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One Neighborhood’s ‘Bizarre Culture War’ Over Bike Lanes
  • Ride safely in these particular streets, follow every traffic law and take the lane. People might hate you, or realize a protected area will keep the traffic separated sO pEoPlE cAn gO fAsT.

    I don't like irritating people I disagree with as a tactic, but sometimes a little friction helps to make a point.

    Of course, the doofi may decide to try banning bicycles outright instead 🤦

  • Thought on Graphene?
  • Sorry, "google blobs"? A lot of work went into MicroG, and I think it's a shame that you'd minimize so much good work to reimplement the lynchpin of Google's control on your devices.

    At this point I'll presume you're just misinformed, as no proprietary google code operates within microG unless you decide to run with device attestation, and there it's running as a sandboxed service. At any other time, you are able to run open source code which spoofs your device details to Google, and spoofs google to all these other closed source apps in a reliable and readable, much smaller codebase.

    Honestly, the irony of running blobs, when one is completely closed source vs the other which is fully open. Hahaha.

  • LILYGO T-Glass – ESP32-powered smart glasses with 1.1-inch prism display, IMU, microphone, and more
  • Ah, I was hoping the actual device was a bit more compact and svelte.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Overly dramatic verbiage aside, I'm not seeing any discussion here, of utility anyway.

    Good day.

  • Thought on Graphene?
  • All your points are true, yet still depend on Google in sandboxed form. That negates everything else for me, who wants a reasonably secure device that works out of the box and also respects my privacy.

    If a nation-state wants into my phone, it's delusional to believe even graphene can hold them off, you need real opsec for that, and unfortunately all I've seen thus far from graphene guys is cosplaying that the NSA wants your porn selfies.

    Graphene and micro g? Cool. Sandboxed Google? Nope.

  • Thought on Graphene?
  • Agreed, it shouldn't be their problem. But, I am using applications just fine that are sensitive to root, even device attestation, but I don't recommend attestation just out of principle.

    Even pokemon go seem to run ok with just micro g and aurora.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Cute and useless, as is customary for ya.

    People are looking for clarity about all this, I used the word chafe on purpose.

    Think about it.

  • Thought on Graphene?
  • There's also CalyxOS, low drama and very reliable. Https://

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Adding distracting points into the public discourse when people are seeking clarity doesn't seem like a noble goal.

    What do you get out of it at the end, the ability to say "told you so"?

    What if Kamala does step in due to the very real odds of a medical issue happening, then shall we start believing conspiracy theorists on other points?

    My point remains the same, you're occluding understanding of the situation, both currently and in the future, and I don't like that.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Poor fella. Read my question again, but this time try to think about it.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Then why parrot chafe into the conversation at all?

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Phew, I ate a beyond burger earlier and I'm still cogent and coherent. Guess it's the corn syrup, just like my dad warned me.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • I'd like to know what you're taking so I never take it.

  • Efficient
  • I've done this too, with conduit and wood. Protip, some bubble wrap at the contact points for material keeps from damaging the paint.

  • Seattle library network outage nears a month
  • Sure, sounds correct. But in the mean time, at least get the checkout system working, we've gotta be pragmatic.

  • Seattle library network outage nears a month
  • I wonder why it's been out so long? Definitely don't pay those ransomware asshats.

  • Modern construction using long-forgotten techniques
  • Pretty clever, and I like how organic it looks. Come to think of it, wasn't H.R. Giger also Swiss?

    Guess they like those organic designs.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Calyx pixel gang over here

  • Stuck between an XSR900 or a z900rs

    Anyone have input here?

    I'm trying to decide which I like, yammie noob had a cool vid comparing the two with the xsr seemingly on top, but spec-wise, the z900 should be wild. I'm aware there are tune and exhaust kits to wake the undertuned z900 up.

    I like spirited riding, but mostly on straights as I roar off to a campsite in the mountains. What do you folks think?

    Google Pay alternative?

    cross-posted from:

    > Google Pay alternative? > > Hey there, > I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts? > > I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.

    Google Pay alternative?

    cross-posted from:

    > Google Pay alternative? > > Hey there, > I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

    Google Pay alternative?

    Hey there, I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

    I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.

    E: Just to clarify, the payment part would be convenient, more annoying is how I don't get to use a single place for my subway/gym/ticketmaster passes.

    Who kicks a sparkplug??

    What a way to start the day. Had a spare, so it added a few minutes to my morning. Carefully cleaned the dust from around the plug, swapped, started and rode.

    NBD, but what the fuck?

    Seattle feels like a cheat code for this community

    Exploring the city, it feels both dark and somehow inviting. New experience for sure.

    Wish I could figure out how to attach multiple photos in voyager.

    Gluten free?

    Hey everyone, does anyone know how to make gluten free bread that might be as soft and fluffy as that previously posted Japanese milk bread appears to be?

    Salton sea restoration effort is allocated $70 million by the Biden-Harris administration

    So, after watching "Plagues and pleasures on the Salton sea" (available on YouTube for free), I decided to look into what was happening to it.

    Looks like we actually may help with restoration. But what does that mean, where are we getting the water for it? Will that money actually get to us?

    Jon Kennedy - Narcotize [Trip-hop/Electronic]

    Love this guy.

    Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Signal & TLS1.3

    Some interesting ideas on reducing the time to decrypt certain ciphered info, in spite of axolotl's large key-size.

    Anyone ride in Seattle?

    How's the weather up there for riding? Not afraid of water, just careful with it.

    Prusa MK3s+, PETG and a 0.6 nozzle

    Hey everyone.

    I built an mk3s+ from its kit form successfully, tested a few PLA prints with the stock 0.4 nozzle.

    I've set prusaslicer to use a 0.6 nozzle now that I've upgraded, and am using PETG. Prints look pretty bad, in spite of calibrating z-offset etc.

    If you were doing something like this for the first time, what would your setup steps be like?

    To be specific, using a diamondback 0.6 nozzle, matterhackers PETG at 235c.

    Issues I'm seeing are a really bad loss of detail, lots of stringing, etc.

    eta: added a photo of a moderately post-processed part. Notice how rough the top surface looks, there's a disconnect between perimeter loops, etc.

    RubberElectrons RubberElectrons

    Just a shiny male toy..

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