idk, I feel like we could take a much better approach to this. Instead of just mocking them, maybe point out how they maybe can't trust where they got their idea of who trump was, and maybe to stop supporting him?
all the people who refused to vote for kamala must be so pleased with how little palestinian genocide is about to happen. aren't they? well? aren't they?
gee it sure sounds like their whole little plan backfired in the worst possible way come to think of it, ACTUALLY.
If they suffer any consequences from their vote, they'll likely just blame Democrats, or immigrants, or trans people, or [insert scapegoat of the week here].
I see posts like this every now and then, but I'm not convinced this is happening on any real scale. In fact, most pro-Trumpers I've encountered have been making excuses for every shady thing he's done since taking office as "getting America back on track"
There’s a big thread on /r/conservative right now circle jerking about how not concerned they all are and how it’s exactly what they voted for. Sure buddy, come back and say that when something shitty Trump does affects YOU which it certainly will.
Reminds me of the joy when watching interviews with people on the British/Irish border, when they learned they now have to buy their groceries 30 mins further than they were used to. They also said: "we didn't vote for this". What do people expect to happen when they vote for something?
I do not believe in a self reflective Trump supporter. And that says nothing of him fulfilling his promises, many of them tuning out for the ones that they don't like
Liberals love the "Trump supporters are starting to come around and regret their ways" story. Every day for the next 1300+ days they will be posting this. In truth, the people who voted for Trump with enthusiasm (not just contrarianism, fatigue or ignorance) will find any way to spin his policies as a positive or a necessary evil. And frankly, anyone who voted enthusiastically for the Democratic party is capable of the same and demonstrated they too have no moral red lines.
They said that last time too, 75 million people still decided "You know what, at least it's not a liberal black woman". Or something about Gaza. At least it wasn't buttery males this time.
What do you call people who got conned by a conman. You call them suckers. That is what they are and that is what I'll even call my boss straight to his face