Only if you get student loans. Just don't go to college! It's not like the world needs doctors, scientists, engineers, dentists, teachers, meteorologists, judges, librarians, well-educated citizens in general... Oh wait.
Hold up, am I crazy or is this showing that the temperature at the North pole was 15 °C in January? What's the source of the picture? What were usual readings in previous years?
There was hope then at least - eating ramen and working three jobs because the degree and the work was supposed to make things better. But then hitting your thirties and realizing that the mistake you made wasn’t being born wealthy.
This is so true for real. When I was in my 20s it's true, I had ramen almost every day, but I also had a constant friend group I was always around. I never went to college but I was close with highschool friends for years, until mid to late 20s. Then it just... Stopped.