Everybody always presents laundromats in tv shows and movies as this sexy place where you meet horny singles who aren't wearing underwear because it's in the wash.
But in real life, that just isn't true. The laundromat has angry people who don't want to be there, and nobody EVER has sex, or takes their clothes off.
So why are laundromats always presented like that?
The scientific reason is that the 350 watt drum connected to the dryer motor vibrates at 55 hertz which stimulates the female solar plexus. This creates a chain reaction and urges males to assert dominance and proceed with a mating ritual. When you combine this with the enticingly large sums of cash at a typical laundromat, you can see this is a devastating combination. The scantily clad hot body people is a side effect, not the cause.
I have multiple pairs of underwear but I hateh going to a laundromat, so I used to wait until I was absolutely out of everything and the clothes I was wearing were oversoiled.
I have laundry facilities at home now, but when I'm double-plus depressed, I still will wait until I have absolutely nothing to wear.
This was the norm far longer than not. Only nobles rich enough to have washer servants would wear undergarments. The rest of us enjoyed brisk breezes betwixt our nethers.
I think it's because they are a setting where people are there for a separate purpose to meeting a partner, which allows for romance to be portrayed as spontaneous. Also, clothes (particularly underwear, pyjamas and towels) come into contact with the body and imply intimacy.
In my town, junkies hang out at the laundromat begging for money. The cops show up regularly and haul them off. I saw prostitutes outside of it once, too
Well I mean people have to strip naked in the laundromat to wash their clothes. What, you guys don’t do that?
For real though, I’d guess it’s just because it’s sort of a meet-cute type of location since patrons may kill time there while their clothes wash and dry and might chat with other patrons while waiting.
I mean you can't have a rags to riches romance take place where all the riches are.
In all seriousness, it's probably the culture. A lot of countries/cities do have settings where laundromats are slightly less angry because it's the preferred norm for getting things done.
That, sadly, does not include my local laundromat, which I'm reluctant to tend to during late hours. One could say it's like the real Five Nights at Freddy's there.
I’ve definitely experienced romance in a laundromat, it was a place where I had basically nothing but time and was freshly out on my own. It was a place I could focus on texting someone I was falling for.
Also it’s one of those things I will struggle to avoid any chance I can get in the future because that time translated to an hour and a half long chore that’s mostly waiting where I couldn’t do much else. It fucking sucked lol.
Oh also there’s a bar with live music in a laundromat that I’ve been to, alcohol and punk music can definitely up the vibes
It's a fantasy. If you lived in Hollowoodland where everyone is beautiful, wouldn't you want them all to be in their underwear, sweat glistening on their bare skin, getting all hot and bothered? It sure would beat the reality where everyone is ugly, fully clothed and just wants to get the fuck outta there ASAP.
It's kind of what I liked about Baby Driver, the movie acknowledges that a laundromat is kind of a weird place to hang out for a date, but the awkwardness lets the passionate feelings they have for each other shine through.