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I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Saw Patrol definitely feels manufactured after the Barbenheimer hype. Not many people are raving about it and seem to see it as is.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Im really happy you enjoyed yourself, my friend. I was surprised at how Oppenheimer was softer on the communists and portrayed the American government as overly paranoid, then again I do feel it played a fairly “centrist” role, for lack of a better word.

    While I think the visuals of the movie were extraordinary, I was not a fan of the lack of subtlety. Certain historical figures were treated like Marvel cameos so much so I was anticipating to hear the Avengers theme play; as if they were teasing a sequel movie.

    The sexual content was uncomfortable in a unique way and I definitely believe certain parts could’ve been cut. I’m making it sound like I hated this movie and I swear I didn’t, I still don’t. I feel there could’ve been less and more, some content should’ve been scrapped to make room for others if that makes sense.

    I’m surprised at the arguments people are having online about Oppenheimer. Nobody seems to agree on whether he was portrayed as a hero or a coward and to me it was incredibly clear how the movie framed the man and the events that occurred. Based on music choices and editing alone it’s obvious, at least to me.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • To me, I don’t think Oppenheimer is a movie that can be enjoyable just based on content alone. It’s a movie about the atomic bomb which is definitely not something that brings up good feelings.

    Filmmaking wise it’s very good, I mean just the practical effects are something to praise. The acting is top notch, at least to me, and the symbolic clips of stars and, what I assume are atoms, were very nice.

    I have a few issues with the movie, one of them being the duration. Three hours felt like too long and I think it could’ve been cut down. Some parts just dragged on while others felt rushed if that makes sense. In conclusion, this movie will win an Oscar, all war movies tend to.

  • Who is Cindy Milstein

    A tiktok came up about anarchism and a bunch of the comments were telling people to read Cindy Milstein’s work. I’ve seen posts on here about anarchism and the literature but I haven’t seen any about Cindy Milstein and was hoping to learn more.

    Here is the tiktok for reference. I don’t follow this person but I have seen and liked their videos about “leftists vs liberals.” There were other authors mentioned but Milstein seemed to come up the most. If you have any information on her or even the anarchism talked about in the video please share.

    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 32
  • Laika! She’s an icon, she’s a legend, and she is the moment!

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • You’re probably right. Then again I find the memes fairly enjoyable and the fake posters (like the ones I shared) are pretty rad to me.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Call me naive but I don’t really think this was some elaborate scheme. From what I can tell, the hype and whatnot came from the hilarious fact that both Barbie and Oppenheimer were released on the same day and both were anticipated to be the movies of the summer, naturally putting them in competition. Two very big films with vastly differing aesthetics is the perfect pairing for such a phenomenon. Thus the memes came out in full force and definitely contributed to the further marketing of these films.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • I’ve never watched Lain but I will get to it now. I will say that Barbie referenced a lot of different movies/media so I would say it’s possible. Once I have watched Lain I’ll come back to give a more complete and definitive answer.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Very fair question, haha. I wanted to hang out with my friends and watching a movie was what we all decided on. I really wanted to see Barbie and others wanted Oppenheimer so we came to the conclusion that we would do the fabled Barbenheimer.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • I really don’t understand why people online (twitter and TikTok, but mostly twitter) were freaking out about this movie. I’m not talking about the valid historical critiques, but more so the people arguing whether Oppenheimer himself was portrayed as a sympathetic character vs a coward. I have to wonder if we watched the same movie because to me it was pretty damn clear what they were trying to portray, not just with the characters’ actions but with the framing and music choices. I did say both movies were complex and I stand by that, but Oppenheimer wasn’t complicated in the way some are making it out to be.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything
  • Both were well made films but I enjoyed Barbie more, I cried a few times and it made me really want to call my mom afterwards. Both complex in their own ways, too.

  • I did Barbenheimer: Ask Me Anything


    As the title says; I watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie back to back with my friends today, so if you’re interested in what the experience was like or what happened in each movie or any questions really please ask away!


    I had a thought
  • I tend to overthink a lot, I take responsibility for that. I guess I thought there was more to it.

    About the internment camps, they’re never really talked about here, neither are the atrocities committed against Chinese railroad workers. It’s kind of just forgotten about like many other crimes.

  • I had a thought
  • I’m aware of that aspect, I’m just baffled by the sympathy given to the Romanovs compared to the French monarchy. Maybe I’m not articulating myself well so for that I apologize.

  • I had a thought

    I don’t think it’s unique but I’ve had it for a while and figured it’d be good to share.

    I’ve been thinking about the Bolshevik revolution and the subsequent communist revolutions that followed and it baffled me how demonized they are. Yes, I know it’s due to rampant anticommunism but taking away that aspect it feels no different from the French Revolution that is way less hated.

    Don’t get me wrong, there is a weird small uptick in people defending the French monarchy, Marie Antoinette specifically, but for the most part people seem way less opposed to the French lobbing off heads with a guillotine versus the Bolsheviks gunning down the Romanovs. Is it because there were children killed? But children were killed by the French revolutionaries too, so what gives? Not for nothing but getting shot to death seems a little less brutal than getting your head cut off. I’m not judging the French for this decision either, I understand why it needed to happen and so does history, at least the history I learned in school.

    Is this hypocrisy because the Bolshevik revolution happened in more recent history? Again, I know anticommunism is the major factor it’s just hard to rationalize the hatred outside of red scare propaganda.

    It’s just so wild to me that nobody really cares about the French monarchy dying via guillotine but weep real tears for the Tsar. I mean, my mom watches history shows (those dramatized ones, mostly) and she came to me about how sad their deaths were and how good of a dad Nicholas II was, how he seemed like such a nice man. It was, and still is, jarring as hell but I didn’t know what to say at the time considering I was less educated and a high schooler. I know that damn Anastasia movie did major damage as well. Sucks that the songs are bangers.

    Anyway I think that’s my whole thought on this subject. Please share any insights any of you have on this as I’d love to hear it and perhaps learn more!

    Batman the “superhero”
  • They make villains who’s goals make total sense and are something to root for, so to balance that they make the villains kill innocents just to make sure the audience doesn’t accidentally side with them.

  • Billionaire CEO Says Remote Workers Just Need 'a Nice Little Recession' to Return to the Office
  • I remember learning only about supply and demand economics in middle school, inflation was only taught in regards to Germany in the 1920s in which inflation was described as “too much money circulating.” But I was always told it was because the people had too much money and not the wealthy. Obviously I know the contrary is true now but learning what all this economy stuff is currently is low key difficult, I’m sure I‘ll get it sooner or later. I just want to be able to explain these issues to others without getting brain scramble. As far as I’m aware, both inflation and recession are bad, at least for us.

  • Billionaire CEO Says Remote Workers Just Need 'a Nice Little Recession' to Return to the Office
  • Okay, this is such an accurate observation. Because when I’m around my step-father, especially driving around with heavy traffic, he always complains about how “nobody wants to work” even though there are “plenty of NOW HIRING signs” he passes on the daily. He says this after I’ve explained to him many times how the hiring process in this day and age works and how employers aren’t nearly as desperate as they appear, this same man hates unions too. I think he just talks politics to me because he finds my reactions entertaining. I don’t know how to explain to people how a recession would be shit, economics have always been hard to understand for me. I live in Canada so maybe our situation is different but I know Galen Weston Jr. (Loblaws guy) has been making record profits on our suffering.

  • Billionaire CEO Says Remote Workers Just Need 'a Nice Little Recession' to Return to the Office

    cross-posted from:

    > Kept seeing this clip of Barry Sternlicht laughing about a “nice little recession” so I thought I’d share. > > For what it’s worth, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone hoping for a recession. My stepdad told me this and I don’t understand why he’d want that. > > According to him the only way to combat inflation is for us to go into a recession. But wouldn’t that cause a different form of chaos? > > I’m uneducated on inflation vs recession but I know for a fact through lived experience that inflation sucks, and I’ve heard recession is also shit so why ask for one? > > Anyway if this doesn’t belong here please let me know so I can post it somewhere else, I’m still getting used to what posts belong in what communities.

    Billionaire CEO Says Remote Workers Just Need 'a Nice Little Recession' to Return to the Office

    Kept seeing this clip of Barry Sternlicht laughing about a “nice little recession” so I thought I’d share.

    For what it’s worth, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone hoping for a recession. My stepdad told me this and I don’t understand why he’d want that.

    According to him the only way to combat inflation is for us to go into a recession. But wouldn’t that cause a different form of chaos?

    I’m uneducated on inflation vs recession but I know for a fact through lived experience that inflation sucks, and I’ve heard recession is also shit so why ask for one?

    Anyway if this doesn’t belong here please let me know so I can post it somewhere else, I’m still getting used to what posts belong in what communities.

    We can win if we kill everybody.
  • Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Crimea (or was it a different region) want to be annexed by Russia and that’s what made NATO step in?

  • We can win if we kill everybody.
  • I heard about Xi Jingping doing this but never heard what resulted of that. Does anyone have good documentation of the conversation?

  • We can win if we kill everybody.
  • Based on our track record it seems to be heading in that direction. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • Reminds me of some Canadian being proud that the Geneva Conventions were written because of Canadian war crimes (I have no idea if this is even slightly true). Geneva Suggestion and what not.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • This is very helpful, thank you

  • When Family becomes the Enemy

    Today I learned that my stepfather is planning on becoming a landlord. I’m absolutely devastated.

    My mom visited me today and as we were talking I told her how I planned to move out of the province I live in, as at this point it’s a lost cause. She agreed with me and told me she planned to move back to the Azores with my stepdad, of course. She then mentioned how they’d be financially well off due to my stepfather wanting to set up businesses. I didn’t know what this business was until she told me how they wanted to make money off of renting properties out.

    She told me this in relation to how when she and him are gone (dead) their house and the one I live in will be mine to do with as I please. Because the house I live in is a property they own she made reference to other properties they would invest in in the future.

    I don’t think my mom really understands this whole ordeal but my stepfather definitely does and it breaks my heart that he would resort to doing something so evil. I’m incredibly lucky that my parents were more than willing to help me move out of a horrible living situation by paying the down payment for a home while I pay the mortgage. Most people can afford mortgages, it’s the down payment that stops anyone from being able to afford to buy. So I’m lucky and incredibly privileged. I feel like I don’t have the right to be angry at them since they’ve done so much for me but at the same time it hurts to know they want to exploit people for profit.

    I didn’t know what to say to her. Was I supposed to lecture her on the nature of landlording? I don’t think she deserves that since she’s never been savvy with this stuff. Do I lecture my stepfather? Maybe, but he’d fight me hard on that and it might screw me over. My stepdad has always been a hyper individualist and has little to no hope in the world improving, anytime I’ve talking about dense housing and better public transit he treats it like a childish daydream. He also hates unions so there’s that. It makes sense why he’d want to be a landlord but I don’t want to be tied to such a deplorable act.

    But I look over this whole thing and ask: Does it make me a hypocrite?

    As a communist, but I’m living in a house bought by my parents. I’ll have landlords as parents too. What then? Am I disqualified? I’m in genuine distress over this whole thing. I’m scared and confused and I don’t know what to do but cry.

    Does anyone have any advice? Anything at all? I feel so alone…

    If this isn’t peak capitalism

    Their deaths haven’t been confirmed yet. And if they are, the bodies are still warm!

    Something weird is going on in Germany

    Any Germans want to weigh in on this? I believe the AfD is, like, super far right and it has 18%? That seems like a lot of support…

    Playing a Communist in Dungeons and Dragons

    Once a week my friends and I play dungeons and dragons, using DnD Beyond for our character sheets and dice, and Roll20 for our world (maps, player characters, NPCs, etc.). I’m playing a dog folk girl based heavily on the blonde dog in my profile pic with the same name, look, and sassy attitude too. She’s fourteen, and in our campaign dog folk and humans age at the same rate. She’s a full blown communist and I’m not shy about voicing her ideals, while I don’t say the word “communist” during role play, it is explicitly stated in her character sheet. Using the term “Marxist-Leninist” would be inaccurate considering Marx and Lenin don’t exist in the world of our campaign, unless my DM pulls something. Hell, my character’s last name is Luxemburg.

    I’m writing this post because I’m looking for some advice on how to play a revolutionary leader? For context, my character is the daughter of two revolutionaries, Clara Luxemburg and Sacha (no last name). Both parents lived outside a dog folk town where they acted as Robin Hood-esque figures. At one point enough was enough and they began plans for an uprising against the nobles of their town. To make a long story short the revolution failed and Sacha and Clara were executed to send a message to the other revolutionaries. My character fled, to be on her own after witnessing their deaths, and ten years later she finds herself in a city building a revolution with the homeless population against the noble families, the church, and the royals. This plan was interrupted when our party was arrested and I broke an anarchist out of prison (yes, shame on me, but in my defence I didn’t know he was an anarchist). But after a bunch of shit and an Ace Attorney court scene, my girl is back on track to leading the revolution once more and going back to her dog town to prevent a genocide. The genocide is because I accidentally sparked a race war between the humans and the dog folk.

    Now I’m nervous and unsure on how to go about this. While I am well aware that this is a fantasy game and I could just do whatever I wanted in terms of leading the revolution (the rest of my party weren’t involved in this part of the game, but now they might be) but I wanted to do it accurately to how our real world revolutionaries have done it. Is there any reading material on how Lenin, or Castro and Che Guevara, or Sankara (etc.) went about planning, building, and carrying out their revolutions? This sounds silly as hell but playing this character actually helps make concepts stick better in my head, it also feels nice to act out scenarios I know I never could in real life.

    Anyway I know this was rambly, goofy if you will, but I hope you were at least somewhat entertained reading a little bit about my little commie dog. If you need more background information or are just curious about the campaign itself please don’t hesitate to ask. I truly love interacting with you all and look forward to seeing the numbers next to that bell in the corner.

    Note: Sorry for any spelling and/or grammatical mistakes, the keyboard I’m using is very small and weird. It’s for an iPad.

    Information about School of the Americas (WHINSEC)?

    So I heard about this institute in a YouTube video where it was brought up to contextualize violence in Latin America. How many dictators and cartel members graduated from the school.

    I’m wondering if anyone here knows more about countries that were directly affected by the School of the Americas, I’m thinking about using one of those countries in my research paper about “failed states” but I’m having trouble picking which one. I’ve chosen Libya as one state to write about but I just need one more.

    0 How Ukrainian refugees are handling cultural integration in ethnically diverse areas of the UK

    Just over a hundred thousand Ukrainians have sought refuge in the UK - the vast majority of them women and children.

    How Ukrainian refugees are handling cultural integration in ethnically diverse areas of the UK

    This is fucking horrifying, but are we surprised? Here is a twitter thread that goes over the refugee issues, as in Ukrainian refugees being fast tracked into other countries while non-white refugees have to fight tooth and nail just to get some space in a camp.

    Why do so many animes have perverts?

    So I’m housesitting/dogsitting and the first channel on the TV when I turned it on is a channel that streams old anime, I guess. I never bothered to change it since I always just airplay videos from my phone, but today I left it playing normally for background noise. The current anime playing is City Hunter and I noticed the main character is a HUGE pervert. In the beginning of an episode he literally steals and revels in a pile of girls bras and underwear.

    I’ve grown up seeing these types of characters in every anime I’ve watched but I guess I’m a little put off by the fact that it goes farther back than my era. Pervert characters have always bothered me, even when I was younger and less aware, and I know they’re supposed to be comedic relief but I have a hard time finding the comedy in sexual harassment. Some even go as far as sexual assault. They are so common and also happen to be part of the main cast which, for me, makes it so much worse. One Piece is a show I had to stop watching because of Sanji, I had other issues too but he was a big contributor.

    Does anyone know why these characters are so prevalent?

    Toronto Nazi Restaurant

    The restaurant’s Facebook response:


    They also have a gift shop where you can buy the Nazi flag and one with Bandera’s face on it!

    So many NAFO fucks are flossing the replies, plus Ukraine flags in general.

    China Stop Collecting Ws Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

    Replies to this tweet:


    The lady means well but is very misinformed. Poor Dimitri gets some of the most shit replies ever (not Sheila, she’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit lol):

    “Let me talk to your manager” energy:


    Are you trying to gaslight Dimitri?:


    Babe, do tell why they’re against this resolution, out loud, quickly:


    Saw this coming from miles away

    Wonder if he’ll be the “free speech” absolutist he claims to be when people are mass posting that pic with him and Ghislaine Maxwell and trending the hashtag “stand with ISIS”

    What The Hell Happened To Yugoslavia?

    Okay so I was talking with my therapist today about anxiety stuff, specifically with the war; I voiced my disdain for NATO, fascist sentiment on the rise, and the xenophobia towards Eastern Europeans (specifically Russians and allies). I must have mentioned something that brought up a memory he had when he visited Yugoslavia as a kid. He told me he remembered that there were soldiers at the border with machine guns. He’s mentioned this a few times and now I finally remembered to ask:

    What the hell was going on that required machine guns at the border? Military at borders aren’t that shocking, but considering Yugoslavia doesn’t exist anymore I figured something must’ve been going on. He didn’t mention a time frame or his age, at the time, either.

    Gaslighting Wikipedia I Guess

    Your teachers weren’t gaslighting you, stop using that word when you mean lying.

    Wikipedia may have sited sources but those sources can, and have been, incorrect many times. Misleading information is still prevalent on the site. So even if you steal the sources Wikipedia uses in their articles you better dig deeper because that shit is nefarious. Wikipedia is not immune to western propaganda. They pick and choose what info to put out there from the sources knowing most, like OP, won’t read deeper into anything they site. You’ll just take their word for it.

    Just Found Out About NAFO

    Scrolling through twitter feeds and every time something about the war comes up I keep see these accounts with similar profile pictures: meme dog wearing army clothing. It’s the same dog but different clothes. All these accounts had the same hyper pro-Ukraine tweets and spreading the dehumanization of Russians.


    There is a lot of blatant and explicit depravity being posted about this war and people are following it enthusiastically. It looks like more 4chan shit but “normal” people are getting in on it. Fascism does grow slowly and now those who thought they’d never fall for something so insidious are playing right into their hands.



    Do people not remember that one of the tactics fascists use is scapegoating and justifying the violence against certain people. There’s also the supremacy and glorifying of the military. How many posts about have we seen about Zelensky supposedly on the front lines and people paying to have their names on bombs thrown at Russians. Now I’m seeing more and more people not only hating Putin (which, okay, I’m not fond of him either) but demonizing the Russian population as a whole.

    I do wonder what the moderates and libs will say if shit starts to really hit the fan. “How could this happen? We had no idea! I can’t believe it’s happening again!”

    You’d think more would’ve learned. I’m really hoping it doesn’t get to that point; third times a charm, I guess…

    SpaceDogs SpaceDogs

    Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

    Yes, the dogs are also communists.

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