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Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing?
  • Bro, this is just a load of shit. Google removed them by choice, not because of some tech need. Better search engines still use them to great effect.

    You just posted a very long rambling justification for injecting ads and other shit into the results instead of giving you what you asked for.

  • Useful idiot
  • Oh no, you don't understand, if you're not for Biden, you're obviously a pro-Trump shill. There's no room left for nuance.

    It's why political discourse is all but dead. You see this same braindead take all over the place. Dems constantly saying how braindead Reps are, but then constantly throwing out bad faith arguments and strawmen. But if you point out the flaws, you're just a shill who can be ignored.

    We're doomed.

  • good intentions :(
  • Bye

  • Nestle does not care about Ukraine
  • Funny, I've seen this exact comment verbatim before.

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • It's like weapons testing. You only move to ban testing after you've developed it yourself.

  • 'Russian spy agency forgot to pay its bill’: Did a delinquent ChatGPT account expose a pro-Trump Russian bot campaign?
  • "It's probably not true, but you know, it COULD be true".

    That's exactly how they get you. Then the next time you see a story like this, all you think is "yeah, haven't I heard something like this before?" and confirm the new BS you're being fed.

    This instance isn't true. This is someone manipulating you. Like, the manipulation you're afraid of? It's right here.

    And now you have to wonder, who gains from making you believe this one is real? I'll leave that one up to you. But in the words of George Carlin: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it".

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • There was an almost overnight shift from "ewww, online people are weird strangers" to "the Internet is just digital real life". For years it was the first, and then as mainstream popularity hit, it was like a switch flipped and suddenly the Internet was "cool" and just like comics and superheros, everyone acted like they were a fan all along.

    It was kinda jarring tbh. All the things that got you labeled a nerd and a geek(negatively) were suddenly good things. I think it mostly had to do with the tech surge and people seeing it as a valuable thing now.

  • 'Russian spy agency forgot to pay its bill’: Did a delinquent ChatGPT account expose a pro-Trump Russian bot campaign?
  • Sorry you're being downvotted by the misinformed. It's not even in the format for ChatGPT, especially the part about being out of tokens. It's been pointed out already that that is psuedo-code, not actual code. It's meant to look like something ChatGPT would say.

    It's a troll/ragebait account.

    This isn't news. At all. This is basically reporting on "the hacker known as 4Chan".

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • Exactly. It doesn't increase suicidal thoughts, it just reminds some that it's an answer to their thoughts. The solution is reducing the stigma so that people can talk about them freely instead of bottling them up until they reach that point.

  • BYD, CATL Working On LFP Batteries That Could Be Fully Recharged In 10 Minutes
  • You'd do well not to immediately insult your readers in the first line.

  • The Emperor’s New Clothes is the epitome of Sarah Case in point-the Palessi prank
  • In your sidebar you claim this community "isn't vicious" yet you're literally making up attacks of what this person "might do" because you dispose them so much.

    You're bullies.

    Y'all are some toxic motherfuckers and communities like this need to die.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Yeah, we're all talking about what unhinged dicks they are and wishing for them to be disbanded. Great job!

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Except this doesn't make me care about oil one damn bit. What I do care about it harsh penalties for the perpetrators(including community service and paying for the damage to be undone) and protecting heritage sites like this from other shitty humans. Its not activism, it's vandalism. It has nothing to do with oil. It would be the same as setting the Mona Lisa on fire and screaming about oil. It's just unhinged.

  • Fuel From Cow Manure Is a Growing Climate Solution, but Critics Say Communities Put at Risk
  • This just links to a picture?

    Edit: OP fixed it. If you're not seeing it try refreshing. Federation lag and all.

  • Is anyone else tired of the doom posts on Lemmy?
  • Exhibit A right here. If you disagree, you're a troll/shill or Russian bot. Ffs people like you completely destroy meaningful discourse here and then you blame everyone else.

  • Is anyone else tired of the doom posts on Lemmy?
  • The echochamber formed fast and hard here. It's really sad to see. It feels less like a new place and more like another clubhouse. And ffs, content is so slow. Gotta surf top of all time and still barely find content.

  • Has anyone else noticed a large influx of Trolls lately?
  • Nope, not a bot and anti-Biden registered Dem. You guys always want to Strawman anti-Biden comments as either "angry conservatives" or "Russian-psyops". You don't actually address the concerns either, just brush them off as trolls. Discourse on Lemmy is a echo-chambered joke already. It doesn't need trolls to ruin it, you've done plenty well yourselves.

  • Wells Fargo fires employees for utilising down time.
  • This is like the 3rd version of the article at this point. It's mentioned in other articles. What is mentioned in this one is they used devices to pretend to be active during times they were expected to be. You know, fraud.

  • Wells Fargo fires employees for utilising down time.
  • Cool, that wasn't this.

    They used company computers to do another companies work. That's theft. Just like you want to comment on wage theft and the like, this is employee theft. Now, if you want to argue that it's justified, that's one thing. But don't reframe this as "well they were just doing nothing anyways". No, they used computers and resources that explicitly weren't theirs for their own benefit. Sounds A LOT like the wage theft you want to complain about when it's an employer doing it, but suddenly it's ok when the tables are turned. Nah, it's still an immoral act.

  • fishos fishos
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