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GNOME 47 Can Now Be Built With X11 Support Disabled
  • This article cites sources from 2015...

    Yeah, that hasn't been true for a loooong time

  • 7900XTX (Playstation 2 for scale)
  • And I thought my 6800XT was big

  • Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
  • I feel like you have the wrong idea of what hacking acting a actually is... But yes, as long as you don't do anything too stupid line forwarding all of your ports or going without any sort of firewall, the chances of you getting hacked are very low...

    As for DDOSing, you can get DDOSed with or without self hosting all the same, but I wouldn't worry about it.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • What's bad about KDE?

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • If you're a beginner... or hate jank, don't use Arch. And make sure you're using a desktop environment that supports Wayland (GNOME or KDE). Gaming on X11 can be buggy, janky and inconsistent

  • GNU-Linux
  • It's just funny to annoy people who insist on using GNU/Linux

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • I know, but a library or a piece of software should explain it's own functions. I might know my way around the tech stack, but if you don't explain what your library does, I have no way of knowing it...

  • Old timers know
  • People calling this a horrible UI have clearly never used SAP...

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • That documentation is supposed to explain how a thing works to people who don't know how it works. I know, sounds extremely obvious, but you'd be surprised how much documentation out there is written in a way, expecting you to already know what it's talking about. No. I do not. It is the documentation's job to explain ME what IT is talking about...

  • Let me pull this out of my ass
  • Doesn't it stand for "supposed to be structured"?

  • Fully Virtualized Gaming Server?
  • Check out this video

    It goes over all of the steps of setting it up.

  • Fully Virtualized Gaming Server?
  • GPU passthrough has been pretty good for a while. The reason why Linus couldn't get it working reliably was because iirc, he tried to do it on windows... I've done it before with a single gpu and have very recently set it up again, now that I have a 2nd one and gotta say, it's pretty damn good...

  • Overflow
  • laughs in tailwind

  • Wine 9.11 has landed! 🍷
  • I really don't think "has landed" was the best choice of words here...

  • Vulkan or DirectX on Linux?
  • Try them both and use the one that works better

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • CrDroid... Use it mostly because it's stock android with a few extra options...

  • How to force all chromium apps to use wayland, instead of xwayland by default?
  • They are kinda choppy, when compared to native Wayland apps and screensharing from an app, running in xwayland doesn't really work...

  • How to force all chromium apps to use wayland, instead of xwayland by default?

    I am aware of the switches you can pass to each app to make it use native wayland, but is there any way to do it globally?

    [rio] Plan 9 is not UNIX
  • What is Plan9? Is is an OS... or a kernel... or a set of utilities? I've been sorta interested in it in the past, but have no idea where to start.

  • My homelab upgrade experience

    This is sort of a follow-up to my previous post, asking about migrating ZFS pools to a new machine. Migration went smoothly and the new machine is quite the nice upgrade, if I may say so myself I went from:

    A hacked together custom build

    AMD FX-8320E 8c/8t @3.20 GHz 16GB ram

    To a used HP ProLient dl380e gen8

    2x Xeon E5-2450 16c/32t @2.10 GHz 64GB ram

    Not mentioning storage, as I haven't changed that, still using a

    5x 2TB RAIDz1 HDD pool

    Huge thanks to anyone who replied to my old post :)

    The ProLient has been quite the fun experience, got it for real cheap and it's been pretty great. Took me a while to figure out how to get the thing booting, iLO4 is not as horrible as I expected and it is kinda loud, but pretty great other than that.

    Questions about migrating a ZFS RAID

    I've recently been looking at options to upgrade (completely replace) my current NAS, as it's currently more than a little bit jank and frankly kinda garbage. I have a few questions about that and about migrating my current TrueNAS scale installation or at least it's settings over.

    Q1: Does the physical order of the drives matter? I.E. The order they are plugged into the SATA ports.

    Q2: Since I have TrueNAS scale installed on a USB flash drive (yeah, ik you're not supposed to but it is what it is), how bad of an idea would it be to just... unplug it from my current NAS and plug it into the new one?

    Q3: If all else fails, how reliable is TrueNAS scale's importing of ZFS Pools and are there any gotchas with it?

    Q4: Would moving to a virtualized solution like proxmox and installing TrueNAS scale on top of that in a VM make more sense on a beefier server?

    E: Thank you all for the replies, the migration went smoothly :)

    Audio crackling in Helldivers 2

    I mean, the title really says it all. It occurs seemingly at random, but not all the time and I've been unable to determine any pattern to it... I'm using the latest proton stable version and pipewire-pulse for audio. Any ideas on how to fix it?

    Screen sharing fails with "Failed to connect to pipewire context" in Plasma 6

    I've had this same issue on Gentoo and now on Alpine, both with plasma 6 (Wayland). Pipewire and plasma 6 seem to be working as intended other than that... Any help would be appreciated!

    E: the issue is plasma 6 exclusive, I have hyprland installed along side it and screensharing works just fine there

    Ideas for how to repurpose a half broken laptop

    Due to unfortunate circumstances (me dropping the laptop) I have now ended up with a half broken laptop that has a broken screen and a dying battery. I could repair it, however, I don't wanna bother as I'm very likely gonna be getting a new one soon.

    The laptop itself still works fine, however the broken screen and dying battery make it pretty much useless as a laptop and I already have a home lab NAS thing, so I'm kinda out of ideas on what to do with it. Any ideas?

    Here are the specs:

    CPU: i5-8300h

    GPU: intel HD830/GTX1050ti

    RAM: 16GB

    Storage: 128GB SSD

    [SOLVED] TrueNAS scale VMs unable to see/connect to the host and vice versa

    I have recently setup a system with TrueNAS scale and while it's been mostly smooth sailing (lies), I can't figure out why TrueNAS itself cannot connect to virtual machines and vice versa, which kinda sucks for me as I have a wireguard server setup on a virtual machine, which works but clients connecting to it cannot connect to anything hosted on the host itself...

    (And the whole reason I have wireguard setup like this is because I couldn't figure out how to setup the wg-quick app, it just refuses to work for unknown to me reasons... and by "work" I mean that the WG clients just cannot connect to it, the webui itself works).

    The VMs are set with Virtio as their NIC and truenas itself is set to a static IP and can connect to everything else...

    Any help would be appreciated...


    This is gonna be a quick overview on how to fix this issue, as it seems to be fairly common. You can find more detailed instructions here:

    Scroll down to the section titled “Oh but wait”

    Note: This problem cannot be fixed through neither the webui, web shell, nor SSH, you need to have physical access to the machine, a display adapter and a monitor to display the TUI on.

    1. From the cli menu, go to "Configure network interfaces"

    2. Remove DHCP/Any other static alias you have on your main interface by either pressing delete on it or by manually going to it and deleting it, just leave the alias field blank and ipv4_dhcp to "No", then click on Save

    3. Create a new interface by bressing "n", select type 'BRIDGE", set name to "br0" (without the quotes) and either enable DHCP or add the IP alias that you previously removed from your main interface as an alias here and click on Save

    4. Back on the main "Configure network interfaces screen" press "a" to save changes, then "p" to make them permanent (again without the quotes).

    5. At this point, your network should drop out and you shouldn't be able to connect to the WebUI. Reboot the system and everything should work properly again!

    6. That's it! Problem solved. Now you should go and change the NICs of the VMs to use the new br0 and they should able to connect to the truenas host just fine.

    How to make iptables rules permanent?

    I've been trying to setup pivpn on alpine, but it keeps complaining about some iptables rules not being set, requiring me to run pivpn -d each time the system is started to fix it...

    Why is this sub so against jokes and more lighthearted posts?

    I don't get it, every post here that isn't about Linux or some serious topic seems to get downvoted to hell.

    I like Linux as much as the next guy, but c'mon, not everything here has to be about it or serious topics...

    Can someone explain me how RAID works?

    I recently got a few (5) hard drives to turn my home server into a NAS with trueNAS scale and my idea is to have 4 usable and 1 for redundancy, my question is... How does RAID work, like what is RAID 0, RAID 5, software RAID etc, and does any of that even matter for my use case?

    Best place to buy replacement parts for a laptop?

    I've got a Dell G3 3579 that's in a dire need of a battery and a bottom panel replacement. I've thought of buying them off aliexpress, but I'm a bit skeptical of it... So ig my question is whether it's OK to buy stuff like replacement laptop batteries off aliexpress.

    E: I've checked, amazon does not ship to my country... I'm also technically asking if anyone knows any trusted good replacement battery manufacturers that I should look for...

    Unixporn Presi300
    [Plasma] Gren


    OS: You can see it... do I need to type it here?

    DE: Plasma (Wayland)

    Panel: the plasma panel

    Programs shown: Dolphin (file manager), neofetch (fancy Ascii art on the terminal)

    Plasma theme: Fluent

    Kvantum theme: Fluent-dark-green

    Icons: Papirus

    Background image: image

    Original from pexels, upscaled with: Upscayl

    [SOLVED] /etc/fstab entries being ignored

    [Look at comments for solution]

    Yeah, can't really explain why either...

    #* /dev/nvme0n1p4 LABEL=Gentoo_ROOT UUID=1904b32b-44e0-47c0-9896-f2a72462ba35 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1

    #* /dev/nvme0n1p5 UUID=da7160d5-2c7b-4dee-99a2-f77fd94fd50c /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2

    #* /dev/nvme0n1p6 LABEL=GENTOO_BOOT UUID=3549-4E88 /boot vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 2


    #* /dev/sdb3 LABEL=2TB\134x20HDD\134x20P2 UUID=3abcc113-850d-4e7a-88fb-f183907b3b55 /run/media/presi300/2TB\134x5cx20HDD\134x5cx20P2 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

    #* /dev/sdc1 UUID=35bb39b3-650d-45d5-bf13-795edf483ca2 /run/media/presi300/35bb39b3-650d-45d5-bf13-795edf483ca2 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

    #* /dev/sdb1 LABEL=2TBP1 UUID=0c9f4f41-5129-4829-8666-c1c7ee6b0ff0 /run/media/presi300/2TBP1 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

    #* /dev/sda1 LABEL=1TB UUID=199a489b-a592-4546-9b38-8ba1f0365a34 /run/media/presi300/1TB ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2


    I've tried changing pretty much everything in /etc/fstab to no effect, another weird thing is that the system can boot without /etc/fstab being present... Though only the ROOT partition gets mounted. Any Ideas? (Ignore the *s, they are so that the # appears instead of lemmy enlarging the text)

    Making a custom live iso, then flashing it with persistent storage

    Recently, I've been wanting to make a custom live iso with a couple of tools that I need but I really don't know where to start or what to do... any help?

    E: I didn't phrase my post correctly, I need a portable set of desktop tools for development, running on the gnome desktop

    Unixporn Presi300
    [Plasma] Black/White and light
    Ideas for self-hosted services

    I've had a "home lab server" for a while now, it's nothing special but I think I can do more with it, I just don't know what to do with it... I currently use it just for a pihole and (sometimes) a Minecraft server or a web server... I used to also have a nexcloud and a searxng instance (which I will probably bring back)... Any ideas for other things I can run on it?

    Any way to install a more recent version of linux-xanmod without compiling in on fedora?

    I know that there is a copr repo, but that copr repo seems to have been abandoned as it's stuck on linux 6.1...

    What new incarnons would you like to see added to Warframe?

    For me, I'd like to see a simmulor and an amprex incarnon...

    How do I explain to a person that the "red pill mentality" is stupid?

    This is a genuine question, as every time I have an argument about this with someone they bring a point so utterly stupid that it leaves me stumped...

    Presi300 Presi300

    Professional Neckbeard

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    Comments 611