U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for "reclaiming" the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama's military and, absent that, possible war.
U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for "reclaiming" the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama's military and, absent that, possible war.
It's a matter of time before Trump gets us into a war on our own hemisphere, and when he does, he will impose a draft. I wish some "journalist" (there aren't really any left any more) would ask him about his opinions on forcing a draft.
I have a 25 year old son, and there is no way I'll allow him to be dragged off by the government to die in a Trump War whose main objective is to destroy America for Putin, so Trump, Musk and their friends can loot America. There is no way my son will be joining a Trump military for any reason.
The title is wildly over hyping this news. He said to plan multiple strategies, not to gear up for an invasion. Of course the military is gonna plan a war scenario. This is not the frightening headline its made out to be, shock the military plans stupid ways to put boots on the ground, the military LOVES to plan wars. Click baity for sure!
What is not frightening about planning to start a war? Are you saying that you could take the canal without starting a war? What other way of acquiring it are you thinking of? What other strategies do you think exist? When you ask the military to come up with multiple strategies to accomplish something, you're really asking them "would we have to put troops on the ground, or could we do this with a bombing campaign? What about the threat of violence and an illegal embargo?". But if you employ the military in any strategy they come up with, you're starting a war.
I mean, I guess we could offer to buy it, but it's a cornerstone of their economy, we wouldn't like the price. And Trump doesn't go in for "bad deals" (paying for things).
So I think it is have that unprovoked invasion is even on the list and that is enough to warrant the headline. Even ordering that to be considered is unambiguously bent a bad guy.
However, another strategy involving the military could conceivably include providing engineering support in exchange for being favored by Panama. Violence isn't the only thing in scope of the military. So you say they have more than one potential military plan is technically conceivable.
While they do report multiple strategies and I'm sure that's true, the fact that explicitly unprovoked military invasion is even on the table at all deserves every bit of outrage.
Even if his orders are lawful, they've sworn an oath to defend the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic: they're duty bound to engage him in the exact same way they do with a combatant from Isis or something. Donald Trump is an enemy to the US.
Never going to happen. They have given everything to MAGA, if Trump is out of the picture then it's game over. No one cares about Vance, the population would be so enraged he would be impeached and removed faster then you can imagine.
Ok hear me out for a second, sugarpie. The maximum leader of the military is the president. Any attacks on him is considered treason and can get them an expedited ticket to the death penalty.
I miss when I would wake up and check the news and nothing particularly crazy was going on. Like you would click on the TV and they are talking about a zoo that recently got a baby giraffe or something.
then-President Jimmy Carter transferred sovereignty to Panama in the late 1970s.
We're literally just invading another country to take their property. Which to be fair IS a long rich American tradition, but gawdamnit it has to stop.
I'm sure the political party that rushed the country into a war over an obvious lie and then told soldiers they'd just have to deal with their Humvees not having any armor for a few months while they were being ordering to patrol around the IED capitol of the world will feel just awful about it for as long as they're on camera
I think Panama did say they'd destroy the canal before they'd allow it to be taken. I took a cursory look for that tidbit, but the news feeds about the canal are blown up at the moment.
If I had to wager a guess, destroying the canal wouldn't stop a takeover. Rebuilding it would be a fraction of the price of the war.
And don't try telling me that the cost of the war will be much higher than just the military occupation because of shipping costs going up from the canal being shut down, the cost of actually maintaining the place, riots, etc because the idiots who want this wouldn't listen for long enough to think about that anyway.
Isn’t the Panama Canal basically running out of water? They should act like they’ve been cowed, sell it to us for a ton of money, and laugh all the way to the bank.
How does this pan out if one had to guess? Will other affected countries/powers allow this? I'm guessing anything from WW3 to nothing should be expected