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Everything going on has got me down, I need a break. What's something good that's happened in your life recently?
  • Found a woman that is exactly as weird and different as I am, which I thought was impossible, I was already fine with staying romantically alone my whole life :)

  • PC gamers are finally embracing the controller, as usage triples [increase to 15% from 5% over the last six years]
  • Yeah I'm pretty sure people are just starting to use controllers for the controllers' usecases. A lot of people (including me) played stuff like space simulators with mouse+keyboard, which are obviously not the right tool for the job.

  • When is it "enough" money?
  • I think "enough" is when you don't have to worry about water, food and shelter.

    I have roughly enough to pay for these things, a little more, can get internet and a few euros each month for random luxury stuff.

    I earned more before, but I reduced the hours in my job severely so I get to this money state. I like the reduced hours more than having more money.

    So yeah for me, idk what everyone's talking about, there's definitely an "enough". Of course, more is also "nice" but "enough" is when you survive with a little bit over.

    Of course, like others say, for most people there is not an "enough", they keep wanting more. It depends on the individuals. I have a bunch of friends who are friends because they think like me. But I can't be friends with most of the population because they can't get enough.

    Famous people are mostly famous exactly because they can't get enough. No one works that much, tries to acquire status that much, if they are satisfied eventually. Because when you would be satisfied, you stop chasing more fame, not getting to a level that we would call "famous".

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • From Europe, never had a slimy coating on my eggs.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • It's actually pretty simple (but not easy at all)... You start actually believing that other people can't hurt you. That is pretty much all there is to it. (Not quite, will explain later).

    You simply don't give that power to people. I love my spouse. But my spouse cheats on me. Now I could be hurt by the betrayal... But why? What is the benefit for me? I don't need to feel hurt to know that my spouse is not worth keeping around, to be my spouse anymore.

    If other people do something bad to me, that is not on me, it's their problem. They're evil/unaware/selfish. It's no reflection on the quality of person I am. Thus when someone does something bad to me, it's honestly just good to know. I can decide how bad I think it is and react accordingly. But feeling hurt by it is not really required in that process.

    As I said at the beginning, "not quite", there are a whole bunch of other beliefs attached to/required by this. For example, I believe that everything is temporary, or at least that the chance of something permanent (really, temporary until end of life) being low. I don't expect to be together with my spouse to the end of time - if it happens though, I have nothing against it. I believe that change is fine, and I look forward to it: If my spouse cheats on me, I can experience no partner for a while or forever, or experience looking for a new one, both things are fine with me. And so on. Basically all my beliefs are set up in a way that I'm fine with whatever happens.

    (The only exception is extreme, or lasting physical harm and death. I can't experience anything "normally" anymore when these happen to me. Some disabilities could be fine, but I probably have a limit of how much I could be affected. Losing all movement in all my limbs could be fine, but I'm not sure. Losing an arm or a leg or hearing or similar severeness I could probably be fine with.)

    Now the thing is, changing your entire belief system to be fine with pretty much anything is not something people are either willing or able to do. I did it though and think that theoretically everyone can do it.

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • Big city, nice. I live in a small town. Could drive 30km to somewhere else, which I'm sure will not offset any savings xD

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess that's why it's a hot take. I think it's possible without becoming a recluse

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Other people shouldn't be able to hurt you, non-physically.

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • There literally is no option for it. I can only buy my milk in cartons with this cap on

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • Yep I'm somehow in a reality where everyone is loved by Crackhappy, but no one I know knows about this.

  • Why do the vast majority of romantic comedies depict people who are wealthy?
  • Also what no one has said yet, if you put two identical people next to each other, same mindset, same character, same visuals etc etc, but the one is wealthy and the other is poor, for 99% of people the wealthier one is more sexually attractive. Our brains view access to resources as a desirable quality.

    And so, why would a rom com that is literally supposed to be about attractive people, make them purposefully less attractive? There's basically no reason.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • For example.

    But honestly I was more joking. The thing that makes most projects useful is the developers developing it, and they can't clone that

  • Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2024 | Official Blog Post Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2024

    The regional battles on the Road to The International have concluded, and we now know all sixteen teams destined to clash in Copenhagen this September. But there's also another competition to remember — in which the auteurs of the Dota scene grab their pens, friends, and camera lenses and treat the ...

    Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2024
    Introducing the Steam Game Recording Beta | Official Blog Post Introducing the Steam Game Recording Beta

    There are millions of Dota players around the world, and every day their adventures offer up experiences ranging from universal (a savvy swipe of an Aegis) to one-in-a-billion (a RAMPAGE by Chen) — including thrilling moments, silly moments, and everything in between. And since the only thing as fun...

    Introducing the Steam Game Recording Beta
    You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Not sure what you're actually losing on YouTube though... You go fullscreen quickly anyway. And if I put two windows side by side I just disable the tab because I'm likely doing it for a reason to have two specific pages on them, actually giving more screenspace because I don't have the bar at the top either.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Which website actually has a layout that makes use of your extra space, and doesn't center the content with empty space on the left and right side? I actually have barely ever noticed a case where it was useful

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • They're not supposed to, it's just about blocking them from using the software :)

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • The real solution is to include a few tiananmenSquare variables in all the repositories. Either they exclude the entire repository or just the specific file, in either case the entire project may be unusable.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • I was not able to express myself clearly enough that you understand what I was talking about. Should I try again or do you not care?

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • With Proton, a large majority of games run on Linux, and most even better than on windows.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • "Moderate" should not be a criterion for choosing anything. Rather you should choose the approach that has the best score when comparing reasons for and reasons against it, i.e. making a rational decision based on the available evidence.

    The reason your "middle of the road" approach doesn't make sense is because if you really decide like that, one side just has to get more and more extreme for you to "sympathize" with their side, since suddenly the middle will shift in their direction. You can be easily manipulated that way.

  • The International 2024 - Direct Invites and The Road to TI | Official Blog Post The International 2024 - Direct Invites and The Road to TI

    Between a massive 7.36 update and Act II of Crownfall, there were a lot of big announcements vying for your attention last week, so we decided to give everybody a few days to process everything before we posted any more big Dota news. But now a new week is upon us, and we're happy to turn our focus ...

    The International 2024 - Direct Invites and The Road to TI
    So what are your underrated stars of the patch so far?

    Which hero with which facet is stronger than people think? What item build is deceptively strong? Which strategy wins you games?

    New gameplay update coming tomorrow (2024-05-23) - Help put together the preview :)

    Everyone has their own part of the patch notes! Post a screenshot of the encounter unlocked by the candlemakers' shop!

    This is what you can see when you put a few together (need more still)


    Dota Labs and Crownfall Collector's Cache Voting | Official Blog Post Dota Labs and Crownfall Collector's Cache Voting

    Dota Labs Updates We announced Dota Labs a couple months ago, and since then we've continued to iterate quietly on the features in it as we get feedback and data. "Quietly" is fine, but sometimes it can be useful to be a bit louder so today we're turning up the volume a little: We're happy to announ...

    Dota Labs and Crownfall Collector's Cache Voting
    Welcome to Crownfall | Official Blog Post Welcome to Crownfall

    For over a decade now, Skywrath Mage and Vengeful Spirit have been ambiguously entwined. Eagle-eyed players noticed that they come from the same town, seem to have related backstories, and might even be dating. Pretty mysterious stuff. Earlier, we dropped a comic that solved those mysteries, but int...

    Welcome to Crownfall
    Anyone have good ways to search through lemmy posts?

    Neither DuckDuckGo nor Google are particularly good at it, since you can't do something like How do you guye search or is this just an unsolved problem?

    Crosspost, but very relevant to dota

    It's just a joke, I don't actually think league players are any better or worse than dota ones.

    Gameplay Patch 7.35d And Matchmaking Features | Official Blog Post Gameplay Patch 7.35d And Matchmaking Features

    We've just released Gameplay Patch 7.35d (Chen had it coming), and with it a new set of features. Matchmaking Hero Ban Rework Over the last year or so, we've taken a number of visible actions against users of third-party cheats. As we investigate each cheat, we're primarily focused on understanding ...

    Gameplay Patch 7.35d And Matchmaking Features
    Basic Dreamleague S22 Recap

    Dreamleague S22 was the last T1 tournament:

    It was played with a format of 2 large group stages and a small finals bracket with the top 4 teams.

    Team Falcons continued their domination from the previous tournament (BB Dacha). It seems like the pro scene is a bit shaken up after the last TI and its season, with teams like Gaimin Gladiators and Team Liquid not really at the top anymore. Apart from Team Falcons, the whole scene looks a bit more even right now. The Eastern European teams, namely BB Team and Team Spirit, also look strong right now, together with some of the Chinese teams, mainly Xtreme Gaming.

    As for meta, a selection of the top heroes right now:

    For the support role(s), Chen, Batrider, Lion, Mirana, Shadow Demon, Tiny, Enigma, Techies

    Popular offlaners include, Mars, Timbersaw, Centaur, Magnus, Dragon Knight.

    Mids are Puck, Pango, Dragon Knight, Storm Spirit, Timber, Templar Assassin.

    Carries include Naga, Sven, Morphling, Terrorblade, Faceless Void.

    Playstyle-wise, there was a lot of focus on individual outplays, particularly from the offlane role. Successful teams had lots of the "meta" heroes in their repertoire and were able to use them to snowball from the laning stage into the midgame, simply securing more farm by pushing the enemy off the map and into defensive positions through outplays in how the map was played, which heroes could be where and how fights went. As such there was a higher focus on teamfight heroes with big ultimates, like Mars, Enigma, Faceless Void, Pheonix, Undying, but also saves against that, like Shadow Demon, also Undying, Vengeful Spirit.

    War. What is it good for?
    The International 2024 | Official Blog Post The International 2024

    War banners are being washed clean of blood stains and scorch marks. Trumpets are being tested for their ability to sound the imminent approach of battle. Lanes are getting swept clean of body parts, and the Ancients are getting a good crack replastering and surface buffing. The forest air itself cr...

    The International 2024
    Azzu Azzu

    Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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