Currently, the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, making a third impeachment very unlikely.
Efforts to impeach Donald Trump for a third time are intensifying as he begins his second term.
The non-partisan group Free Speech For People launched the "Impeach Trump. Again" campaign, citing constitutional violations, including his alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riots and breaches of the emoluments clause.
The group also accuses Trump of campaign finance violations, xenophobic rhetoric, and abuse of power.
However, impeachment remains unlikely with Republicans controlling Congress. Democrats may revisit impeachment if they regain control in 2026.
Same as the last two times, it's a wasted effort without the votes in the Senate. If you can't remove him, don't bother. Focus on winning back the House and Senate in 2026.
Impeachment is the check against his power. It would be better to convict, but the democrats need to make the argument and convince the people that Trump should be held accountable. Get Republicans in the Senate and House on record supporting Trump's crimes, and then beat them in the midterm elections.
Impeachment is how you win those elections. Rolling over and showing your belly is why Democrats keep losing before the fight begins.
In this moment impeachment is a waste of time. They would be better served (1) governing super well in places they are in charge (to demonstrate they are the better option - something that is inconsistent today); (2) figuring out why people are voting for Trump; (3) developing strong messaging and strategy to win races top to bottom of the ballot. I've been unimpressed with their ability to both run and govern recently (with some exceptions here and there). Maybe it is catching up with them.
I think impeachment makes him stronger, it gives him whining, hysterical liberals to point at. Oppose and resist him, but just by calling out his BS, not trying to give him a traffic ticket and failing.
Ah, but this is the least effective way for Democrats to show their donors that they're still "fighting" for them. The only thing that matters now is manufacturing some talking point to get more donations in 2026.
Exactly. He's been impeached twice and nothing happened. He should have been barred from office years ago. The entire process is nothing but political theatre for donors.
Who exactly? Who is pretending they are doing something?? Is it democrats you’re accusing of pretending to do something?
How about maybe you try reading the article next time instead of chiming in with edgy nonsense.
It is a non partisan group called Free Speech for People. You’d have known that had you read the 1st paragraph of the article.
Oh. And while we’re on the subject of pretending… even if you were right and it is the democrats pretending- at least they pretended to do something. Because so many of you flat out admittedly did nothing.
Lol as proved last time, impeachment means absolutely nothing. It didn't stop the last corrupt individual, in fact he was just reelected and is as corrupt, if not more, than before.
It's certainly doomed, but democrats already get paid to be there so why not use every tool in the book? Time Congress is arguing about impeachment is time they're not implementing fascist policies
Only way it happens is if he does something so egregious a few GOP senators publicly state it’s time for him to go. These crimes so far are what these senators prolly get away with behind closed doors anyway so they ain’t gonna do shit.
It's a process. It is like filing charges against someone, and then the Senate holds the trial. The Senate found him not guilty. So there were no consequences.
Growing up and learning Nixon resigned because he was impeached and made him look terrible I thought it was career ending. Like they'll drag you out of the white house career ending.
Now it just feels like telling a toddler "NO!" but with no consequence when they keep going anyway.
"Surely, this time, impeachment will have consequences!"
Even if it passes, he will never be removed from office. There is no low that Trump can sink to where Republicans will not fall in lockstep with him. It's pointless.