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Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights
  • Elites


    The only things elite about them are greed and malice.

  • What else can be done to defeat Trump in November other than just telling people "vote"?
  • Fairly successful strategy I've been using lately is to out-crazy the red team and feed em their own medicine. No one here needs to be told the libertarian party is just Far Right Lite™, but do you know their selling points? Cuz there is no chance in HELL I'll be able to convince a Trumpanzee to vote for Biden, but I have been able to steer a handful of votes away from Trump and toward Chase Oliver - usually goes down like this: MAGAt will open the conversation by bitching about someone on the blue team - such as Hillary and her emails. I'll AGREE with them, but lump her and Trump into the same category... "Idk how they get away with sending classified data on a private email server or printing it out and hauling boxes of it to their private residence. If I did hundredth of the crime Trump or Hillary committed, I'd spend the rest of my life in jail!". Bitch about how both parties are doing the bare minimum just to stay in power etc; then start pitching 3rd as an alternative option.

    'Both sides' em, and change their vote to "not trump" by pitching whichever 3rd most closely aligns with their impressionability (which is pretty much always the LP). Put the spoiler effect to good use.

    And be weary of folks doing the same to you, especially here on Lemmy with all the 'genocide Joe' shit or encouraging apathy because of the shit debate.

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • Bruh there's actual supporting evidence for Darth Jar Jar. He doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the crazy shit!

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • IIRC something happens if one manages to get 5% of the vote, which would enable them to more seriously compete the following election. So, the pitch is they aren't trying to win this time but for the election after - if they can get 5% this time. Didn't get 5%. Next election rolls around: rinse and repeat.

    It's a pipe dream. In 2016 we had two of the most disliked candidates running in the big two, and an uncharacteristically decent looking candidate running for the LP. That was prime time for the LP to get that coveted 5% and start making wheels turn. They got 3% and remain on square one. We will not EVER see better conditions for a 3rd party success than Trump v Hillary v Johnson. Not with fptp.

    If 3rds want to ever actually get their shit together, they need to work together for reform like ranked choice. Their differences in policy don't mean squat until then, so wake me up when that shit starts to happen. (it won't happen)

  • Protestation
  • The proportion of wealth was a little off; this is a little closer to reality.

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • Your feet and head are both very vascular, so cooling them will help lots to cool the rest of you.

    Head -

    Ever been buzzed or bald before? If no, now could be the time to give it a shot. Worse case scenario, you look like shit and let it grow back to whatever's the shortest length that looks decent. Bonus: you'll save a ton of time and money on hair cuts/care.

    Keep a container of water water and washcloths in your fridge. Take a cloth out when it's time to veg on the couch, and slap it on your noggin. When it dries, grab a new one. *recommend not throwing used ones back in the water w/o washing first, or your water will get nasty fast.

    • If you decide to go buzzed and have never done it before, PROTECT YOUR NOGGIN/SCALP FROM THE SUN. Burns up there hurt like a mofo.

    Feet -

    This is trading heat discomfort for wet sock discomfort; but if that's a fair trade, then... yeah, wet your socks with cold water. A tub a cold water at the base of your couch can give you something to dip in while you're watching TV or something. Same spiel as the wash cloths - keep your socks/water/tub clean and don't reuse without washing first, or you'll get yourself trenchfoot or some nastiness.


    Also, if you're in an apartment that disallows window units... they fit great in a fireplace, and the hot air just vents up the chimney. Your lease likely doesn't say anything about fireplace units. Just sayin'. Just make sure to seal the edges really well so hot air doesn't leak back into your living space.

  • Getting the Skyrim itch again... Any mod recommendations to freshen it up?
  • try using the console to set the speed to like 0.5 or even slower. When things speed up, the game physics goes nuts; slowing them down stabilizes them again.

  • Panama Papers: Court acquits all 28 charged with money laundering
  • We need an IRL batman. Or some Boondock Saints.

  • Getting the Skyrim itch again... Any mod recommendations to freshen it up?

    Previously I've been pretty gentle with modding that game - things like SkyUI to make it a bit more PC friendly, utility mods like the one limits soul gems to ONLY being filled with their highest tier (no more wasting a grand by filling it with a mudcrab). Also LockPick Pro to effectively skip lockpicking, cuz I hate Skyrim's (bring back Oblivion's model!)... that's kinda it.

    Looking for mods that bring something new to the actual gameplay. I know there are a ton of them - what are your favorites?

    Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Oh, good catch. Fixed.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Abiotic Factor

    Hadn't heard of that one... it's like a survival builder set in Half Life 1 lol. Wishlisted!

  • bip bip
  • Lots more than just that.. Dude should probably see a cardiologist.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • Krusty doesn't deserve this.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Witcher 2's controls are a bit janky, but it's a solid game in and of itself for the story alone; if you can stomach some pretty bad mechanics to enjoy an otherwise decent product, I'd say start at #2.

    Witcher 1 is... so bad it's kinda comical. I'd just pull up a story summary of Witcher 1 on youtube and call it a day. If you're a masochist, go ahead and give the actual game a whirl; but I'd recommend modding the snot out of it to at least make your character OP as fuck, allowing you to mostly skip the god-awful combat. But even then, the only selling point is the story, which again you can just pull up on YouTube.

    That said, you can dive into 3 with zero knowledge of the previous two and be just fine. There are things that will go over your head, but nothing significant.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Once you get a hold on dodging/parrying/etc, you'll feel like a damn ninja, especially on harder difficulties; but leading up to that, yeah combat is... OK. Also don't miss out of experimenting with different builds - one of my favorites optimized using bombs, which later into it makes you a walking B-52 - fun build if you enjoy clearing trash via a wave of pure chaos, then mopping up the stronger guys by way of the sword.

    And yeah, the whole package is what counts here: Witcher 3 is a fantastic all around game. It isn't without it's imperfections, but they are barely noticeable amidst the tsunami of ridiculously high quality you'll be hit with from all the other features.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Orcs Must Die! $9.99 $2.99 (70% off)

    Hybrid tower defense and 3rd person shooter/slasher. This game is... fucking stupid! Like by design - your character is a moron, and says some of the dumbest shit you'll hear come out of a protagonist's mouth. So with this game, you get a high dose of face-palmy humor paired with orc arms/heads/bones/etc flying across your screen after they get blended up by all your traps. Gameplay is surprisingly solid; you'll get some time to think and plan where to place traps and obstacles; then you'll get hit with a wave of orcs and other fantasy critters and try to manually pick off any that make it through the traps. There are a couple more games in this series - imo #1 is the best, but if you like this one, keep the others on your radar too.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Valheim $19.99 $9.99 (50% off)

    You're a viking that died and you find yourself in a purgatory called "Valheim" to prove you're worthy of Valhalla. Another survival builder - with a somehow charming combination of really bad graphics paired with really good lighting. The combat is kinda clunky, but the other elements of this game make up for it. Well worth $10!! Don't forget to turn your music on before summoning a boss.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Subnautica $29.99 $9.89 (67% off)

    Sci-fi survival builder: you're on a massive spacecraft that ends up crash landing on an ocean planet; your goal is to figure out wtf happened and find a way off the planet. This game is 80% feel-good tropical diving simulator; and 20% thalasaphobic deepsea horror. This has become one of my go-to "idk what to play" games that I keep returning to for a nice digital tropical vacation... with a dash of fleeing in terror from, uh... spoilers. No really though, if you don't already know this game's story, DO NOT start looking up videos and posts etc about it - just buy it and dive in.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Satisfactory $29.99 $14.99 (50% off)

    Sci-fi, you're dropped down to a lush alien planet to do what humans do best: strip all of its natural resources! Combat is limited, but boils down to fighting off wild animals - the main gist of the game is building and optimizing things like miners/conveyor belts/smeltors/assemblers/etc to automate the pillaging of the environment with increasing efficiency... which admittedly sounds more like work than play, but this title caught me a bit off guard with how fun and - true to its name - satisfying it is play.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • Grounded $39.99 $19.99 (50% off)

    This is basically "Honey I Shrunk The Kids" as a survival builder. Set in the 80s, you and up to three others are teens that miniaturized by... well you gotta figure out the how and why, and how to return to normal size by navigating the back yard of a scientist with some knowledge on the tech. TBH, I didn't really expect much from this game, but found myself having a ridiculous amount of fun with it. It is REALLY well made - the attention to detail is insane, from the yard design to build pieces. I wish I had this game when I was a kid, but still enjoyed the hell out of it in my 30s.

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt $39.99 $3.99 (90% off)

    If you've somehow managed to avoid Witcher until now, it's a dark medieval fantasy, 3rd person, open world RPG based on Norse Slavic mythology. Lots of political intrigue, choices that actually impact outcomes in game. Fantastic voice acting, story, soundtrack, and combat/gameplay mechanics. This is one of the best games on the market - if you don't already have it, now's the time! There are also two DLCs that are each the size and scope of an entire standalone game - don't miss those!

    Also available DRM free on GOG for the same price.

    (shoutout to for GOG intel)

  • Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals

    Initial scrolling of the Steam Summer Sale seems pretty lackluster, but digging through the comments sections in other threads, a few gems have stood out, and it doesn't appear we have a thread dedicated to this yet, so post what you think are the best deals here!

    Not mandatory ofc, but it'd be helpful if...

    • One game per top level post, so comments stemming from it are focused on on just it.

    • Hyperlink the game title to its Store Page

    • Include both the normal and sale price / %off

    • Include a short blurb about the game - if it's one you've played before, what did you like about it? If you're diving in blind, what grabbed your attention?

    Good hunt'n!

    Probably a stupid question, but what can I do to 'degoogle' a Google Pixel 8?

    Just switched to a new phone carrier, and they had a promotion that included a free phone: the Google Pixel 8. I'm not a fan of Google, but I am a fan of free, so I took the bait.

    It's already bombarded me with pitches for their new AI bullshit. I've opted out of as much as the settings allow, but I'm under no illusion that doing so actually provides any real privacy.

    So, damage control time.

    On my previous device I used YouTube Vanced for music and videos, but I guess Vanced isn't around anymore, and I'm pretty out of date on what the current options are... any insight on streaming specifically?


    *I'm a medic who's only surface-level competent with tech, so please idiot-proof any instructions.

    Thanks all!

    Anyone have luck with a hair growth *inhibitor*? Especially my fellow gentledudes who could be mistaken for sasquatch after skipping a day of shaving.

    I've heard of things like Nair that make it fall out... if that was a one-and-done solution I'd be all for it, but I'm hoping for something that slows or stops it from growing.

    I go clean shaven, but I get the '5 o-clock' shadow the second I put the razor down, and look homeless if I skip a day or two.

    Tried growing a beard - looked alright, but the amount of product and effort I shoved into that thing was ridiculous. And it was maddeningly itchy the entire time (lasted about a year putting up with it).

    I've spent the last couple years with the conclusion that hair is just annoying, and I want it gone with as little effort and expense as possible.

    Kinda partial to keeping the eyebrows and lashes cuz they keep shit out of my eyes, but honestly if losing them is the cost of getting rid of the rest of it, I'd call that a fair trade.

    Some initial searching shows there is a market for hair growth suppressants, but chewbaccoids like myself might not be among the target audience lol.

    Anyone got a recommendation or cautionary tale?

    Early 2000's Machinimas... anything modern to scratch that nostalgic itch?

    Remember like Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue?

    Looking for something like that. Episodic use of a videogame for some light-hearted story driven cinema.

    The only good modern example I can think of is Neebs Gaming's Subnautica series, but that's kind of an outlier in their channel since everything else they've done (that I've seen at least) is more of a "let's play" type of video than the kind of cinematic roleplay they do for Subnautica.

    Hard to screen for quality on channels I'm not familiar with, since 99% of YouTube's gaming content is hot garbage.

    Anywho, the combination of school and work is melting my brain... I don't trust my time management skills to dive back into actual gaming, but the occaisional episode to get that little half-hour-mind-vacation would be a godsend.

    Thanks, all!

    Bone conduction headphones?

    I just recently learned that this is a thing that exists. I've had a couple audiology tests that use these weird headphones with firm rubber balls where normally expect to see the speakers; the rubber balls sit on your temporal bone, and there's a metal bar the wraps around your head connecting them and giving them pressure to kinda squeeze your head.

    The sound experience was pretty wild - my ears were completely open, so I could still hear ambient noises, but the sounds from the headphones were just kinda there... like it didn't sound like they were coming from anywhere, but like beamed directly into my brain.

    I was curious if these were exclusive for audiology testing or if there were commercial variants for listening to music and such... hit the ol' search engine, and lo and behold: there are actually quite a few commercial variants!

    \- TLDR -

    Anywho, I'm intrigued as hell, and am curious if anyone here has experience with bone conduction headphones. Lots of questions:

    Which brand/model are you using?

    How's the sound quality?

    How's the sound leak?

    What kind of music do you use it to listen to? (my poison of choice is symphonic metal, with emphasis on the symphonic bits -- looking for that full range hit everything from the flutes to the howler monkeys :P)

    Are they comfortable to wear? For how long?

    Do you get any skin irritation or even breakdown where it contacts your temple?

    Does the hook part wrap around your ears without any pressure points?

    Does the behind-the-head band bounce around when you're walking or running?

    How much space is between the band and the back of your head/neck? (I think my noggin is a bit on the smaller side, and I have basically no hair... one of the manufacturers makes one with a smaller sized band, which might be a good selling point for me)

    How's the battery life?

    How long have you had it?

    When do you use it? (working out, at work, etc)

    Do they stay put, or do you need to reposition them frequently?

    Anything else to comment on?

    [Solved - Firefox extension SingleFile converts the page to a .html file that can be accessed without login!] Any tricks to saving chapters in a digital, online-based textbook as a PDF?

    Print-to-PDF is locked down. There's a print option as part of the software, but it slaps my student email diagonally across every single page, which makes reading it kind of obnoxious.

    I don't intend to distribute (which I'm assuming is why it's locked up so tight), but needing to log in and navigate to the text is getting cumbersome, so I'm hoping to just save a chapter at a time to my phone and whip that out to tackle my reading assignments.

    Also hoping to preserve images, since a lot of the info is charts and such, so PDF seems like the best target, but open to any ideas.

    ...I suppose I could just suck it up and deal with their annoying software, but at this point I hate to admit defeat lol.

    [Solved: Format Painter!] Is there a way to 'paste' multiple formatting settings without changing the selected text in MS Word?

    Like in the Home tab, the "Styles" seems like exactly what I need, but it applies the changes to the entire paragraph vs just the selected text.

    Pic below of what I'm trying to do:


    Just started nursing school (woo!!) and I'm trying to make review guides for my class. There are like 50 of those questions for every chapter, ~10 chapters for every unit exam, and a unit exam every couple of weeks. ...for the next two years. >_>

    There are a metric FUCK TON of these questions, so I'm trying to make them as easy on the eyes as possible so that we can review them as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

    Anywho, in the pic, question 3 is the format I'm shooting for - letter answers bolded, red, and caps; answer key tucked away with right side alignment, small, light grey, and italicized so we don't prematurely see the answer as we're scrolling.

    Question 4 is how the text appears in the textbook, which makes it hard to scroll though them without seeing the answer prior to considering all the options, and seeing the answer early kinda sabotages actually learning the content.

    The ideal study scenario being read the question, discuss which answer we think is right and why, check our answer against the grey text, and move on.

    I know you can change formating with find and replace, but then the entire document is filled with sentences that end with things like "fractured bonE." so afaik the best approach is to just ctrl+click/drag to select the letters, then then click the bold/red/Aa and move on to the next one and repeat.

    Any tips to automate this would be outstanding, since there will literally be thousands of these throughout the entire program.

    Thank you!!

    free and open source software Sterile_Technique
    FOSS text-to-speech (TTS) software/website?

    Piss-broke nursing student, here.

    The amount of reading I'm having to crank through on a weekly basis is pretty insane - I've been leaning heavily on text-to-speech software to knock the chapters out as fast as possible.

    The best I've found so far - which isn't FOSS - is ...enough of it's free and accessible to get the job done, but it's got some pretty instrusive "buy me!" features built in, like if I'm listening to a large document and hit the pause button, I'm basically screwed because when I click play I get a prompt for "To continue listening, sign up for premium!"

    Hoping to find better options if there are any, especially for ones that offer decent voice options. Some of them are impressively near-human sounding, while others sound like Microsoft Sam from like 1998; the quality and variety of voices make a big difference in retention for me (replaying a lecture with different voices is proving to be a pretty effective study habit).

    More focused on the 'free' part vs the open source bit, but the latter would ofc be a good perk.

    Know of any good options?

    Thank you!!

    [Solved!] Looking for a way to speed up audio on a website that REALLY doesn't want users to speed up audio...

    Marking as solved! The solution is a tad cumbersome (can't directly control in-browser), but it comes with a bonus I didn't even think to ask for (mp3 files that I can save to my phone and listen to in the car!).

    Using the extension Video Download Helper, I can yoink the sound files right off the website. I've got mp3's set to open with Firefox, so when I open one it launches in its own tab, where I can use the extension Video Speed Controller to manipulate the playback speed; click back to the original ATI tab and read along.

    Thanks for the help, all!!!



    Just started nursing school (fuck yeah!!) and it's looking like a lot of our material is via the website (couldn't find any examples of the audio feature that don't require you to be logged in).

    It's basically a textbook, broken down into modules, and click through them as instructed. There's a "play audio" feature that provides audio of the wall of text, which is great! ...except that whoever made the recordings sounds like the fucking sloth from Zootopia.

    Occasionally there're videos too, which also don't have built-in playback speed options, but I found an HTML5 video speed controller extension for Firefox that works a charm on those; I've tried about 10 similar extensions trying to hit the text audio, but it remains stuck on sloth.

    I also tried a program called Cheat Engine - used that about 50,000 years ago to skip ads on YouTube when YouTube was first infected with its ad disease: set the runspeed of Firefox to like 100x and the ad would be finished in about half a second. Doesn't work anymore for ads, and didn't work on ATI's audio either.

    Not sure what else to try, but there aren't enough hours in a day to listen to the assigned material at 1x, so if you've got a fix, you're my hero!

    Thanks all!!


    A hospital recruiter sent me a sales pitch to get me to apply to a surgical tech position - this image was attached, and the more I look at it, the worse it gets. Breakdown in comments.

    Idk if this is the work of AI, or just a 3D artist who didn't get very good instructions for their commission.

    At first glance: nothing special, just a collection of random instruments; but when you start to dissect it under the lens of a surgical tech (the target audience for this image) it just gets worse and worse.

    So let's dissect it!

    First off, that isn't even a surgical backtable - it appears to be on some kind of supply cart, with a raised lip around the edges, and random rectangular holes for handles that have folded sheet metal along the edge. Technically you could throw an impervious drape of that and it'd be fine, but you generally don't see surfaces made to support a sterile field with raised edges that go above the field. The folded sheet metal is also a no-no, as the grooves around it collect and breed the hell out of bacteria.

    None of it's draped. There's that greenish material under the tray and instruments, but stops short of the edges of the cart, so there's some REALLY high contamination potential going on there. You could get away with a field like that in dental (which is just 'clean' vs sterile), but again, this wasn't sent for a dental tech position.

    Instruments from left to right, we're looking at:

    1. a scalpel that's for some reason separate from all the other sharps in the kidney basin.

    2. looks like a tissue forcep - that actually checks out.

    3. ...the only times I've seen a forcep like have been in ortho sets that have a lot of plates and screws - those forceps are to grab the tiny screws from their caddy, cuz they're hard to get your fingers around, and normal forceps tend to 'slip' around the head of the screw and send it flying across the OR.

    4. that's a sponge forcep, but the end is bent in a really odd way; and it doesn't have a ratchet lock, which isn't unheard of, but definitely not common for a sponge forcep.

    5. Dental explorer, which checks out with the whole not-really-sterile thing; except if it was a dental setup there'd be a lot more dental instruments.

    6. Fuck if I know. Doesn't help that the resolution isn't great, but the operative ends kind of look flat. Bowel clamps are shaped like that, but that is DEFINITELY not an open-belly setup lol. Also - the ringed end where your fingers would go is closed all the way, but the operational end is still open. If a real instrument looks like that, then it's damaged as fuck and needs to be thrown away.

    7. Either a kocher clamp or straight hemostat - hard to tell w/ shitty res. But they have have the same weirdness with the ratchet being closed w/ operation end still open.

    8. That looks like a potts scissor, which is usually for vascular surgery. Handle is janky as fuck though, and it's doing the opposite weirdness as mentioned before: it's operative end is closed all the way, but the handles are still a tad open.

    9. Mayo scissors, which are a go-to for cutting suture. Only weirdness here is the janky handle style.

    ...and that kidney basin in the upper right of the tray is just chock-full of WTF. So they're using it as a sharps container - that's normal, but they've got the scalpels facing one direction and needles facing the other... that's a good way to get stabbed. ALL of the sharps are resting on the edge, meaning if you bump them just right, they'll do a flip and launch off... that's a good way to get stabbed. They've got all their sharps in one spot, except for that one random scalpel on the left of the tray. Establishing a sharps zone and then not putting sharps in it... that's a good way to get stabbed. The scalpels and needles in the kidney basin all have the sharp end stuck into some gauze or something... that'll dull or bend the super fine end, reducing its effectiveness and generating snag points that'll cause a bit of unnecessary trauma. Between the three scalpels in the basin and the bonus one floating off to the left, a solid third of the instruments displayed are scalpels lol... are they doing a Wolverine cosplay in the OR?? The blades detach... you only need one scalpel handle - maybe two if you want one ready and on stand by. Also all of them are loaded with what looks like a #24 scalpel blade, which isn't very common; and is a fucking massive blade... I could see wanting ONE of those for something like an emergency C-section when you need to rip that skin open fucking NOW, but 4 of those monsters set up with an otherwise tiny collection of instruments? lol no. Those two syringes aren't capped, which is a good way to get stabbed; or labeled, which is a good way mix up your local anesthetic with something that could cause excruciating pain.

    ...there's just so much wrong with this image it's comical. I can't believe a fucking hospital would choose this over the millions of OR photos already floating around the web lol.

    That was a fun rant to type up. If you actually read that wall of text, hope you got a kick out of it lol!

    [Solved!] Remap a key? (Windows 10)

    I used to have one of those gaming keyboards that lets you reprogram any key - I'm back to just a standard keyboard, but this seems like the kind of thing a modern computer should be able to do without a "gaming" peripheral.

    What I'd really like to do is rebind my caps lock key, because the only time I ever use caps lock is on accident lol. Hoping to rebind it to be my push-to-talk key, so if I could make it do something like a zero-width-space that'll basically turn it into an input key that does nothing except when I tell something like Discord to use that as ptt.

    I'm only surface-level competent with computers, so explain-like-I'm-your-grandma or I'll probably fuck something up.

    Thanks all!!

    USpolitics Sterile_Technique
    Donald Trump Hates The US Military - Long List Of Links

    A user on that other site put together a list of articles detailing a TON of examples of Trump harming the US military, ranging from actual policy implementations, to brown-nosing our enemies' leaders, to being disrespectful to current and prior servicemen and women.

    That list has been deleted, which spurred me to preserve a few similar ones as a list here on Lemmy.

    Why this is important: many people who lean right/conservative/republican do so because of that side of the aisle's ostensible support for our troops. As a veteran myself, this drives me absolutely insane, because their 'support' for us is only ever just using us as a prop for a photo shoot, after which we're immediately cast aside. Despite that, the military and veteran populations maintain a red stain through blind loyalty to a party that doesn't give a squat about our troops. This list is a resource to help slap some sense into those troops/vets, so please use/share/expand the content below.

    As of now, this is just a blatant copy-paste of what I found on the other site, so if you notice something incorrect, let me know and I'll get it fixed. The posts these are from are about 3 years old, so if you know of a more current version or just more recent articles about Trump vs troops, please post those as well!


    What MMOs are you all playing?

    I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn't really exist anymore, so now I'm pretty out of touch.

    For those of you playing / recently played an MMO, which one? How's the community? How's the lore? Gameplay in pve/pvp/rvr?

    Song I Love And Want To Share Sterile_Technique
    Blind Guardian - Wheel of Time (2010)

    The most elaborate example of Symphonic Metal that I'm aware of, all without going over-the-top with howler-monkey-screamo vocals or jackhammer mode on the guitar strings or percussion.

    This is THE song to sell the genre! I desperately wish there was more like this!

    Metal with soft or no vocals?

    I'm developing some pretty odd taste in music...

    I REALLY like metal, but REALLY dislike the screamy-yelly bits, which I acknowledge is kind of contradictory.

    I think I just don't like vocals, period, metal or otherwise. Anyway...

    The symphonic stuff especially, like Blind Guardian (Wheel of Time, Orchestral is probably my all time favorite song!), Nightwish, and Therion, are fuckin amazing; but even within that subset the vocals are kinda overbearing for my taste - a lot of them have operatics, which I also file under the "eh, I'd rather not" category. Fortunately they have some instrumental versions of their songs, AND I LOVE THEM!

    ...but I keep plugging them into services like Pandora, Spotify, and Youtube Music, and I get either 1) "Oh you like any type of metal? Here's a playlist of 16 hours of dudes ejecting the entire contents of their lungs into a microphone! BWAAAAAAAAAA---" or, 2) "Oh, you like symphonic metal? Here's the same 10 songs over, and over, and over again!

    No amount of thumbs up/down-ing on the results appears to have any impact on the algorithm. Youtube music even gives this snarky little popup when I thumbs a song down "Okay, we'll adjust your playlists" and then later plays THAT SAME FUCKING SONG again - not even a different version, but the same URL, which is still actively marked with a thumbs down.

    Side question: is there a streaming service that isn't shit for finding new metal? That actually takes into account the different types of metal?

    Anywho, looking for recommendations for songs/albums. Bonus points if it has symphonic elements, but any sub-genre is golden, so long as the specimen in question has no vocals, or just -soft- vocals that don't yank the spotlight away from the instrumentals.


    Alright, class is wrapping up, I can start knocking these out. Gonna log my progress here, with a rating out of 10 and any comments (all 100% subjective to my personal taste - not looking to bash anyone here!):

    Cloudkicker* - 7 - only complaint is some parts get overly repetitive

    Animals as leaders* - 8 - \^same

    Mestis - 8

    Conquering Dystopia - 9 - Ooh, really like this one!

    Polyphia - 7 - Great for ambience

    Dysrhythmia - 6 - \^same, but liked Polyphia just a touch more

    Scale The Summit - 9

    Chon - 5 - Heavy on the higher pitches, and kinda repetitive - I'd have to be in a specific mood for this one.

    Tigran Hamasyan* - 5 - Didn't really care for this specific song, but thumbing through his others and am digging it.

    Protest The Hero - 9 - Great energy, great variation!

    The Ocean* - 9

    Periphery - 8

    Tesseract - 9

    Porcupine Tree* - 7

    Calligulas Horse* - 8

    Leprous - 6 - Really liked the instrumentals; REALLY disliked the singer's voice, lol

    Tesseract - 7 - Vocals not terrible, but still really prefer the instrumental version.

    Sleep Token* - 7

    Opeth, 2 - 7

    Cynic* - 7

    Haken* - 8 - bro wtf did I just listen to rofl. Bonus point for weird shit!

    Katatonia piano covers vol 1, 2 - 5 - Not the metally music I was looking for, but this is going on my studying playlist.

    In Flames piano covers - 5 - Same^

    Dark Tranquility Piano Covers - 5 - Same^

    Between The Buried And Me - Colors - 6 - This one's hit and miss for me. The hits hit hard though!

    Clayman - 8 - Not a fan of the vocals, but there are instrumental versions of this that kick ass!

    Whoracle - 8

    Colony - 7

    The Reign Of Kindo - 4

    Mr Bungle's California - 6 - Simultaneously not really my cup of tea, and also catchy as fuck.

    The Mars Volta, pre 2010

    HORSE the band. Cutsman

    Genghis Tron (pre 2010)

    Baroness Red, Blue, and Yellow; Green


    Red Fang




    Is there a way to hide individual threads?

    I find that I'm seeing the same conversations dominating the front pages of all, hot, etc if I log in more than a few times per day.

    Would really like a way to hide threads, so that once I've read them, I can remove it from my feed. Bonus points of there's a way to keybind it.

    One of the only features I find myself missing from that other site.

    Political Memes Sterile_Technique
    Rudy Giuliani Mugshot Released
    Windows 10 - when attempting to open multiple image files simultaneously, instead of opening they become my desktop background.

    This has been going on for a couple months at least, but not much longer than that.

    I have images set to open with (basically a ghetto version of photoshop, but free). Used to be if I select multiple images on the desktop or some folder and hit enter, each would open in its own tab in; but lately doing so is just setting them as a slideshow style desktop background. Desktop background is typically just a single image - slideshow is not enabled, but it turns itself on every time this image fuckery happens.

    Any thoughts on how to get it back to normal?

    Lemmy Support Sterile_Technique
    Blocked communities still appear on home page...?

    Originally planned to slowly whittle away at the stream of topics hitting local and all so that the ones I'm not interested in don't appear. Couple weeks into that, and I'm noticing communities I've blocked are still showing up. Figured it was a similarly named community on another instance, so I navigated to it to hit the block button, but there's a big red "unblock community" button instead, so this one's definitely already on the list.

    Is this working as intended? And if yes, what is blocking aimed to do?

    Sterile_Technique Sterile_Technique
    Posts 23
    Comments 1.4K