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[Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • That's likely accurate, and I tend to forget my usage is probably different than the majority. Probably at least half my time is creating posts. Since my app got a good draft creation setup, I'm able to make posts ahead of time, so when owl news is slow, I already have a few things in reserve. After that is responding, and since my content is fact based, I'll often have to do some research to reply properly. What Lemmy time I have left, I typically just hit Top 6 Hour and leave it at that, so that's how my mind defaults to thinking about sharing content, which as you said, the majority is probably looking broader since their time isn't including that post/reply time mine is.

    I feel I miss out a bit on enjoying Lemmy as a whole, but focusing on the post creation keeps me functioning as a content provider. I'm still posting just things I enjoy, which makes it not feel like work. Being an animal comm helps, as if you're there, you like that animal in general, but I'm still finding what I think is best and sharing that as opposed to trying to cater to a more specific audience. I share pics I find I like in my various feeds, I put up interesting facts I read on my own from things I'd be reading even if Lemmy didn't exist, and I like getting questions back, as it makes me learn about things I didnt think about on my own.

    I hardly ever get tired of posting this way, even though I'm essentially the only content provider for the comm, save the random person sharing a meme or comic.

  • Scruffy Screechies

    From The Raptor Trust

    >The hottest new band in town features these four Eastern Screech Owls. What's their band name? > >These Eastern Screech Owls are juveniles going through their molt into their adult plumage. They are fully grown, but feature some questionable feather- doos. They'll be with us for a few more months until they molt into their full adult plumage and learn how to hunt on their own.

    Just the sunset, not an action movie
  • I couldn't help myself...

  • Just the sunset, not an action movie

    Photo by Mike Lentz

    >Nestled high in a tree in a mixed woodland, a pair of Northern Saw Whet Owls made their home/ Their cozy nest hollowed out in a natural tree cavity held four eggs. The female incubated them diligently for approximately a month and then stayed on the nest for the first 18 days until she left for good leaving the father to continue feeding them. But experiencing the world beyond the nest beckoned as the Owlets grew restless, their instincts urging them to explore! Upon fledging, they stayed close to their nest for many weeks giving wonderful photo opportunities. This image was taken at the end of the day with the sunset going down through the trees in the background.

    Blessed Pear
  • I've had a few cats that enjoyed snacking on random things as well. The sky cats/land owls comparison contintues!

    My cats have enjoyed green beans. They all definitely liked chips. The one cat loved that cat grass you can buy to grow your own. My parent's cat liked powdered donuts. I don't think any ate fruit. One I saw eating macaroni salad and corn on the cob when she was a stray.

    I couldn't find much discussion on owls eating odd things, but there was a redditor that started pictures of a GHO eating acorns, which sounds very strange. I'm thinking it would just throw them up later. Owls have very weak digestion, and they'd be too big to get past the gizzard.

  • Blessed Pear
  • Owls are birds of prey, so they only eat meat. This can include insects, butterflies, snakes, fish, skunks, porcupines, rabbits, and whatever other small animals they can lift.

    They can't chew, their tongues just work like a conveyor belt to pull things down to be digested, so they can't really eat a wide variety of things, and they don't have a crop to break down fruit/vegetable matter or seeds like other birds.

    You will find people online of course saying they've seen an owl eat this or that. Owls are goofy like most animals and will chew on things to check them out when they are bored, but I don't see any accounts of them eating anything but meat for sustenance. All the rescues give them various birds and rodents and that's it. They don't even need to drink as they get all the water from their prey, though again, they will drink if they're hot or bored or while taking a bath.

  • Plus-Sized Elf Will Be Uncensored on HIDIVE
  • It wasn't drawn to be explicit, just as gags, but there was top and bottom nudity. Pants splitting, tops falling off, people landing in compromising positions, that kind of stuff. Any part where you would have seen anything was covered with a character face "sticker" instead of a censor type bar. There was nothing romantic or sexual story-wise, but it is stuff that would not normally be broadcast on tv.

    To me it's just a comedy/gag manga. I mainly kept reading for the potato puns after a certain point. The characters are pretty one dimensional and there isn't any character growth, but it's alright for what it is. It was short enough to read all of it that I didn't regret reading it. It was kind of nice seeing different body types represented, and they're drawn to be suggestive, but at the same time, they were all mainly treated as bits, so to me, that cancels out a lot of what it could have been. There's nothing I'd call real health tips, there's no body positivity, and there's nothing really suggestive enough you couldn't find better elsewhere just as easily, so I'm not sure the overall point of it. But if you want a short series with likeable but dull unorthodox characters with some ok jokes, it does that, but if you went a few chapters and it didn't grab you, you won't be missing out IMO.

  • [Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • After taking a full week vacation where I posted whenever I got up at more random times instead of when I consistently leave for work, the post timing does not seem to be as critical as I thought it would be. I thought that was pretty interesting. I posted anywhere from 7 to 12 EST and overall likes and comments seemed the same to me.

    Otherwise, it still seems random what people will enjoy more. I've been making 2 posts at the same time, and I'm rather poor it feels as to predicting the one which will be more popular. Even stuff that is slower one day will do better another day. Psychology or marketing aren't my thing, it would seem.

    People still like what I'm doing, and I feel people have been having a little more fun in the comments, so that's what matters.

  • Silent Hunter
  • I thought they looked really good myself. Since there wasn't an actual person's name, I went back and forth deciding if they were legit pics or not, since they looked potentially too good, but since camera info was supplied, I feel that lends authenticity, as people that know what that stuff means can call BS if it isn't accurate.

  • Silent Hunter
  • Silent Hunter

    Photos by Snap Photography

    >FINALLY! > >After literally years of chasing an owl shot chanced upon this epic spot. Absolutely amazing watching it silently hunt right in front of me. I think there might be more owl shots to come.... Sorry, not sorry! > >Canon UK R6iİ + EF300 F2.8 + 2xiii extender on top of the Vanguard Photo UK Veo 3 263CB tripod. > >1/1250th >F6.3 >1600

    Blessed Pear
  • Quand il s’agit de chouettes, j’ai les doigts d’or. 😜

  • Blessed Pear
  • Convergent evolution 😆

  • Moth-like
  • No consensus has been reached. Communication and camouflage are the 2 main theories. I don't buy the camo one myself. I don't think they're big enough to make a difference.

  • Moth-like
  • 😆

  • Blessed Pear
  • There seems to not be any consensus on if this is an apple or Asian pear. Pear seemed to have the slight majority, so that's what I went with.

    Either way, I don't think the variety of fruit detracts from the enjoyment of the photo. ☺️

  • Blessed Pear
  • To most little creatures, any owl might as well be one of the fellbeasts the Nazgul ride on.

    I hadn't heard of Ori, but it looks cool, though all the pics and videos I'm looking at are too dark. I'll have to look into it some more. No Xbox, so I'll have to watch a play through.

  • Blessed Pear
  • Amazing Eyes
  • I always give the photos a critical look since most owls have one eye color, but the Long Ear can have eyes from very yellow to very orange. It always has me looking to see how much manipulation has been done to the image.

    Long Eared Owls to me are very striking in navy regards, but to a tasteful, restrained amount. The eyes, facial disc, plumicorns, and overall coloration. They're bold, but not over the top.

    It's one of my top owls, but it's usually not so popular here, and maybe that is why - they don't have that one thing to capture attention.

  • Moth-like

    Photo by Attasha Berry

    The thin looking plumicorns in this Great Horned Owl make me think of moth antenna.

    Blessed Pear

    Found this, which I hadn't seen before, but looks to be a popular repost.

    Amazing Eyes
  • Hadouken!

  • Amazing Eyes
  • I did see, I went back and corrected my post once I saw the others.

    Nature photography seems to present a lot of challenges as you pointed out earlier. You only can carry so much equipment and you have a subject with no interest in cooperating that can move at any moment. It makes it all the more impressive, even to get less than ideal shots.

  • Power Nap

    Photos by Lucia Hackett

    >Barred owlets will take power naps by keeping their talons tightly gripped on a branch and lie down on their stomachs. This cutie was so busy this morning moving around in the branches until he wasn't! Then he plopped down on the branch and let his wings hang and relax. He stayed like that for about 15 minutes just casually looking around. Then he had to figure out how to get up.

    Teensy Weensy Screechie

    Photos from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

    >Who would have thought that when screech-owl hatchlings open their eyes they turn from cute little fuzzballs into the most grumpy, judgemental-looking owls on the planet?


    Photo by Carolyn Nessman

    Great Horned Owl in a tight spot!

    Tiny Tawny

    Photo by Margitta Hild

    >A tawny owl just before it flew off into the night.

    Kids on Spaghetti Night

    Photo from the Cincinnati Zoo

    They titled this "Bad Feather Day" but I liked my title better.

    Housing Upgrades

    From Freedom First Wildlife Rehab

    >Check out the glare from Minnie Mae, the Eastern Screech owl! Minnie was damaging her wing entering a traditional screech owl house so we had to change up the entrance to protect her. Daily checks and modifications are always needed to protect owls in captivity.

    Staring Saw Whet

    Photo by Mike Lentz

    >Here is another Northern Saw Whet Owl in a different natural nest cavity. > >This was probably the most rewarding spring in my nature photography journey! Working with a few other friends to accomplish many things that required a little knowledge, skill or just plain hard work. > >This mother stayed on her nest of four babies for approximately 18 days - just like what the books say... can confirm that is accurate first hand! Then dad came in and fed them daily until they fledged!

    Sneak ~~Peak~~ Peek

    Photo by Harold Wilion

    >Peek-A-Boo > >Sorry, you folks with the cellphones (pretty much everyone) might have to enlarge the image just to see the owl, but thought the photo said more than if cropped tight.

    A Special Visitor

    White Faced Scops stops in to visit The resident at the Owl Rescue Centre

    >Found this little fella perched on a shelf in our clinic this morning. He isn't a patient, just a visitor checking in on a family member. > >Our windows are made of shadenet with roll down canvas blinds and the one has an opening in where he flew in. > >It happens almost weekly with all our different species.

    White Faced Scops was winner of the first Owl of the Year, but will it be able to hold onto the crown again this year?

    Off to the Beach!

    Here's a cool pic of a Snowy cruising along the shoreline.

    I'm headed off to the beach myself for the rest of the month, so I didn't know what time posts will be going up, but I've got a bunch stockpiled already and I'll surely keep finding new stuff every day.

    I don't like the hot so much, so I'll be making plenty of time to sit indoors and scroll for owls and respond to your questions and comments.

    anon6789 anon6789


    For all your owl related needs!

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