit more in-depth but I like this, it’s a change of pace from most garbage answers (and questions) from Quora lol

    We can win if we kill everybody.
  • That line pissed me off bc Xi Jinping and a few other non-aligned states have tried to get them to the diplomatic table and end this, but obv Zelenskyy was too self-centered and war-hungry to see reason.

  • We can win if we kill everybody.
  • Me too, but at the same time, I don’t want a draft AT ALL

  • A dog loves dog memes
  • I mean, I sorta get what they’re going for, but even if they were funny or intelligent (they’re definitely enthusiastic, Can’t deny that) not a single one of those things would make a difference as to how the outcome of this war turns out, especially the humor part lol. Mao famously said “political power grows out of the microphone of a comedian”

  • Ok guys, good prank, who was it?😊

    I really don’t like calling people out, but this lib got banned and I was cracking up looking at the comments and threads they visited🤣. Within like 3 minutes of reading comments, they bought into Zenz’s Xinjiang Fable, they called us Stalinists, REFUSED to answer whether they’d send tanks to Hungary or not…(sus😨) and basically had a funny way of typing everything so poetically. Realistically this was just a lib who found this site, but for a few minutes I thought they were a troll or someone using an alt account as a joke. So proud of you comrades for identifying a wrecker when you see one🫂🤗

    posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • I 100% agree, and tho I very much like Stalin(he’s my favorite writer) it doesn’t take a “Stalinist” to understand that Color Revolutions and Nazism need to be crushed for socialism to survive

  • Best chinese translated resources?

    I was listening to an ep of the Deprogram where they talk about how in China, many people have translated Hakim and Yugopnik’s videos into Chinese to understand Marxist discourse from around the world. I’m a lil jealous because they said it doesn’t happen much the other way around, most Chinese resources are not translated into English. I would like to learn more about Chinese resources on Marxism and modern Chinese takes on anti-Imperialism, I tried looking up Chinese sources and surprise surprise, it’s in Chinese and is not really translated well, barely intelligible in the translation I found. I’ll find the link if I still can. TL;DR Where to find good translations of Chinese resources on Marxism?

    Cringe stacked on cringe

    🤢I need a bag, I’m gonna hurl, especially in the comments🤮

    Jamaican Internationale🇯🇲🚩 The Internationale: Jamaican Reggae Version

    I've finally managed to find the Jamaican version of the Internationale that I've been searching for since I first heard a small clip of it years ago. Unfortunately the audio was a bit cut up, but I think I pieced it together decently. Performer: Workers' Party of Jamaica In-House Reggae Group Comp...

    I’m a big fan of Reggae, have been since I was a little kid, my mom loved it. I would suggest a few songs but they don’t fit Tankie Tunes so much, this one is great tho. Ever since I’ve become an ML I’ve loved this song and wanted to share it with the comrades who possibly never heard this version before(it is a fairly popular rendition so I’m sure this is more of a revisiting for some). Enjoy✌️

    Beating Libs with their own dumb arguments lol

    So I had a convo w a lib recently and they said that I am hypocritical to have jeans or enjoy American TV and movies or enjoy anything in American culture or American inventions if I dislike the way our country is run and the state of our culture and politics. So I gave a few examples of things they like that would make them “hypocritical” by that logic. I said that they shouldn’t be allowed to eat ice cream or play Skyrim (umm no dragons for you, those are Chinese and Korean by origin) no more satellites because the big bad Soviets sent Sputnik. I obviously let them know I don’t actually believe that and they should be allowed to wear and eat and play what they want without having to tiptoe on eggshells around nonexistent ideological barriers. But just out of curiosity, what would be other examples of cultural influences or inventions that Libs/conservatives would have to divest themselves of(if they followed this dumb logic they way that they expect us to)?

    What kind of work do you do?

    I don’t need to know exact companies, no need to unnecessarily expose yourself or anything, but as we are a workers rights instance of Lemmy, I safely assume we are all proletarians. I for example work at a unionized grocery and I work outside. I have many complaints but I try my best to work as little as possible while getting my paycheck. Customers are usually fine but occasionally just dumb af to the point where it’s annoying(I have millions of stories) managers are very kind, only ones who were dicks left(unfortunately they probably got promoted if I remember correctly) and my coworkers are eh. Some are great to confide in and joke with, while others are rude or annoying, some are very nice but have garbage politics (libertarians who don’t understand their benefits from being in a union/don’t care enough about the differences to advocate for it). I plan on becoming a firefighter, not only for the pay, job security and union benefits, but it’s also an essential job that doesn’t exist just to create capital (no judgement to those who work in corporate environments, I’ve never done it and can’t judge it). I like my job overall but Goddamn the weather. Edit: Kinda cool to see so many people who are in tech.

    Stalin? Is that you?

    Shoutout to Duolingo for the subtle homage to Stalin, only the real fans know🙏🤩

    Just thought yall might need some Latin American vibes today

    It’s a nice day in my area and I love hearing this song on a beautiful day! Just wanted to spread the good vibes and wish all my comrades a lovely day💕 How is the weather for y’all today?

    Rank my books

    Also if possible try to include Mao’s quotations, as I also have that book but I keep it in my car 24/7. The untitled ones are Anarchism or Socialism by Stalin and Marxism and the Natl. Question by Stalin. I kinda know already where last place is going, but I will say Pikkety is the one author (If I had to choose only one) that changed my mind on China at a very pivotal point in my political development.)

    A true man of culture.

    It’s official, Lenin is a confirmed Cumboy

    Can anyone suggest any good videos or articles on Socialist Albania? Specifically I want to find good info on Enver Hoxha.

    I only know about Hoxha bc like a year ago I was reading Espresso Stalinist and they mentioned Hoxha. I don’t know much about him besides that he made bunkers, liked Stalin a lot and he called people Revisionist. This gives me no actual insight into whether he had good ideas or not. I know for a fucking fact that looking him up on YT will mislead me and I’ll be left more confused than I started. What is Hoxhaism and how does it differentiate from Marxism-Leninism generally? Is it an offshoot, what are your general opinions on Hoxha and the modern Hoxha community(if there even exist more than 200 of them worldwide)


    At first I was a bit skeptical about the 14/88 thing, admittedly it did sound like it could plausibly have been 2 random numbers of tanks(maybe it is anyways it doesn’t really matter tbh it’s still being used to defend a client state of Imperialism) but after seeing this comment, idk. This almost makes me double down as illogical as that sounds. The entire analysis is ridiculous and I almost thought it was a joke.

    Looking around for Theory collections(best bang for your buck) bc I like hard copies.

    I have the Marx-Engels reader which has a LOT of Marx and plenty of Engel’s essential texts. I also have the Essential works of Lenin and a few others by him, I have 3 Stalin books(Anarch or Soc, Marxism & Natl. Question, Foundations of Leninism). I’m wondering who is another important Marxist to collect works of? My main thought is probably Rosa Luxembourg but I don’t know which collection to get. Any other good collections of works would be appreciated

    Favorite non-political podcasts?

    I love me some The Deprogram, Chapo Traphouse, Blowback, RevLeft, Multipolarista. But every once in a while, I need a break and I need some dumb stuff to listen to or laugh at. I really like the Lets Read podcast which is just (mostly true) horror stories that people submit to the show. I couldn’t watch JRE if u paid me to, not that I think anyone would suggest it in the first place. Other than that, Cumtown, Bein Ian, dumb stuff like that.

    Why Anarchy doesn’t work lol

    Good quick skit about how Anarchists will always be fighting some form of authority and how it will never pan out the way they want it to.

    ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap

    US-based(as in originating or operating out of; I am not calling the US based.)💉(😢Formerly😢)Duterte’s Plug💊 (Pls come back Rodrigo, I won’t cut your drugs with baby powder anymore😢🥺🥺🥺)

    Male He/Him, cis-het, Thotskyite🍑 ❤️🇧🇾🇮🇪❤️

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