On a personal note, I'm annoyed that our national ID app doesn't work with graphene OS.
There are workarounds by patching out the security check from the app and sideloading the newly created app, but that is just annoying and has to be repeated for every update.
I just don't see how rigorose device checks that lock out graphene users, but allow any Android 8.0+ device (where security support ended more than 3 years ago) make ANY sense.
Edit: I tried it again today, it now lets me skip with a warning about the bootloader.
I understand that even the concept is scary to some, especially to our friends on the other side of the atlantic.
However, it isn't really anything else than a 2FA app, similar to most banking apps. When you interact with a government service (like taxes, social security), you have to approve the login on your phone.
What national ID is it? I hope it isn't the Belgian ItsMe app because I want to try putting lineage on my xperia 5 ii since it has a flaky fingerprint scanner now (software problem it seems)
It's high time Custom ROMs and users alike did this. I cannot run a custom ROM on my primary device due to play integrity shenanigans some apps may have.
Looking forward to this. I don't run a custom ROM myself but I am rooted, primarily to revoke permissions from Google apps and to back up my OS and app data as I desire.
However I'd much prefer to be able to run something like GrapheneOS on a Pixel if it meant I could run apps that are picky about Safetynet/Play Integrity, such as banking apps and the like
Device attestation is pretty annoying fr. It's a constant game of cat and mouse to get it to work on a Custom ROM, whether its on the devs of the ROM, or whoever maintains the magisk modules if you're rooted.
I do hope things change about this
It would be interesting to see if Graphene OS actually takes legal action. I hope if they do they get other projects involved including Lineage OS and maybe F-droid.
According to Graphene OS, the Compatibility Test Suite and Compatibility Definition Document requirements Google says are key to Play Integrity compliance are in practice routinely ignored, and the system easily bypassed.
Just wanted to say, I use a custom ROM with software on it to circumvent the Play integrity stuff.
Oh no, my device is insecure, there could be malware on it. But people use Windows PCs to access their banking website. I'm sure there can't be any malware on PCs!