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Nexus mods want feedback from Linux / Steam Deck users on their new cross-platform app
  • If I played Stardew I'd be all over this. Alas, I am not a farmer.

  • Games that stuck with you
  • What Remains of Edith Finch was the first game to make me cry. I think I played it when I was around 12, and it just kinda broke me for a few days, particularly Walter's story. Just an entire game of people trying and failing to escape their fate. The narration is pitch perfect. Edith sounds so real, and so tired.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • I fell off LTT once I fell into his massive pile of rich people problems videos. Like, there was one where he was complaining because his WiFi didn't reach to the gate of his mansion.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • As much as the US government sucks in this department, Turing was a UK citizen suffering under UK law, not US.

  • It’s quicker
  • Not saying its better, just saying it has some pros.

    And safety is always an issue to be worried about.

  • Men’s mental health matters too ❤️
  • My highschool has a club that is basically just group therapy for guys only. As a regular attendee, it kicks ass.

  • It’s quicker
  • Nope, we get 240. We just dont put it on every outlet because its safer. One of the few places that DOES get 240 is any electric stove.

  • [SOLVED][Game] VR RPG
  • That was it! Thank you!

  • [SOLVED][Game] VR RPG

    Game is Journey of the Gods, for anyone else looking!

    I only remember the first big fight; you had a crossbow and sword, and were fighting a tentacle thing made of black ooze on a farm. The game overall was about becoming a god, with the gods being birds and you collecting feathers to ascend.

    I originally played it on the Oculus Quest.

    A FICSIT approved beverage
  • But Dave told me it was approved! That li-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *passes out*

  • Infiltration
  • We actually had a cover, but it looks like it rotted out (we found chunks of rusty grate when we were cleaning after the fact.) Getting it replaced shortly

  • Infiltration
  • The animal control guy put them in a home depot bucket and let them into our backyard

  • Infiltration

    ! Four goobers tried to break in through my window! When that failed, two of the babies dropped down my chimney

    Come tell Tux🐧your Linux plans for next year to cheer him up
  • Switching from Ubuntu to Arch, because I spend more time disabling the default stuff than I do troubleshooting new stuff anyways.

  • Fake Windows 95 "hacking" competition

    I remember this from a few years back, but I don't remember a lot. It was a browser based competition, and you were trying to complete tasks in a fake Windows 95 environment. You'd have to find files, navigate apps, solve puzzles, etc.

    It's important
  • Meanwhile I'm sitting here running it off an appimage I found on a dodgy website 3 weeks ago because I'm too lazy to properly install it.

  • LMagicalus Magicalus

    I write Linux guides, act and sing!

    And do tech stuff.

    And am weak.

    And am a stereotypical nerd in almost every way.




    B-but I don't play an instrument, so it TOTALLY doesn't count!

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    Comments 12