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Trump: "Immigrants are taking Black jobs"
  • EVEN IF immigrants are taking "black jobs"....WHO IS HIRING THE IMMIGRANTS?!

    WHY is it always the immigrants fault for being hired and never the capital class hiring the immigrants?!

    Jesus fucking Christ his followers are dumb.

  • Bisexuals of the blade
  • I want this to star Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs as the two lesbians. With Joel McHale being the brother.

    Dani Pudi as the other bisexual's awkward best friend.

    Donald Glover as one of the best men.

    The script practically writes itself.

  • What's Happened Since Time Dropped Its Paywall 1 Year Ago
  • The problem is that Time and every other news outlet think they are the cats pajamas and deserve your subscription. They suffer a similar problem to streaming platforms except news is not exclusive.

    If these companies could organize and build a "pay once, get access to everything everywhere" model, they would see subscriptions go through the roof and get more money. But since the owners of these news outlets want only their own subscribers to go up, it's never going to happen.

    I'm not going to pay for 5-10 news subscriptions no matter how great the reporting is.

    But I'd be willing to pay $20 or so a month if that meant I can access any article on any news website.

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • Never profits. Must be revenue.

    Companies have ways of looking like they don't make a profit, especially when it comes to filing taxes.

    "Oh, we created a subsidiary in Ireland and, gosh darn, they charged us a gagillion dollars for this pen. We actually have a loss this year."


    "Stimulus please!"

  • My Health Insurance Company Is Trying To Kill Me
  • OP, you may be in lawyer territory. Not to sue the insurance company, though it may come to that.

    A lot of these companies will give riff raff (you and me) the run around.

    But once an attorney enters the picture, they have to get their attorneys involved and typically corporate attorneys aren't cheaper than one you hire. So the incentive to resolve the situation quickly is higher.

    At least for a short time. So a short phone call from your attorney to them will often get the attention of the right people.

  • A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins
  • If ad domains can be resolved to their IPv6 addresses, it means that they are not blocked. Your device connects to the IPv6 address and serves the ad.

    I can't remember what the problem was but my window to rollback was closing so I reverted back to IPv4 only and pushed it to another day.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • We are entering perhaps the most important election in history. I know that's said at every election but this time, this could very well be the last free election we have.

    A vote against Biden, regardless of how it's done, is a vote for fascism. Plain and simple. It's no longer theoretical or fantasy. Or exaggeration or whatever the right is trying to paint this as.

    Biden won in 2020 because it was a vote against Trump. Not because Biden was a good candidate. It just was not as terrible as Trump.

    We are entering an election where Trump is promising to punish his enemies. This rhetoric is dangerous to our democracy and nation. The fact that we are debating this is by itself scary.

    Trump WILL bring authoritarianism to our country. He will install himself as king and our country will be a democracy in name only. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if the fascist regime goes on to rename our country "The Democratic Republic of the Gilliad United States" just to keep up appearances.

    Anyone who wants our country to be free must vote Biden in November. Is he contributing to genecide? Yes. Is he doing enough for climate change? Of course note. Is he tackling minimum wage? Nope.

    But at least he's willing to listen to you. We might even be able to change his mind after he is in his second term.

    You will get none of those things if Trump wins.

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • Alt right have a love/hate relationship with LE right now

    On the one hand, they are the instrument of fascism.

    On the other hand, they see it as unfairly being abused against their Dear Leader. Thus, the only fair thing to do is to use it unfairly against their enemies.

  • Self-Hosted (or github pages hosted) "clipboard"?

    Good day self-hosters! I'm not exactly sure what to call what I'm looking for besides a "clipboard". Let me describe my problem and what my ideal solution is.

    At work, I get a lot of slack DMs that ask for the same information. It's not consistent to the point I would just pin the information in my Windows 11 clipboard. But it's often enough that I'd prefer to give people the same information each time it's asked.

    I'm limited in what I can build on my work computer. In an ideal world, I'd do what Gilfoyle did and make and bot but I lack the time and skills for such a task. Right now, I solve this with a very long notepad, which is subject to copy/paste errors. If I don't highlight everything correctly or if I accidentally copy over an existing line. That kind of thing.

    What I was thinking was a very simple website where the items I'm copying are in tiles that can be tagged and searched. Once I find what I'm looking for, I can click the button to copy it to my clipboard and then go on with my life.

    Due to restrictions on my work computer, I cannot host containers or host a website, though a fully self-contained HTML page with javascript I could do.. Ideally this is something that can be build using Github Pages build with Jekyll but so far, I haven't found a theme that mimics the behavior I'm looking for and I lack the time (though not the skills) to build it.

    I'd prefer the github route so that I can share the page with others on my team who get asked similar questions.

    I am also able to deploy a website via Github Pages (with .nojekyll).

    I have to think something similar to this already exists but I imagine the restrictions on having no backend might be the challenge. Love to hear your thoughts!

    Edit: added context for Gilfoyle

    Thank you all for the great suggestions. I should have added in this post that my work does not allow software with Copyleft (Don't get me started. I'm a strong copyleft advocate and it annoys me that my company only takes and never gives back to OSS). I'm going to give TiddlyWiki out. License is friendly with my work, seems simple enough to run.

    That said, Logseq seems to be pretty interesting as well. Might try this out on my on machine to see if I like it.

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