He's not going to be epsteined. Epstein got epsteined because he knew too fucking much. Luigi doesn't know anything more I do, his use for the ruling class now is example.
Exactly. The turtle suit and "suicide watch" is because you get no blankets, the suit isnt particularly comfy, and a guard gets to bug you constantly to "check on you". It's harassment, plain and simple. They don't want to off him, they want to make him miserable.
I think it's a mix of powerful people wanting him dead to avoid using a trial as a platform for his beliefs along with the chance he is found not guilty by a sympathetic jury.
Hard disagree. If he goes on trial and is acquitted (or the jury is hung), that puts a target on all their backs. This is potentially much more dangerous than Epstein.
It's enough to get you excluded from the jury, but if you are already chosen you deserve to be told explicitly: you can nullify this prosecution if you think it is wrongful
They're already being so awful at such a massive scale that it's highly unlikely something similar won't happen again. The worse they are to Luigi, the more fuel they throw on the fire that they created.
It's always an option for them to stop doing terrible things systemically. They're the ones who control that, and it's up to them to do it.
I just floated the idea of flying to protest to my partner. 21st is a Friday. We could make it a weekend trip and be stupid tourists (we’ve each been multiple times, so there’s really no motivation to go other than Luigi). We’ll see what she says.
I'd totally go protest, but I also can't get time off of work. I'll just continue to not pay medical bills as my own form of protest. Insurance can pry the money out of my cold, dead hands.
Hey! Don't leave my man alone, brothers, sisters and dear others. Show him we care for him and show him that he did nothing strange to any respectable human being. Greetings from outside the USA.