Well, my wedding gifts are usually proportional to what I imagine the couple have already spent for me to be there.
Someone who throws a wedding with accommodation and everything else all taken care of is going to get a bigger gift than one where I'm just invited to the evening do.
I guess the invite cost something to send so I suppose their gift would probably be about 50p max, if I could even bring myself to send anything.
Funnily if I wasn't invited to a wedding of a friend for whatever reason and they didn't send a card like this, I'd probably be more inclined to get a token gift as a congratulations anyway.
Wowza. I thought the last wedding I attended was bad, but yours takes the cake. The wedding ceremony was an hour long sermon, but thankfully the worst actual explicit content was a reference to the wife "submitting" to the husband. Which really grossed out me and my entire side of the family & friends (who are largely atheist or non-practising). And then the reception was dry, but at least did have dancing and really good food.
And also I and a few others on my side of the family snuck in hip flasks of booze, which was sorely needed to get through the painfully preachy speeches from the groomsmen. Not one sentence went by without reference to how great god is or how much they and the groom love their sku daddy. The best man's speech in particular was about ten minutes of saying how much he and the groom loved to go for runs together and then get on their knees and pray together. No, that summary doesn't overstate the homoerotic undertones.
I'm more offended by their misspelling of "accommodate" and lack of punctuation in the second sentence. What a terrible way to start their life together.
We had a 100 person wedding. Friends, close family, and Aunts/Uncles (no cousins, extended relatives). There definitely were people interested in giving us gifts even though they weren't invited. I told them basically the same thing as this card. It was annoying having to field those requests at the same time as prepping for the wedding, so I could see why someone would send this card preemptively.
I feel like it would only be trashy if you were really expecting money from these people.
You didn't do anything wrong. We did a small wedding too and it was infinitely better than anything I could've hoped for with more people and that's what really matters
I was uninvited from my sister's wedding. But I was told it was at a public venue, so I could come watch the ceremony from a distance and I could still send a wedding gift.
I didn't care about being uninvited. I was only upset that they made Dad call me. If you're going to be like that at least have the balls to make the call yourself.
Honestly, I'd probably prefer getting this to a wedding invitation for most of the people I know. Of course I want to be at my brother's wedding. But he's already married, and I hope not to attend another until (ha!) my own
I would send this reply - "As much as we would love to send you a wedding gift, we have been overwellmed in the upcoming months with wedding receptions that we have to attend and of course provide the happy couples gifts"
I keep reading that not as the venue doesn't have enough space for everyone, but as the venue has banned certain people. I'm really hoping I'm wrong and it is a space issue.
"unfortunately the AI that trump tower uses to match paint swatches to skin color has determined you may not attend our wedding. Please enclose a 250 dollar money order for the bride and groom to use for their honeymoon in Moscow.