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Can I install linux on this?
  • This looks like one of those low cost netbooks from the time where "EPad" and "MID" tablets were a thing. There is an edition of Windows CE floating around for these - but WiFi will not work, neither the modem if this has one built in.

    No idea about Linux - there is a kernel so you're technically half way there, but considering most of these had a slow single core ARM CPU and 256MB of RAM on a good day, practical use is limited IMO

  • Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan?
  • ASMedia is the only controller IC manufacturer that can be trusted for these IME. They also have the best Linux support compared to the other options and support pass-through commands. These are commonly found in USB DAS enclosures, and a very small fraction of single disk SATA enclosures

    Innostor controllers max out at SATA 2 and lock up when you issue pass-through commands (e.g. to read SMART data). These also return an incorrect serial number. These are commonly found in ultra cheap desktop hard drive docks, and 40pin IDE/44pin IDE/SATA to USB converters

    JMicron controllers (not affiliated with the reputable Micron) should be avoided unless you know what you are doing... UASP is flaky, and there are hacky kernel boot time parameters required to get these working on Raspberry Pi boards. Unfortunately these are the most popular ones on the market due to very low cost

  • Mariokart 8 Deluxe emulation
  • I have MK8 running in an emulator on my Deck with almost all DLCs. Online used to work using local LAN multiplayer (the emulator would redirect the LAN lobby to a server on the web). For multiplayer to work, all players must have the exact same version of MK8 running in their emulator.

    Since the emulator's development was shut down by a certain company, online multiplayer functionality needs some config changes to carry on working, and the lobbies are nowhere near as full as they used to be...

    Edit: IIRC, there is a button you must hold while on the MK8 menu to enter local LAN mode

  • Chromium based browser for armeabi-v7a
  • Chromium... I'm so getting downvoted with this one.

    Why? Anyone is free to use whatever browser floats their boat 🤷‍♂️

    Firefox itself is quite sluggish and slow to open on that piece of hardware

    Do you get the same issues on an older version of Firefox for that device? If yes, proceed with caution - your device's internal EMMC might be nearing EOL considering how old Android 6 is

    But the problem is they all do not support modern arm64 apps that most Android phones use nowadays. Instead they need this other type called armeabi-v7a

    They probably just stopped building for Android 6 devices. The SDK and various third party libraries continue to add new features all the time, and unlike Firefox, the majority of devs do not have the time or resources to manually code-in the missing bits to retain compatibility with old versions of Android. As a side effect, these custom implementations may have bugs or issues that go unnoticed due to the shrinking install base.

    One of the more noticeable bits that changed is the Share API, which is why Firefox's one looks so different vs every other app. There are other things like enhanced battery optimization and the storage API, which have changed a lot since Android 6.

    IMO your best option is an older version of FF, or install Lineage (etc) on that device and use another browser

    Edit: change "age of device" to "shrinking install base"

  • HA Voice Chapter 7 - Supercharged wake words and timers
  • Really nice to see improcements being made to local voice control.

    I personally haven't opted for it yet due to the computing reqirements - instead been looking into dedicated offline voice recognition modules, since they use much less power. Downside is that they recognise a mostly predefined set of commands, and are just looking for patterns in speech instead of actually performing voice recognition

    Would be interesting to compare the two voice control approaches side by side at some point

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Something about that channel feels "off", don't know what it is. Maybe all the rants and abundance of negative opinions?? Perhaps it's the culture difference in how he communicates on camera?

    The only positive videos I've seen are him moving to macOS, the dell laptop one, and i guess the keyboard one, the other ones seem to be mostly opinion pieces & rants. There are other channels that do a better, more balanced job of this I think

  • Finally my old saves are backed up!
  • IIRC when looking into this originally, there are multiple tools necessary due to additional metadata on the MCs: mcpaste for PS1 saves, psupaste for PS2 saves, and the PS3 uses an entirely different format that needs to be converted prior to use (I don't remember if you need to jailbreak to get the keys for this)

    Felt there was a bit too much manual stuff involved which could allow human error to come in and mess something up. I did do a copy + psupaste to the internal HDD on a new partition just in-case, but there was no way I was going to risk copying those back onto my only memory card to test if it actually was done right 😅

    The original MC was near full as well, so it's pretty nice to also be able to spin up new ones when needed (to be fair I believe OPL has a similar feature built in, although some games may freeze using it)

  • Finally my old saves are backed up!

    Ordered back in Feb and just got delivered!

    As soon as I saw the PS1 version release a while back, I was eager to get a PS2 version to backup the single 8MB card I've owned since my first PS2. I got all my games pre-owned back then, so sadly none came with extra memory cards 😭

    Initially I ran into some issues copying the save files from my old 8MB to this one (using wLE), ended up turning off the "Game ID" MCP setting so all saves get copied to the same VMC instead of dedicated ones for each game.

    Apparently this card works on the PS3 too if you hold the front right button while connecting the USB, looking forward to that since I have some PS1 saves trapped in there...

    Disable windows updates
  • Deleting documents from insider branch users a few years back, forced installation of HP SMART printer utility, constantly switching users' default browser back to Edge, even bypassing my employer's GPO to do so at one point in a Teams update

    Not to mention their habit of making practically everything opt-in by default. And what is up with the new Aptos "cloud" font that only works if you have an active Office 365 subscription?

    I don't know tbh, Windows just doesn't cut it for me anymore personally, mainly because of Microsoft. Stuck with it on my desktop though because of sim hardware.

    I still have XP on an airgapped old PC for nostalgia ☺️

  • YSK: StreetComplete app for Android, a way to fill map data in a game like way
  • Jawg would know everywhere where you go, since they provide the tile data. I don't think they would be able to link it to an OSM account though

    The public would be able to identify where you go because your changes would be published against your username, as it is with Wikipedia

  • "Valve is being sued in the UK for $843 million for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers and abusing its dominant position' with Steam"
  • "Abusing their dominant position" feels a bit far... the competition is just 💩 IMO. Just the fact that EGS practically gives out games for free, and still struggle to penetrate the market, should tell you all you need to know.

    Steam provides discussion boards, workshop (mods), cloud saves, a whole console (deck), frequent games sales, achievements, best-in-class refund policy, regional CDNs for faster game downloads, and the list goes on. They even still support the Steam Link box which was discontinued several years ago.

    They pretty much go above and beyond the current offerings of any other gaming platform, and have outlasted failed ones like Games For Windows. In the rare case that they do go out of business, there are steam emulators to run your games as long as they do not implement any additional DRM.

    It says Valve "forces" game publishers to sign up to so-called price parity obligations, preventing titles being sold at cheaper prices on rival platforms.

    EGS exclusives are worse, locking a whole other platform out for an entire year. With Steam's agreement surely you could just run the sale on both platforms at the same time? Anyway, Amazon is well known for doing this, why not take them to court instead?

    enabled Steam to charge an "excessive commission of up to 30%", making UK consumers pay too much for purchasing PC games and add-on content.

    The 30% fee is a bit high, but looking at everything that it pays for, and the contributions to open source, I don't think it's too bad. Publishers are also the ones choosing to price their games high, and to create as many DLCs as possible to increase recurring revenue. The ones who want lower fees already sell on EGS IMO...

  • Is Carbon fiber PLA filament safe to handle?

    I've been looking into this material due to the really nice surface finish and clean look (actually purchased some already 😅)

    However I recently came across a video by CNC kitchen where he raised some potential health concerns relating to the fibers specifically inside the filament. One of the commenters mentioned they couldn't wash the fibers off their skin, and another likened it to the "3d printing equivalent of asbestos"

    I don't plan to print with it just yet due to needing a hardened nozzle, and spare extruder parts. However when I do, i'm feeling a little worried about how safe it is - mainly whether the final printed part is fine for occasional skin contact, or whether this material should ideally be left to just cosmetic parts.

    P.S. image not mine, taken from here


    A customer RMA'd their ROG Ally handheld console for a faulty joystick replacement - only to have Asus refuse warranty repair due to a tiny scratch on the top of the device.

    Asus then invoiced the customer $200 to carry out the joystick repair outside of warranty, or have the handheld console returned to them in a disassembled state.

    Pretty low from Asus in my opinion 🤦‍♂️ can't say I'm a fan of supporting a company who treats their customers like this.

    Louis' video is related to other coverage on this by the Gamers Nexus channel, which covers this in much more detail.

    Almost replaced the shell on my brand new deck... got caught out by the display

    Title pretty much, my brand new deck arrived today and I wasted no time loading up all my games and linux desktop apps onto it. I was pretty much firmly sold on it after having the opportunity to experience one 😁

    Out of excitement I also impulse ordered a full replacement shell in advance, thinking I was prepared to also tackle the screen. Turns out I was wrong - the screen is so well stuck down that I couldn't get it to budge with a 2kw hot air gun. The battery was also getting quite warm from the heat.

    Pretty much ended up putting everything back to the original casing before I damaged something, and settled for just changing the back cover instead 😢

    Maybe I'll give the replacement shell another shot in future, but not too sure to be honest.

    Anyone managed to do a full shell swap? How did you find it?

    Palworld Has Huge Weekend, Sells 5 Million and Overtakes Cyberpunk 2077 in Steam’s Most-Played Games List Palworld Has Huge Weekend, Sells 5 Million and Overtakes Cyberpunk 2077 in Steam’s Most-Played Games List - IGN

    Palworld’s astonishing success swelled over the weekend, with the ‘Pokémon with guns’ survival and crafting game shooting up Steam’s most-played games list and selling millions more copies.

    Palworld Has Huge Weekend, Sells 5 Million and Overtakes Cyberpunk 2077 in Steam’s Most-Played Games List - IGN

    > Palworld launched on January 19 in early access form on Steam as well as on Xbox and Windows PC, day-and-date with Game Pass. Palworld overtook CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077 to set Steam’s fifth highest peak concurrent player count with 1,291,967 online at the same time on Valve’s platform. Palworld is currently the most-played game on Steam, ahead of behemoths Counter-Strike 2, Dota 2, and PUBG. It is just the sixth game ever to hit one million concurrents on Steam.

    IMO, Pocketpair has really smashed it with this one - hope the new revenue allows them to spend some time improving the game. Seen quite a few requests for voice actors being added to the NPCs as one example.

    Thought I'd also add some FYIs here too:

    • Palworld is on Game Pass for PC and Xbox, so you may already have access
    • Multiplayer has been having a few issues with the load, may be worth considering joining or hosting a dedicated server if you plan to play with others. Singleplayer is unaffected by the server issues
    A bit frustrated with my team and CSS

    I was recently tasked with rewriting the base CSS for an inventory/project management system, creating a set of reusable components designed to match, using an open/close approach. These were based on a pretty strict specification provided by one of our designers, who unfortunately left.

    The implementation went well, but I've run into a bit of a problem. Quite often the team members make changes directly to the base class in the new base CSS file, rather than extending it, creating a new one, or using each system area's dedicated stylesheet file.

    One of the more recent changes involved removing a grid-gap property from a rule from the base CSS, affecting a lot more than the single UI element the team member was working on.

    Should I approach the team about this?

    I haven't mentioned anything yet, but have noticed our QA team putting in more bugs about UI elements looking odd


    Haier issued a legal notice to the developer of a Home Assistant plugin used to control various Haier appliances (such as washing machines and AC units) without the user needing to use their hOn mobile app.

    They state that the plugin is causing "economic harm" to their company.

    The developer will be taking down the following repositories in the coming days:


    This will also affect connected appliances branded under "Candy" and "Hoover" in Europe.


    Piped link in comments

    TorrentLeech seems to be having site issues

    TL has been returning 1004 errors all day, however their staff are aware of this looking at a discussion thread on a certain site.

    Hopefully it gets fixed soon - posted here just in case others are having issues with the site and its mirrors

    Anyone drive? How do you find it? I am absolutely terrified after my first lesson

    Sorry in advance for the wall of text! Some background...

    Enter me, someone who usually gets around by bicycle or public transport. I'm about 200 miles away from anyone close (besides my partner) and the trains, while fast and convenient, are expensive and quite limited at some times of the day.

    So, as a solution, I decided I'll pick up some driving lessons so I can drive to friends with a rental or my own vehicle, on much more flexible terms. Since I had some existing experience in various driving simulators (almost 200h combined), I decided why not?

    Now, about the lesson.

    The instructor was absolutely amazing, got me up to speed with all kinds of things I wasn't familiar with, like adjusting the mirrors, wheel and stuff.

    The car is a stick shift/manual, as that's the norm here. To be honest, changing gears was the easiest part - it felt really familiar because of the simulators. However I really struggled with how much information you need to take in from around you during the actual driving, literally had to try so hard to not make my mind wander for even a second, because I'd lose track of the environment and stuff. It was dark too so that made things a little challenging.

    I'd say a major stress point too is the fact that i'm operating a 2000kg SUV, not an agile 20kg bicycle.

    On one hand I'm hoping things improve with time, on the other I really wish we had good, affordable public transport to begin with.

    What are your thoughts?


    If a firmware update fails on your Mach-E, you're stranded... There's no backup or emergency boot ROM to at least allow you to drive home.

    This is pretty disappointing for a "premium" EV IMO, considering other devices like PCs and smartphones will automatically revert to the last working update if they fail to boot.

    Most modern PC motherboards even have this feature implemented at a hardware level for the BIOS, where the previous firmware is restored from an independent "flashback" ROM if a startup failure is detected following an update.

    In this video Louis is pretty frustrated about these poor engineering decisions being blamed on EV technology, rather than pointing the blame at the manufacturer's poor engineering decisions - as it allows the manufacturers to continually get away with making things worse, and not being held accountable.

    How do you feel about Tom Scott going on hiatus after 10 years?

    I'll admit I'm a little lost/down, it came out of nowhere! Over the years he's produced an endless stream of genuinely interesting videos. I can't really think of any other video hosts that can make a wide range of topics sound so interesting.

    Probably I'm just scared of change...

    On the flip side though, I'm really happy that he's decided his personal happiness is more important, and has decided to focus on people close to him.

    What are your thoughts?


    This is a pretty neat tour of Prusa's printer factory on the Strange Parts channel

    They have an absolutely massive 600 printer farm, with the same mk3 and mk4 machines that they sell to customers, which is really impressive.

    They do almost everything in-house, including manufacturing the printer mainboards, for faster project planning and turnaround times.

    Note - the video is pretty long at about 40 mins!

    After watching I'm a little tempted to pick up some prusament filament to support the company, really like how they are supporting local talent.

    Finally have a 3D printer of my own! First print is going well so far.

    I've wanted one of these for a while, decided to bite the bullet a couple days ago! Seeing as I was somewhat familiar with CAD software (from engineering classes several years ago) it seemed fairly straightforward.

    As someone completely new to this, there have been a TON of things I've learned from binging 3d printing channels...

    • First layer adhesion 😭
    • Bed levelling
    • Types of extruders (bowden/direct) and how they affect what materials you can print
    • Tons of printing materials, personally will be using PETG and PLA
    • Keeping filament dry in a vacuum bag

    And soo much more - but there is still a lot that I have absolutely no idea about.

    The printer is a second-hand Flsun Q5, the seller sent it fully assembled (very, very brave of them, but it arrived unharmed). I had a brief look around at other options, but for the price of an easythreed, this was a no brainer.

    I think the seller had some issues with bed adhesion, as there was a ton of slimy stuff on the print bed when it arrived. Used some isopropyl alcohol and a dish sponge to scrub it off, seems all fine now!

    I had some issues with the Z-offset but got it good enough to where there is some first layer adhesion.

    Model finished printing while I was drafting this post, I sprayed some contact cleaner onto the glass bed to take it off (is that bad?). There's some stringing:


    Secondhand item came with previous owner's files on the SD card, do I return the card or format it?

    I bought a 3d printer off Ebay which got delivered not too long ago, and it came with 2 sd cards - one with a build video and some demo print files, but worryingly another card that has all the previous owner's personal files on there.

    Not sure whether to format it, or to contact the seller offering to send the card back (free of charge)... how would you prefer to be approached in a similar situation?

    Edit: No gcode files are on the card, just 30gb of pictures, music and videos. Sent the seller a message offering to upload it to cloud or to send the card back

    What's your solder of choice?

    I recently came to the realization that I've been kinda punishing myself with cheap no-name solder that is really difficult to work with.

    I reluctantly bought this (rather expensive) lead free solder for around $25 and the difference really took me by surprise - it melts and flows so easily!

    Kinda got me wondering what everyone else has been using for solder, or what's worked well for you so far at least?


    Imagine a world where billionaires having petty arguments result in functionality being remotely removed from your $40,000 device...

    TL;DW: Disney decided to cease advertising on X (formerly Twitter) and not long after, the Disney+ app was removed from many owners' Tesla vehicles. Users who have already used the app shouldn't be affected by this, however those who haven't will no longer have access to this functionality.

    This video follows on the heels of GM announcing removal of CarPlay and Android Auto from their future vehicles, indirectly reducing the freedom granted to vehicle owners of what they can run on their infotainment system. Running apps that provide traffic warnings and additional functionality will be no more, likely paving the way for more unnecessary subscription addons - and even situations like this where functionality can just be taken away without warning

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Hey 👋 I'm Lemann: mark II

    I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

    Otherwise known as; and

    !Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

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