A reminder before election day
A reminder before election day

Since the Trump campaign seems to think so highly about the role of the Vice President, their power and their influence, I thought that this was an important reminder.
To be fair to Pence, I don't think I'd want to endorse the guy that tried to have me lynched by a rabid mob either
37 0 ReplyI bet Ted would.
16 0 ReplyYou mean Rafael, who doesn't think we should use people's preferred names or pronouns?
17 0 ReplyThat’s because he has even less of a backbone than other republicans. Which is quite the accomplishment for someone who is also the zodiac killer.
4 0 Reply
And this guy tried to get his VP killed.
27 0 ReplyTo be fair, Biden's VP doesn't appear to think Biden should have another term either.
13 0 ReplyGood thing he’s not running for another term either.
21 0 ReplyJesus fuck. I didn't think about that.
Well now I'm convinced to not vote for Biden! Thank you comrade!
20 0 ReplyPeople can't take a joke
I cannot upvote you twice. But I think it was funny and clever.
4 0 ReplyLol, you'd have to upvote me 7 times now
2 0 Reply
What? I'm confused. Harris was one of Biden's most vocal supporters before he stepped down.
2 0 ReplyThis is very interesting observation. You should really tell us more about it...
1 0 Reply
And his current vp refused to endorse him for his first term.
12 0 ReplyWhat's with Trump and 5-letter-last-name VP running mates ending in 'NCE'? Is it logical that the next one would have a last name beginning with a consonant, then a vowel, and then N-C-E?
My guess for his next running mate is going to be someone named Jeremy Bince
8 0 ReplyI have seen so many signs in rural Ohio where people have taken sharpie to their Trump Pence signs to alter the letters to Trump VAnce
They are ingenuitive I guess but also like who holds on to political yard signs until the next term....
6 0 Reply
Just because one person by comparison seems a bigger p.o.s. doesn't mean we then value the input of the slightly lesser p.o.s.
7 0 ReplyJeez you try to get a guy lynched and suddenly he won't endorse you to be president? What is this world coming to?
6 0 ReplyHe was fine with him being president while he was his VP though.
4 0 ReplyAnd the religious fanatic knows what he's talking about
2 0 ReplyThe more experience people have with him, the less likely they are to recommend him.
This guy has one star on yelp across the board.
1 0 ReplyLOL I don't even remember who Trump's VP was.
edit: oh yeah, Pence - who finally grew a pair after Bonespurs exhorted an unruly crowd to go get him.
1 0 Reply