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What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Yeah sometimes things just have a natural shelf life.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Watched a lot of Binging With Babish and just got tired of his schtick I think. Same with the How To Drink guy.

  • rule
  • Matthew 17:20, NIV He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

    I was raised Evangelical and yeah, my parents took that literally.

  • California to make financial literacy classes a requirement to graduate high school
  • I remember a little while back reading something about how Financial Literacy was introduced as a way for the banks to avoid regulation, pushing the responsibility to individuals rather than face government pressure to change.

    I'll have to look for the article...


  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • In most places under the American empire's control to varying degrees.*

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • I don't see them as any different to cigarettes personally. Just one more way for giant corporations to get people hooked on addictive shit with no upside. Fuck Jool. Fuck Philip Morris.

    These companies spend millions knowingly breaking the law over and over and then get to keep operating regardless? Their executives should be in prison.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Yep and in order for these companies to grow they must continue to increase the volume of ads being shown, which only makes them less effective, which they try and counter by making them ever more invasive.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Yeah it's a good book. It's a cycle that this issue surfaces every couple of years where someone does a study, finds that the numbers they're given don't match their own analysis and the ad tech platform does some PR to paper over the story.

    Most people selling ads are just like the real estate agents in The Big Short. The media people make their money via rebate from the platforms by guaranteeing a certain volume of spend so they have no incentive to be putting hard questions to the platforms and the client is reliant on seeing the data which is provided by the platform with no third parties able to provide any level of transparency.

    Money goes into Google, Amazon and Meta's black boxes which spit out numbers. The agency people copy and paste the figures into a presentation and everyone congratulates each other for a job well done.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The cost of digital advertising cannot be justified by its effectiveness (or rather lack there of). We've collectively spent hundreds of billions of dollars creating the infrastructure for invasive hyper targeted ads that do not get better results than simple billboards and terrestrial TV ads even now. We've created a global economy of marketing, media, advertising and sales solely reliant on technofeudalist overlords who've provided very little actual improvement of anything.

  • How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?
  • My team moved to fully remote a month ago. I'm loving it so far.

    Getting to see my little girl throughout my day makes me feel like I'm not missing out on watching her grow up.

  • US sues Adobe for ‘deceiving’ subscriptions that are too hard to cancel | The Justice Department alleges that Adobe hid early cancellation fees and trapped consumers in pricey subscriptions
  • Did they ever? They bought PageMaker in 1994 and Photoshop in 1995. They bought Macromedia in 2006, GoLive, Live motion, Typekit, Behance... Is there anything they've ever bought they haven't slowly ruined with financialisation or just outright shuttering what would have been competition?

  • it ain't the herps, I swear
  • You people bake your sausages?

  • Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • What's your bright spot today buddy?

  • Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his conviction
  • No, some of them are also insurrectionists who've already tried to overthrow their government once.

  • What Radicalized You?
  • Who is Vaush and how did they explain a cooperative in such a way that it radicalised you?

  • A 'Christian' family moved to Russia to escape 'LGBTQ, trans,' but now they're 'ready' to 'get out'

    The patriarch of a right-wing Canadian family of 11 had had just about enough of gay people in his country. “We didn't feel safe for our children there in the future anymore,” father Arend Feenstra told Russian media. “There's a lot of left-wing...

    A 'Christian' family moved to Russia to escape 'LGBTQ, trans,' but now they're 'ready' to 'get out'
    48 Apple's Vision Pro lacks any real vision

    The company’s headset exists to placate investors, not serve users’ needs

    Apple's Vision Pro lacks any real vision
    89 The Cult of AI

    How one writer's trip to the annual tech conference CES left him with a sinking feeling about the future.

    The Cult of AI

    ...“We believe Artificial Intelligence can save lives – if we let it. Medicine, among many other fields, is in the stone age compared to what we can achieve with joined human and machine intelligence working on new cures. There are scores of common causes of death that can be fixed with AI, from car crashes to pandemics to wartime friendly-fire.”

    As I type this, the nation of Israel is using an AI program called the Gospel to assist its airstrikes, which have been widely condemned for their high level of civilian casualties...

    Nagana Yarrbayn – Standing Our Ground Nagana Yarrbayn

    W&J Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians taking action to protect Country

    Nagana Yarrbayn

    I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

    Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

    Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

    Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?

    Nagana Yarrbayn – Standing Our Ground Nagana Yarrbayn

    W&J Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians taking action to protect Country

    Nagana Yarrbayn

    I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

    Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

    Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

    Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?

    Nagana Yarrbayn – Standing Our Ground Nagana Yarrbayn

    W&J Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians taking action to protect Country

    Nagana Yarrbayn

    I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

    Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

    Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

    Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?

    Nagana Yarrbayn – Standing Our Ground Nagana Yarrbayn

    W&J Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians taking action to protect Country

    Nagana Yarrbayn

    I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

    Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

    Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

    Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?

    0 Marc Andreessen’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” Is Just Old-School Reactionary Elitism

    Silicon Valley capitalist Marc Andreessen has released a manifesto that decries efforts to restrain the genius of tech billionaires. Drawing heavily from Nietzsche and Hayek, it’s the same old right-wing elitism in new packaging.

    Marc Andreessen’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” Is Just Old-School Reactionary Elitism

    In earlier eras, the manifesto was an important organ of radical political and aesthetic movements; prominent examples in the history of the genre include of course those of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, André Breton, or, more recent, the Dogme 95 group. These days, in which radical political ideas of the Left or the Right have only recently begun to become mainstream again, it is unsurprising that the manifesto seems to be a historical relic.

    But the genre received a new entry with Marc Andreessen’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto,” published last October on the website of Andreessen Horowitz, perhaps the very bluest of Silicon Valley’s blue-chip venture capital firms. That apparently radical manifestos are now being produced by billionaire technocapitalists might be cause for alarm among our nineteenth- and twentieth-century ancestors. But it really shouldn’t surprise us, at least those who pay attention to the kind of rhetoric coming regularly from Sand Hill Road and its environs. Hardly content with the accumulation of fortunes unprecedented in history and their resulting political power, a small number of our new ruling overlords clearly want to be taken seriously as thinkers, too...


    Ah, it recently announced a $48,000 spaceship bundle, the latest in an ongoing line, which contains every ship in the game and is apparently only accessible to those who've already spent $1,000...

    43 Michael Pascoe: RBA caught snoozing on tax cuts and inflation

    The RBA avoiding assessing the inflationary impact of individual government policies is risible. Treasury claiming it doesn’t is laughable.

    Michael Pascoe: RBA caught snoozing on tax cuts and inflation

    Via various Freedom of Information requests, it looked like the Reserve Bank of Australia has never studied, reported, briefed, spreadsheeted or generally put a thought in writing about the inflationary impact of the looming stage-three tax cuts.

    Cant wait to have Daddy Elon crush my larynx at a climate rally

    Picture of the Tesla Optimus Gen 2 robot raising a fist on a blue background

    8 7-Eleven Australia sells to Japanese company

    The 7-Eleven Australia chain has been sold by its family owners to a Japanese company for $1.7 billion.

    7-Eleven Australia sells to Japanese company
    Currowan: a Story of Fire and a Community During Australia's Worst Summer

    Currowan: a Story of Fire and a Community During Australia's Worst Summer

    A moving insider’s account of surviving one of Australia’s worst bushfires – and how we live with fire in a climate-changed world

    The gripping, deeply moving account of a terrifying fire – among the most ferocious Australia has ever seen

    The Currowan fire – ignited by a lightning strike in a remote forest and growing to engulf the New South Wales South Coast – was one of the most terrifying episodes of Australia’s Black Summer. It burnt for seventy-four days, consuming nearly 5000 square kilometres of land, destroying well over 500 homes and leaving many people shattered.

    Bronwyn Adcock fled the inferno with her children. Her husband, fighting at the front, rang with a plea for help before his phone went dead, leaving her to fear: will he make it out alive?

    In Currowan, Bronwyn tells her story and those of many others – what they saw, thought and felt as they battled a blaze of never-before-seen intensity. In the aftermath, there were questions: why were resources so few that many faced the flames alone? Why was there back-burning on a day of extreme fire danger? Why weren’t we better prepared?

    Currowan is a portrait of tragedy, survival and the power of community. Set against the backdrop of a nation in the grip of an intensifying crisis, this immersive account of a region facing disaster is a powerful glimpse into a new, more dangerous world – and how we build resilience.

    Intergenerational Report 2023: Australian economy built on rent seekers who produce nothing In Australia, why do people who produce nothing get rewarded the most?

    The current housing pain might feel like an acute moment, but it is really the culmination of decades of policy in which every factor has pulled in the direction of making housing unaffordable.

    In Australia, why do people who produce nothing get rewarded the most?
    What film, show or game that is not necessarily 'underated' didn't have the level of social impact it deserved.

    What's the antithesis of Arrested Development, Firefly or The Big Lebowski? Those may never have 'found their audience' but over time seemed to recognised by everyone. What are the deep cuts that you liked but it feels like everyone has completely forgotten they even existed.

    CurlyWurlies4All CurlyWurlies4All

    If I can't share a Curly Wurly then it's not a revolution.

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