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What do you use to keep your media library organized and extract multiple archives?
  • I'd be willing to bet if you play around with Tdarr long enough you can get .ts converted. Not sure about ISOs.

  • Fry's 1000 yard stare
  • Indeed.

    And here's Leela enjoying the AC and catnip.

  • Getting the Skyrim itch again... Any mod recommendations to freshen it up?
  • How do you fix the opening credits so I'm not a helicopter? Ever since my first playthrough on my old computer, I've never gotten past the opening scene. It's so frustrating.

  • Fry's 1000 yard stare

    After binging on catnip and running around the house non stop, Fry landed here and stayed like this for almost 5 minutes.

    what are these rubber holes on the back of the pc case?
  • If i could show you the amount of awful 5 gallon bucket, recycled tygon and aquarium equipment "water cooling" loops i used to use for shit, you'd probably piss your pants laughing.

  • Some fashion assistance
  • This is the way

  • Private WiFi camera for out of town viewing. Live view only. No storage.
  • And then setup an rtsp aggregator (there's some foss ones that are lightweight all the way up to fully functional nvr like shinobi) and make it local access only and vpn in

  • Let's say, hypothetically, you thought Plex/emby share were fantastic, and you wanted to let people know a discord link to a couple, but you were concerned about unsavory characters trying to horn in
  • Anyone (still) running Plex chose to use a service that relies on a 3rd party. They agreed to their ToS. They agreed to the service model.

    I run Plex and am fully aware at anytime they could F me in the A and I'd have no one to blame but myself. I don't agree with their actions at all, in any way but it's their software and they can do what they want with it.

  • Tonight's debate pop quiz...
  • Where will they be taking the election? Will they be taking the winners with them?

  • Why do the vast majority of romantic comedies depict people who are wealthy?
  • I think it's even worse: It's just shit writing.

  • Let's say, hypothetically, you thought Plex/emby share were fantastic, and you wanted to let people know a discord link to a couple, but you were concerned about unsavory characters trying to horn in
  • They violated ToS. I get what you are saying but the scale can be massive and while i also don't agree with Plex's course of action at all, they pushed back in the face of tos breaches.

  • Hiiiiiii!
  • With the occasional lost packet because cat

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • And have been passed on to the consumer in doing so.

  • Supreme Court issues token reasonable ruling
  • Oh you were serious. Well fuck.

  • EU finds Microsoft violated antirust laws by bundling Teams
  • That's not a bug, that's a feature!

  • Those who know...
  • Oddly enough i removed the one on my server because moving any cords plugged into the mobo caused the shield reset the computer.

  • Seven after being let out for a dirt bath

    Seven is going on 18 years old and still very much kicking. He's no longer an outdoor cat but he gets let out for a dirt bath in the driveway once in a while.

    Bakkoda Bakkoda
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    Comments 718