I have a lot of photos of bios settings. Bios updates usually sets everything back to default, and my handcrafted fan curves and overclock profiles are super important.
My work has everything locked down. Our (required) password manager can't copy/paste the 16 ASCII-character passwords that change every day! Like, WTF!?
Photo of screen printed out from a Polaroid, that is then scanned to email to yourself compressed, which you open to printscreen and paste into MS Paint and save as a minimum size jpg.
That’s a mac, so it’s cmd+shift+3 for a whole screenshot, cmd+shift+4 for selection or a window (switchable via space bar) and cmd+shift+5 for a screen cap menu
Win+shift+S if you have onenote installed. Just configure it to always save to clipboard the first time it opens a pop up asking what to do with the clip
For people using KDE then spectacle is excellent. I have a key binding for ctrl+prntscr that allows me to capture a section and then draw on it, input text, draw arrows, circles, rectangle and even pixelate sensitive info.