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Do you use Pocket or other Read Later App?
  • Neither, especially with Pocket. There's something about an add-on integrated into a browser that makes me worry about privacy. I hate how pocket is bundled in Firefox and take great pleasure in disabling it in the browser's config file. If it was something that could be downloaded on your own I might have had a different opinion about it. I just make a bookmark folder for articles I want to read later. It takes a few extra seconds to store and access but I think it's worth it.

  • Plugs
  • We've been training with Taco Bell Diablo sauce for such an occasion.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • I recommend Linux Mint. It's very beginner friendly and you don't need to use the console too much if that kind of thing bothers you. The GUI even looks very similar to a Windows 10 environment.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • There's nothing we can fucking do about it at that level of government. The party caucuses make it very difficult to decide who our presidential candidate should be. Remember how Bernie tried running back in 2016 and the entire DNC conspired against him in favor of their insider Hillary? Trump managed to win the nomination because he understands he can make the Republican base eat shit off his hand and have them demand more, even with the RNC doing everything they could to avoid him. Let's face it, the average American is a confused, exploited, poorly educated bigot who would latch on to any hateful speech to blame harmless parts of the population for their problems. There are even highly educated people who believe in his nonsense because they want to pay fewer taxes.

    Between regulatory and judicial capture by major corporations, our future isn't gonna be a bright one any time soon. Project 2025 will also cause irreversible damage to all sectors of the government in which only Republican party loyalists can work. We're getting really close to how Germany was in the mid 1930s.

  • Capcom's slapstick zombie mall adventure Dead Rising is being remastered
  • Maybe buy the original on Steam soon just in case they pull a Rockstar.

  • Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts
  • I often wonder why people wronged by these mega corporations just don't buy a cheap drone and fix an explosive to it like you see in Ministry for the Future or in Ukraine's defense against invading Russian soldiers. They don't even need to assassinate these CEOs, they can just blow up their assets to hurt them. Insurance might pay for the damages the first few times but they'll stop covering these assets if it becomes too large a burden for them.

  • No going back
  • Looks like the plastic deformation point was placed before the elastic point.

  • Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games.
  • Pop-tarts are dumplings for sure. They're cooked dough wrapped around a filling.

  • In Honor of American Conservatives Learning Homelander is Bad
  • This is just a quick list I can think off the top of my head: the trail of tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, fighting Mexico to gain the west coast, fighting Spain to gain the Philippines, Florida, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, deposing democratically elected governments in Central and South America for cheaper bananas, isolating Cuba from the rest of the world when it turned communist but still keeping possession of Guantanamo Bay, putting down the Boxer Rebellion in China, invading Middle Eastern countries for their oil, fighting the communists in Korea and Vietnam, deposing the Hawaiian government and then annexing it for cheaper pineapples, and leveraging its position at the end of WWII to solidify its hegemony throughout the world via the petrodollar. I'm sure there are plenty of other things I've forgotten. The only other imperial power that would compare is England up until WWII.

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • Vista sucked for sure, but Windows 7 was pretty great IMO. I was dragged kicking and screaming into the shit that's Windows 10 because Steam stopped supporting 7.

  • Home prices around the US are being cut at a faster pace as inventory piles up
  • Yeah not in LA. Two months ago, a dilapidated and downright smelly 3 bed/2 bath old house went on sale for $720k. It sold for that price a few weeks later. I live in the neighborhood and bought a much better maintained and slightly bigger house for $650k last year. It's nuts.

  • Spanish or Italian combination gun-spear with retractable blade, four barreled, 18th century AD
  • Looks like one strong swing would've made the bullets and powder charges go flying out the barrels without being fired.

  • ‘Joe McCarthy Was Right’: Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism At Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference
  • They're no longer communist and they're getting a lot of money from Putin so they don't give a shit. Similar deal with China. They may be communist on paper but they still play ball with them by giving the corporations a place to build shit with cheap labor and materials. They also have a huge consumer base so you better believe these stupid McCarthyists are fondling Xi Jinping's balls for acess to their markets.

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • Any path that takes us to unlimited clean energy is the right one IMO. We could always do a little espionage and make our own domestic fusion drive eventually.

  • Certified PS1 banger Fear Effect is getting a digital Steam release
  • Fear Effect was always one of those games I passed by on store shelves but never tried. Might have to give it a try when it's out.

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • Or starts brush fires because their infrastructure's horribly neglected.

  • Porque no los Dos?
  • As a native straight Spanish speaker, I'd like to thank you for so eloquently explaining many of my problems with this way of referring to people's genders. There's no way the language would survive if we were to adapt to these gender neutral modifiers. Spanish is a gendered language and if we were to adapt to these non binary gender terms, we'd also have to apply it for about half our vocabulary. We'd all have to agree a washing machine for example is now no longer a female lavadora, but rather a lavadore or lavadorx. It'd be impossible to gather the entire Spanish speaking community across dozens of countries to agree on the general way standardize this.

  • The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • Also it has to be easily readable.

    That's a tall order for a state that has a terrible education system.

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • For isometric RPGs Arcanum truly was unique. The dialogue and story was polished to a brilliant shine in a fantasy world going through the industrial revolution. The soundtrack composed entirely of a somber string ensemble added so much to the narrative and feel of the world, as if its magic was slowly dying out to make way for industrial expansion and exploitation. It stands up there along with the original Fallouts and Planescape: Torment. It's a tragedy a sequel was never made. The only modern game that comes close to the aesthetics is the Pillars of Eternity franchise.

  • Someonelol Someonelol
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