Unfortunately, Republicans have spent decades systematically destroying public education in this country, and this is the end result. When Trump said "I love the poorly educated" back in 2016 he wasn't really saying anything new or breaking from the mainstream GOP stance... He was just honest about it, unlike the rest of the GOP who have always described their supporters with cynical euphemisms like "salt of the earth" and "regular folk" when they really mean ignorant rubes.
There's no climate crisis, but guys, there are evil Democrat controlled weather machines that generate hurricanes and droughts! Coal power plants, mines, oil refineries, old landfills, all emit radio waves and lasers to communicate on the GHG network with satellites that generate the weather!!!!
I just saw this movie a day or 2 after the election. I felt it would have been funnier had the outcome been different, but now it feels less like satire.
Even the oil companies admit the climate is changing, they just refuse to take responsibility. These clowns are in straight up denial mode. Just pretend the hurricanes aren't there and disregard your thermometers. It will all be fine. Oops, ignore that forest fire... it's, uh, just an illusion.
"Here we can see a mob of angry homo sapiens, recently displaced by a flood, attacking another member of their species they deemed responsible for it. You can see the difference in status by the angry mob mostly using improvised weaponry but even some better armed individuals joined this attack, showing, that in these trying times, empathy is still strong in a lot of members of this species" - David Attenborough, hopefully 2025
Facts don’t care about your opinions. When Florida ends up underwater., when the dustbowl gets worse and people start baking, you can try to blame everything else but the fact will still remain.
The people in charge don't care about long term solutions, they want short term profits by continuing to rape the planet. They figure they would be dead before climate change actually happens or they make money from it.
I had someone tell me the other day that the whole worlds gonna get cancer and end because 5g network towers have to be 400 yards apart and within 10 years everyone's gonna have cancer and die ending the world. I was like while I don't think radio waves are good for us, I had to ask.. What pipe are you smoking off of?
Not much of a downgrade from the Biden admin acknowledging the climate crisis, and then not doing a thing about it. Still refusing to abandon fracking, setting fossil fuel extraction records, and trying to ban Chinese solar panel & EV imports.
Let’s aim for the next Dem to do more than just acknowledge it.
Give him a few months and there won't be a climate crisis at his house because he won't have a house. Just ashes. Wishful thinking, but you never know.