Even if you dont ask for it! One time I just got done ordering my sandwich, they grab the mayo bottle and say "you want mayo?" Then jizz out half the bottle all over it before I can say no.
Tbh, the only connections you'll make with messages like this are fake internet doms who don't really care about you/your limits and try to push your boundaries. 0/10 would not recommend
I don't get the mayonnaise hate. I know us white people put it on everything, but it's literally eggs, vinegar, oil, sometimes mustard... I love all of those!
People grow up on the shit tasting commercial crap or (shudders) Miracle Whip and then think all mayo tastes like it
I myself as a younger child fell into this and didn't really like Mayo until my preteen years when I realized that there's actually good tasting mayo out there
I like to make my own because it's quick, easy, and much tastier than most store bought, but I also understand that not everyone has an immersion blender or the desire for one.
I like to add fresh herbs to mine. A little dill or parsley really livens it up. I've tried mixing them in store bought and it's not the same.
The colour of peoples skin does very little to determine their personality or character, this comment is nothing but reinforcing racist thinking that plagues society. Consider just not making race based stereotypes for the betterment of humanity.
Not always true, a lot of the time people with serious issues have trouble with smaller issues because they're anxious and stressed but unable to mentally address the larger issues.
I have a similar beef with bagel places. I love bagels and I love cream cheese ... but I do not need a 3/4" thick hockey puck of fucking cream cheese on my bagel.