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  • Just a note, from one political activist to another: saying "this election is the most important election in history EVERY SINGLE TIME" just gets people exhausted, and make them develop a disbelief in your words. People could not have lived through several "the most importan election in history" in a row.

  • It's exhausting...
  • I'm actually tired of being blackmailed with fascism.

    In my country we had maybe five elections in a row where the premise was "it is us or fascism". And yes, fascism is there but... COULD YOU ACTUALLY MAKE THINGS GOOD AND WORK FOR IMPROVING YOUR PEOPLE LIVES!!? I don't want my choice to be die shot down or slowly being impoverished until life is no longer any good. I want to actually have a good life, and enabling "just not fascism (tm)" is not doing it.

  • Casual reminder
  • As I said I have actually worked a lot in environments with a diverse leftist spectrum.

    And in my experience backstabbing usually goes both ways and is a result of the previous hate (and a lot of the time because personal non political issues) not the other way around.

    And yes. The only wins I've seen is when there have been total cooperation. Division is always the prelude of defeat.

    And be ensure that I would be saying exactly the same words to any tankie who talks about "purging any leftist" no matter what their ridiculous arguments are for such a premise. I've heard it all and it is often just as untrue.

  • Casual reminder
  • I'm friends with everyone leftist, even if they hate each other. I can feel comfortable among anarchist, tankies, socdems, new age leftists, reformist, etc. Because I know what our common objective is and I just can't care about the subtle differences. So I know the anarchist side of the story as well as I know the tankie side.

    Being myself an active member of the social movement in my country and actually having watched modern day anarchist working with modern day communists I can say without any doubts that no version is true. Probably both starting arguing about stupid shit, and actual personal problems disguised as political problems, when they should had focused on the real enemy. But anyway I'm thankful for ALL who fought against fascism in Spain, anarchist, communist, republicans... I thank the international brigades, I thank orwell and I thank the soviets and stalinist. They all put their lives on line to stop fascism.

    I just despise such an unproductive and harmful division of the left for shit that just does not matter when the true enemy is so big. And sometimes I just see a lust for internal division and eternal losing in such behavior. I don't know how some leftists have energy left to hate each other after they should had used that energy to fight the true enemy, capitalism and fascism. And I say this for any anarchist who hates tankies and any tankie who hates anarchists. You are not enemies, the enemy is in other direction.

  • Casual reminder
  • What kind of propaganda are you reading in which sending weapons, planes and officers (while all the other countries did NOTHING) is backstabbing.

    Spain democracy lost because the allied powers did not care about us the same way the cared about Poland.

  • Casual reminder
  • Soviets were the only ones who truly supported the Spanish democracy against the fascist. Every other country, including Poland, turned their back to us while the Luffwaffle was bombing our citizens.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • I think more Superman.

    He is just a working class guy, both his wife and his own job are probably getting replaced by AI, his mother pension keeps getting lower and his dad died because he couldn't afford proper healthcare.

    Also his arch nemesis is already a Billionaire.

  • [FIXED] Is it possible to tell Jellyfin to search also the original title?
  • It works for me. But only for some movies.

    For instance "terroríficamente muertos" is the spanish name for "evil dead". And I can search both titles and jellyfin finds the movie.

    I have jellyfin and metadata download set to spanish. It doesn't seem to work with all movies though. Maybe some movies do include a secondary title in the metadata and that's what's being used?

  • Checkmate Valve
  • Not right now. But in the future if companies keep getting away with everything they may introduce some kind of bio-identification: eye scan, face id or fingerprint. And lock your account only to that. Preventing from every form of sharing.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • In Spain we are starting to get negative prices every weekend for electricity thanks to renewables. France is not even close to those prices with their bet for nuclear.

    Don't get me wrong, I love nuclear power. And I'm not a big fan ok what thousands of windmills made to our landscapes. But efficiency wise renewable is unbeatable nowadays.

  • Have you gone down any rabbit holes that gave you an existential crisis?
  • I just think:

    how many living species have been on earth? Millions probably

    How many of those species are intelligent? 1

    How long have this intelligent species been around? Nothing at a cosmic timescale.

    How many of this intelligent species have become "interstellar"? 0

    I don't think those numbers can be extrapolate, even to the observable universe, to ensure that there are any species capable of interestellar travel around. Living species and even intelligent ones? Maybe. But a long lasting inteligent and interestellar species? We are not an example of that, so we have 0 examples to extrapolate. Only our wishful thinking that humanity will last longer and keep progressing, but that is just a hope, not real yet.

  • Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.

    I cannot stand google news any more, too much spam, clickbait and advertisement. So I decided to try to selfhost an RSS aggregator to make myself a news feed that I would be comfortable with. Being RSS such an "ancient" thing I thought there will be many mature systems, but I'm not sure that's the case..

    As far as my investigation goes there are two main options out there** TT-RSS (tiny tiny RSS) and FreshRSS**. There seems to also be miniflux but it supposedly have very few features.

    So I tried the both main ones and I ended up kind of disappointed, I hope that I'm missing something. My requirements are:

    1-Have a nice interface, card view, phone friendly. Basically being able to look the same as google news looked. So both have a pretty dated interface. And terrible responsive UI for phones. I was kind of able to make a "card view" with TT-RSS but looked hideous and didn't really work on phone screen, also applying themes broke TT-RSS, this will be recurring theme but it looks like TT-RSS is constantly breaking a rolling release system makes it very unstable and many plugins, themes and third party apps don't work right now because some new update broke everything. So native theming wasn't going to be a thing, so I tried third party apps. I found many that worked with FreshRSS and settled on Feedme, it looked exactly as I wanted, great. One point for FreshRSS. Feedme was supposedly compatible with TTRSS but I could not login, I have the suspicion that one update broke integration. I'm not even try to attempt to ask in their forums as I see that some time ago somebody asked the same question and got banned from their forums.

    2-Being able to filter or prioritize feeds The problem is that I would love to suscribe to very diverse feeds, some would post maybe over a 100 post per day and others maybe one post every week or even month. So if let everything by default the former would flood the feed and I would never see the post from the little feeds. Here both offer categories that I could use but ideally I would love to have a curated main page. FreshRSS supposedly have a priority system but it seems quite simple and not effective for my needs, AFAIK you can put some feeds in "important feeds" but it only would show those feeds in that category then. TTRSS does have an advance filter system that is complex enough and with some fiddling I think I could make a set of rules that satisfy my needs. One point for TTRSS.

    3-Being able to suscribe to any feed or even scrape webs that doesn't provide feeds. Here FreshRSS wins, I have zero issues subscribing to everything I wanted. With TTRSS I couldn't even subscribe with some pages that did provide with a feed, even if it was in an unconventional way. TTRSS devs say that is the webpage problem (even if FreshRSS had no problem with it). Here another point to FreshRSS.

    And that is it, I do not exige that much. But I wasn't able to find a system that ticks those three checkboxes. FreshRSS was so close. But unless I am missing something you can't really create a curate feed that prioritizes and sorts feeds and posts in the way you can do with TTRSS sorting, if there is a way please let me know. And without that the whole thing becomes useless from the flooding feeds. And while I'm in love with TTRSS filters and sorting system, the whole app seems to unstable and with so many bugs to be usable, at least in my desired usercase (and I've seem many people complaining about TTRSS updates breaking things all the time).

    My two main questions are:

    -Am I missing some other self-hosted app that could do all I wanted?

    -Am I missing some FreshRSS feature or extension that could curate a main feed with my own rules?

    Any thoughts?

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