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Explaining green transportation policy to normies
  • I know you’re approaching this argument from a good place, and I understand it. I live in China, where people in previous generations couldn’t afford one, but the younger wealthier generation can so they go out and do that.

    There’s a flaw in your argument, though, in thinking that if everyone can easily afford to get a car, but public transportation is so good… they just won’t get a car when they can easily choose to do so? It goes against human nature, if people can afford to do it, they will.

    Not everyone, not people like me who can afford to, but choose not to, but I think we’re the exception to human nature. And even if it’s just a 50/50 human nature thing of people that will choose to buy a car who can afford to - as the more people that can afford to rises, so will the number of cars sold.

    Here in China they know this, and they don’t want the roads and air clogged, so they artificially make cars more and more expensive by charging like $12k just for a license late and doling them by lottery, to keep the numbers down.

  • A Practical opsec guide – looking for feedback & suggestions
  • I think it’s good you tell people to check their threat model, but then on the other hand some of the advice comes across for those in an extreme category of the spectrum, which most people aren’t.

    For example, most people aren’t whistleblowers or political dissidents sharing news online and needing to hide from state governments - they’re regular working folks who need to be more worried about falling prey to the everyday phishing and social engineering attacks aiming for their bank accounts and credit cards.

    It’s cool to know the extreme parameters for top security, but it’s important to get the daily, small stuff right, too. Like using password managers, MFA, being vigilant looking out for all chances of scams, not using shady websites, services or pirated software, leaving software and devices unpatched, etc.

  • What are your controversial "life hack"s?
  • Yeah it would be worth it for socialization, I can see that. Other factors for me though are eliminating the travel and preparation time ( I don’t need to be reasonably showered and dressed to get started, for example). And that I can work from home off and on while train, I could probably do that at the gym too…

    I need more social activity so you’ve got me thinking about going to the gym!

  • You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism | Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them
  • Barely 50%, and not even, and let’s hope a significant, even if it’s just small it’s significant, percentage didn’t want all the chaos and corruption, that they falsely believed he would be good, and when he isn’t will flip back to being more rational. Let’s hope, and let’s try to convince them.

  • Peak
  • I agree with that. What I was thinking about was more so people getting atomized spending so much time on their phones, socializing less, receiving more disinformation, and so on.

    Sure it used to take longer to meet up, but time was less compressed, you enjoyed the quiet in the time between moments, the chance to reflect. Sure it sucked people smoked in public places - but at least we were out more together at public places - the trend now is people do things together less in public than ever before.

    Those kinds of differences.

  • What are your controversial "life hack"s?
  • It’s more counterintuitive than controversial, but I do all my weight lifting at home and don’t go to the gym, and get just as much results as a gym-going person. With modest investments in dumbbells, kettle bells, exercise bands, household items and creativity can do all you need with less cost and hassle of a gym membership.

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