I want my wife's suicidal depression and anxiety to get better. She has had both since she was 6 years old, and no medication has ever worked, and her anxiety is so bad that she can't get anything worthwhile out of therapy.
I'd be happy, for now, to just see capitalism take a distant back seat to the driving of intentions around the globe.
Companies have been milking the land, the people (employees & consumers), producing nothing but toxic tinge to everything created by the Earth & her people, declaring the creations "theirs"
I dream of the people of the planet looking back on capitalism as bad times in history. Educational & not remotely desirable to repeat.
I'd love to see healthy societies globally, care & tending of the Earth.
Healthy Forests of food & animals like the old growth forest (of northwest America), the Amazon increased across the globe. Food, better air, better connections with the Earth.
World Wealth, as we had before capital, was in the health of the land & the people. Hoarding imaginary paper replacements for gold hasn't been good for World Health or Wealth.