I had this argument with my mom the other day. She agrees private healthcare is a broken system and needs to be fixed, but you bring up public healthcare and she'll fight tooth and nail to argue against it. It's insane. Literal "no take, only throw" tier mindset
Propaganda. People have been told their whole lives that socialism is pure evil, nevermind what socialism actually is. Public healthcare is socialism, therefore it's evil.
Because they don't realize that it will affect them. They think "this won't hurt me because I actually need Medicare. I'm going to stick it to all the freeloaders, of which I am not one."
But just like being in a car, you aren't stuck in traffic, you are traffic.
Which is stupid because the government already provides the majority of healthcare in this country and is doing it quite well. Medicare has a 90+% approval rate from the people who use it and it is far more efficient than private insurance.
That's why we are trying to make cuts on medicare. Can't have that shit working properly. Need the people clawing and fighting for every moment of life so they feel lucky to slave away for pennies. The best profits are funded by misery.
Some of us do seem to be immune to the propaganda, though. I've heard so much anti-union propaganda. I've heard so much anti-Socialist rhetoric, anti-woke bullshit, etc. I was educated and employed in a red state.
Yet, here I am telling you that Socialism is the truth. Unions are awesome. I support just about any marginalized groups rights. Many of my friends and family feel the same even though they were educated and indoctrinated in the same system.
There is a lot more to it than just propaganda. I would say that tribalism plays a larger role. When someone is born into a conservative family, surrounded by conservative citizens, it becomes a lot easier to just agree with the status quo in the area to fit in. I can tell you, from my experience, that I was not very popular in school, due to being a dirty leftist with empathy.
I will say that my immediate family is not religious, not conservative, and they are very open minded, loving and empathetic people. This is probably the main reason I was immune to the propaganda.
Someone in another thread (maybe on Reddit, I don't remember) posited that this is a direct consequence of America's notion of individualism and I haven't been able to get that out of my head since.
It's a slippery slope from individualism to the fear of the Other.
The United States has fetishized individualism. Enough of the population feels that the individual is above/outside/not part of society. And honestly it's hard to blame them as non participation is becoming the norm due to financial stress, health stress, blatant lack of education, a clear path towards a state sponsored media while the rest of the media just rolls over.
As stress levels rise the commonality guys down. People withdraw from their communities for various reasons and then society starts to compartmentalize. Tribalism becomes the next big thing and before you know it two poor people are fighting because team blue and team red are now mortal enemies that are not allowed to share a single common view.
About 17% overall. There's stark differences between age groups, but none have a majority. Even if the poll is off by 10 points (which would be an egregiously large polling error), only a small but vocal minority are in support.
The actual Emerson college survey has it at 58.7% of the people find the shooters actions as completely unacceptable. True 16.5% find it completely or somewhat acceptable. Lots of neutral and unsure at 15.9% and somewhat unacceptable at 9%.
BTW this poll isn't perfectly accurate in who they sampled as 37% south,17.7% northeast , 52% women, 18% post doc, 24% college grad,also so many old people versus young. The demographics aren't properly proportional.
That being said best insights we have polling though may be a way of the past
Fox News and other right-wing networks convince them they are voting for (or more frequently against) something else. Most of those people simply don't know, and won't believe you if you tell them.
People want a world where they are rulers over everyone and everything and often many people just can't understand that there are other living, independent, free thinking individuals in the world. Most people see other humans as a hindrance to their own enjoyment of life.
They love Luigi Mangione because he is against the private health system that is stealing their money .... but at the same time they like Trump because he is against any socialized sharing of government resources - they believe that government should help only them or the worthy and not just everyone, especially those they think are unworthy.
It's a belief system that is based on the individual and only the individual at the cost of everyone else.
Folks saying racism are wrong. It is an -ism though, just not that one. IMO it's Classism. Same reason they flip shit when someone mentions raising the minimum wage. "Flipping burgers is for teens", meanwhile 1pm on a Tuesday they're getting a Whopper completely oblivious to the fact that there isn't a single person under 30 working there.
Surveys seem to suggest Luigi approval isn't that high, something like 18% overall and 41% for youth.
Actually, that 41% would be the more questionable vote but then again both parties love insurance companies so there really isn't a clear way to vote for universal healthcare, lol
People have been taught to fear single payer healthcare. Money equals speech and the health industry has plenty of it. They control the narrative since the rich and powerful have bought up the media companies. They also control our lawmakers with unlimited money via citizens United; putting roadblocks in place for any sort of fundamental reform.
People vote against their interests as a function of a corrupt oligarchy running the show. People are getting played and just don't know any better / have a limited world-view.
Ask yourself how people can whine for years that people like Pearl, Rittenhouse and Stanley, all clear cases of self defense (or defense of others), are murderers, and then turn around and cheer for a literal (alleged) murderer. Don't mistake me, in all four cases the victims had it coming for their behavior, but the cognitive dissonance on display would give many a headache trying to rationalize.
I guess when you can't deny you've heard exactly what I'm talking about come out of the mouths of people think self defense should be charged as murder, all you can muster is a pithy accusation of baiting.