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Obsidian + Zettel Notes
  • This is so incredibly useful. Thank you.

  • Looks and Longevity: Do Prettier People Live Longer?
  • If you read the paper...

    This finding remained robust to the inclusion of covariates describing high-school achievement, intelligence, family background, earnings as adults, as well as mental and physical health in middle adulthood.

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • But sovereignty, mate.

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • I mean, this was in 2016.

    People made worse decisions that year. A lot of people.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Oh no, I get you. I think we are a similar age.

    I was at the Reading Festival in '96 and I think offspring were playing.

    There was a slightly older guy stood in the middle of the crowd shouting, you call this punk... This ain't punk. This ain't shit.

    The kids were laughing at him.

    This week in Glasgow Green Day played a gig and all I saw was middle aged men and their daughters wearing matching merch t-shirts.

    I'm assuming at some point I travel back in time to '96 to try to stop this.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • She may be a Puncke: for many of them, are neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife.

    W. Shakespeare, Measure for Measure (1623)

    Damn, you really old.

  • What did they mean by this?
  • US education system.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Mate, I haven't forgiven them for google reader.

    They killed my boy.

  • DeSantis vetoes all arts grants in Florida
  • That's a fair question.

    The arts are seen as a luxury and a frippery. They are also seen as elitist.

    If you want to defund public services and remain popular, the playbook is to remove the arts first. That way you are demonstrating the order of needs.

  • Ape box rule
  • Related to another popular post right what was Bruce Dickinson's ancestor?

  • Metal rule
  • It's 1994. The Bosnian-Serbian conflict is still raging. Some cool dude from the UN peace keepers thinks it would be good to have a concert.

    He contacts Bruce Dickinson and says, "wanna play a much needed gig in a warzone?"

    Bruce says, "yes".

    Here's the documentary.

  • DeSantis vetoes all arts grants in Florida
  • You can't defund social welfare programmes without defunding the arts first. To defund healthcare you have to defund the arts. To defund schools, you first have to defund the arts.

    You know where this is going.

    The arts are the canary and it is lying dead at the bottom of the cage.

  • darktable 4.8.0 released
  • Adore the darktable gang.

  • friendly reminder
  • And opposing those actions is not antisemitic.

    We take those two things together as truth and we are getting somewhere.

  • I miss text-based tutorials
  • Seconded on round keys.

  • I miss text-based tutorials
  • I blame cooking blogs for introducing this bloat.

    "First let me tell you a little about my relationshio with cinnamon... It all started 40 years ago whilst I was..."

  • I miss text-based tutorials
  • Yes totally, but counter to that there are still an awful lot of places where internet is borderline dialup and access to information is still primarily text based. Furthermore, translating text under these conditions is considerably easy than translating audio.

    Investing in education on a global level, as opposed to a US level is a question of access and infrastructure.

  • I miss text-based tutorials
  • This was the video that caused me to post:

  • It's real
  • I'm gen-x and I am at the point where I don't know if I say anything unironically any more.

    (But you are spot on, slang is there, always, and it mutates as it is needed, but it isnt generational so much as sociopolitical and regional.)

  • It's real
  • Nah, its for "grizzled tanman". You oldies just don't get it.

  • I miss text-based tutorials

    When I use the internet to learn, I don't want to have to spend 2 minutes watching an advert, then try to decipher an accent I can barely understand whilst a 15 year old speed runs the task whilst seemingly skipping crucial steps in a video.

    I want the steps written down. Maybe with diagrams.

    I'm old. Learning is hard enough.

    Microblog Memes adam_y
    All Cakes Are Baklava (ACAB)
    The Pie of Sauron

    Ok, not technically a pie, better puns are welcomed.


    !a black and white photograph of the Barbican/South Bank

    A 35mm black and white photograph of this beauty in London.

    another modernist synth experiment

    I'm calling this 'West Coast Main Line' after the section of rail that passes through where I live.

    Again, I'm using the Pro-1, a Volca Keys and an Uno Synth. This time a Model:Samples is playing a looped section.

    I'm looking here about recreating the rhythm of rail using a phasing technique.

    There's a bandcamp version too, where the track is free to download, if you prefer.

    bandcamp Link

    As before, please feel free to share any of your experiments too.

    A day at the beach

    Hello, long time listener, first time caller...

    I just wanted to say hi. I'm very much interested in the grain, the unplanned and the documentary when it comes to analogue photography.

    This one was shot on fomapan 400 and an Optima 335 that I've had in my jacket pocket for a while.

    Lost at Sea - a modest modernist symphony with monosynths


    I though you might like the more nerdier details about this track.

    The equipment is a Pro-1, an Uno Synth and a Volca Keys (set to octave). All running through a Behringer xenyx and recorded on a tascam dp 006.

    I used an Sq-64 for the sequencing, which was a steep learning curve but I think it came out ok.

    In terms of the music I was particularly interested in timbrality changes and phasing as well as emergent patterns. I'd planned for the piece to be around an hour long, but it came to a natural conclusion at the 21 minute mark and I went with that.

    There's also a version on YouTube here, where I used the recorded midi output to create an animation. It was a bit of an afterthought, but I think it might make some great and complex visuals down the line as a technique.

    Ok, thank you for your time.

    Lost at Sea - A Modernist Music Piece for Three Analogue Synths

    Long time listener, first time caller.

    My first post to Lemmy is a piece of modernist music I've made for three synthesizers.

    In this case, I used a Behringer Pro-1, an Uno Synth, and a Volca Keys.

    I'm very much interested in repetition and emergent rhythms. Feel free to share some of your own work if you think I'd be into it.

    adam_y adam_y

    Synth noodling conceptual artist

    Posts 13
    Comments 437