I mean, also the food tastes like it was made for dogs not people, but yes there are many reasons to avoid giving patronage to most any fast food company.
Ahahah, wow, that really is capitalism at its best. That's some delicious irony and I'll bet none of the wealthy will do anything to try and get her her money either lol.
Took me a bit to realize you meant ratted instead of the past tense of "rate".
Though if they do stiff her on the money because of that technicality, I'd consider that a massive tactical blunder, maybe even strategic. Tactical because it reduces the incentive for individuals to inform because they'll realize the reward has technicalities that can be used to weasel out of paying it, on top of the public backlash directed towards the employee and everything they are known to be associated with (McDonald's). Strategic because it might just be another straw on the camel's back about how the ruling elite fuck over the working class every chance they get, even for amounts of money that would be trivial to them, despite being life changing for the informant.
My guess is that the technicalities will slide and there might be a ceremony with a novelty giant-sized check (which would simultaneously dodge the above issue while also still fucking her over because such an event would give a face to the one who called the police on a popular fugitive). Then she can be used to justify some secret police shit, if they still feel the need to justify things at that point.
It could also filter to any McD's worker, or possibly other fast food worker. I find it sad that the story of a blue collar worker not resisting the reward bait, perhaps even not knowing the full information and internet vibe of don't tell, is now the lead rather than continuing the battle against CEOs. We really do have a short attention span for shiny things, don't we?
If I was a really deep conspiracy nut I'd even ponder if the whole thing was a plant to turn the public away from the rich. Nah...we're not that stupid, right?
I assumed it was a stock photo. I never hold anything against faces I see in media, especially when they’re lit this professionally, because they’re often stock photos.
Situation aside, I absolutely love downloading super specific memes that the meaning of which I will either have no recollection, or will be etched into my brain forever. Sometimes it's assassinations, sometimes it's moot posting soup b which seems to have disappeared.
Fuck CEOs, anyone who shoots them does society a favor, and Luigi is a hero in my book. Still pretty tasteless to compare him to Anne Frank, a teenager that was killed by Nazis for simply existing.
Anne Frank was a queer jewish victim of the nazi genocide. This is not comparable to the outing of Luigi, and I find this meme just as tasteless as the people who think the ceo is more important than normal people
That's your takeaway from this meme? Back to school you should go. Although if you live in the US, being poorly educated is likely not your fault but that of the system.
You can both think that the guy is justified and a hero for doing what he did, and also think that comparing him to Anne Frank is in very bad taste, at best. He chose to do what he did, Anne Frank was persecuted and murdered just for who she was.
I'm german. I've learned about her in history and this is my opinion and your comment assuming I don't know what I'm talking about is very telling. Seems like you have a really good-faith argument on your hand